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研究生(外文):Chen, Nai-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Feature Weighting for k-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Using Differential Evolution Algorithms
指導教授(外文):Juan, Yee-Tsong
口試委員(外文):Lai, Zone-ChangLiaw, Yi-ChingHuang, Tsung-Jen
外文關鍵詞:Feature WeightingBig DataMachine learningDifferential Evolutionk-Nearest Neighbors
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自工業革命發展以來,為了節省勞力,時間與成本,人們一直追求要讓機器取代人工。因此,機器學習一直是很多研究領域內的一個熱門的研究課題。近幾年來,電腦的軟體及硬體技術迅速提升,使得實際上所收集的資料越來越龐大,更複雜,以及快速變化,形成所謂的巨量資料(big data)。巨量資料包含數量龐大和/或高維度的數據,使得人們對現今資料的理解與實際應用產生了嚴重障礙。機器學習可以從數據來反覆學習,使得電腦在沒有明確的知識下能夠從龐大的資料中找出數據隱藏的見解。機器學習技術已被廣泛應用到挖掘有價值的資訊,並幫助我們做適當的決策。當處理高維度的巨量資料時,決定特徵的重要性是當今一個非常重要的議題,以求減少計算和資料存儲的高複雜度問題。


Since the industrial revolution, people seek to replace human workers with machines in terms of benefits in labor, time and cost savings etc. With the advances in hardware and software technology in the recent years, data collected in practice are becoming larger, fast-changing and more complex. Big Data, which contain large-scale and/or high-dimensional data, cause serious obstacles for people in data interpretation and applications. As a result, machine learning has been a popular research topic within many fields of study. Machine learning, which can iteratively learn from data, allows computers to find hidden insights of data without explicit knowledge. Machine learning techniques have been widely applied to mine valuable information and help us in the decision making process. In dealing with high-dimensional Big Data, the determination of feature importance plays a key issue in order to reduce the high complexity of computing and data storage.

This paper presents a method to determine feature importance and feature weighting using an integration of Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm and k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) algorithm. DE algorithm, a heuristic optimization algorithm, follows biological evolution via mutation, crossover and selection operations to find an optimal solution. The kNN algorithm is a simple classifier algorithm but works incredibly well in various fields in practice. In our proposed method, the weights of features and the k value for kNN are first chosen by DE algorithm and then evaluated by the accuracy performance of kNN algorithm. Our experimental results on six UCI datasets show that when using appropriate DE parameters, the proposed method can have the better overall accuracy performance and outperform the six compared approaches.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 1
緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 論文架構 3
第二章 4
相關研究 4
第三章 7
系統架構 7
3.1 系統流程簡介 7
3.2 DE演算法(Differential Evolution) 8
3.2.1 DE參數向量的初始化 9
3.2.2 DE突變利用差異向量(Difference Vectors) 9
3.2.3 DE交叉操作(Crossover) 10
3.2.4 DE選擇運算(Selection) 14
3.2.5 DE迭代 14
3.3 k-近鄰演算法(k-nearest Neighbor) 14
3.4 歐幾里德距離(Euclidean distance) 15
3.5皮爾森距離(Pearson distance) 15
第四章 17
實驗與分析 17
4.1 測試資料集合 17
4.2 評估方法 18
4.3 分類器參數設定 19
4.4 系統預測表現的比較 20
第五章 23
結論 23
參考文獻 24

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