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研究生(外文):Chi, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱:基於 WebRTC 的低延遲遠端桌面平台
論文名稱(外文):Low Latency Remote Desktop Based on WebRTC
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chun-YingMa, Shang-Pin
口試委員(外文):Wu, Yu-Sung
外文關鍵詞:HTML5Remote Desktop ConnectionVirtual Network ComputingWebRTCWebSocket
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有鑑於此,我們設計並實作一個以WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication)為基礎的即時遠端桌面服務。我們整合開放源碼的原生WebRTC程式碼將桌面即時地傳至用戶端。網路連接參數以及進行遠端控制則使用WebSocket進行傳遞。用戶端使用標準的HTML5 Web技術實作,除了可以跨平台使用外,用戶端甚至不需要安裝任何軟體,只需要打開瀏覽器就可以直接連線操作。我們亦進行實際實驗量測系統效能。在相同環境下,我們所提出的方法有更優於以VNC或RDP為基礎的方法。雖然效能比不上經過最佳化的雲端戲平台,但我們相信WebRTC的潛力可以讓開發人員建立多樣化且豐富的互動式多媒體應用。
Remote desktop applications provides ubiquitous services for people to access their desktop applications anytime and anywhere. People now can perform remote access or remote assistance by using almost any type of devices with network connectivity capabilities. Among all remote desktop solutions, the most common one might be that comes with Windows operating systems. However, it only works on Windows and a public IP address is required to host the service. There are cross platform solutions such as TeamViewer, Chrome remote desktop connection, and Virtual Network Computing. To work with these solutions, users have to install a corresponding client software to access these services. In addition, the performance of these solutions is not good enough to play with real-time applications such as cloud gaming and interactive multimedia applications.
Based on the observation, we designed and implemented a real-time remote desktop service based on WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication). We integrated the open sourced native WebRTC codes and attempted to deliver real-time desktop applications to a client. The setup of network connection parameters and the exchange of controlling messages are performed by using the WebSocket protocol. Thus, the client can be implemented using standard HTML5 Web technology. As a result, the client works seamlessly on almost all popular platforms and a user is able to access the service by simply using a standard browser. We conduct experiments to measure the performance of our proposed approach. Given the same setups, the performance measurements show that our WebRTC based approach has better performance than VNC and RDP based approaches. Although the performance is not as good as a fully optimized cloud gaming platform, we believe that WebRTC has the potentials for developers to create diverse and fruitful interactive real-time multimedia applications.
摘要 .......................................................................................................................... Ⅰ
Abstract ................................................................................................................. Ⅱ
目次 ...................................................................................................................... Ⅲ
圖次 ........................................................................................................................ Ⅴ
表次 ....................................................................................................................... Ⅵ
第一章 前言 ............................................................................................................................. 1
第二章 相關研究 ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 遠端桌面 ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 螢幕擷取 ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 WebRTC ....................................................................................................... 5
2.4 小結 .............................................................................................................. 6
第三章 系統架構 ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 WebRTC ....................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 ICE ............................................................................................................. 9
3.1.2 DTLS .......................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 SRTP ........................................................................................... 12
3.1.4 WebRTC Web APIs .................................................................... 13 MediaStream ...................................................................... 13 RTCPeerConnection ........................................................... 14 Signaling ..................................................................... 15 ICE Candidate ............................................................ 15 Offer and Answer ....................................................... 16 RTCDataChannel ................................................................ 18
3.1.5 WebRTC Native Code ................................................................ 18 Virtual Audio Device .......................................................... 20
3.2 WebSocket .................................................................................................. 20
3.2.1 Handshake Protocol .................................................................... 21
3.2.2 用戶端建立連線 ........................................................................ 22
3.2.3 伺服器建立連線 ........................................................................ 23
3.3 Desktop Capture ......................................................................................... 24
3.3.1 Change PixelFormat ................................................................... 24
3.4 Desktop Controller ..................................................................................... 25
3.5 討論 ............................................................................................................ 26
第四章 實驗結果 .................................................................................................... 27
4.1 硬體配置 .................................................................................................... 27
4.2 軟體配置 .................................................................................................... 29
4.2.1 noVNC ........................................................................................ 29
4.2.2 Guacamole .................................................................................. 30
4.2.3 HTML5 Video Tag ..................................................................... 31
4.2.4 Chrome Extension ...................................................................... 33
4.2.5 Gaminganywhere ....................................................................... 34
4.3 實驗結果 .................................................................................................... 35
4.3.1 Frame loss rate ............................................................................ 35
4.3.2 Frame delay ................................................................................ 35
4.3.3 頻寬使用率 ................................................................................ 37
第五章 結論與未來展望 ........................................................................................ 38
第六章 參考文獻 .................................................................................................... 39
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