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研究生(外文):Pan, Chien-Nan
論文名稱(外文):Contactless Magnetic Resonance Power Transfer Efficiency Improvement
指導教授(外文):Jeng, Mu-Der
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chuan-YuChang, Po-LunHuang, Yi-ShengJeng, Mu-Der
外文關鍵詞:magnetic inductionmagnetic resonanceresonance
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本論文主要以磁共振的原理做為電力傳輸之技術,雖然非接觸式供電在市面上應用繁多,但大多以磁感應原理為主,本研究採用效率高的Class E功率放大器並於初級側搭配多芯漆包絞線來作為諧振器的線圈,以螺旋式線圈磁場分佈均勻的特性設計,再以LTspice模擬初級側6.78MHz振盪頻率訊號電路、功率放大器電路動作及諧振電路,在次級側模擬於線圈上的耦合電壓範圍及經過整流器後的直流電壓。次級側線圈以兩款不同導磁率之Ferrite貼附於線圈上,整體磁共振電力傳輸於氣隙20mm負載6W效率可提升9.14%,電力傳輸範圍增加且在相同負載功率條件下,氣隙間距增加10mm,可改善磁感應需定位作為電力傳輸之不便。在次級側以蕭特基二極體做橋式整流器元件,減少因二極體的切換損失造成溫升且降低功率消耗,於次級側線圈貼Ferrite導磁片增加磁通量,實驗結果於氣隙25mm負載6W其整體系統效率為61.11 %,於初級側線圈範圍內,在氣隙20mm之間距,以兩組次級側接收模組各加載4W,共8W的消耗功率下,系統效率為62.95%。
In this thesis, magnetic resonance serves as the technology for power transmission. The principle of magnetic induction is mostly adopted though there are wide applications of non-contact power supply on the market. In this study, the highly efficient Class E power amplifier together with stranded Litz wire is used as the coil of a resonator at the primary side. The spiral coil design forms a magnetic field featuring even distribution. Then, LTspice is used to simulate signal circuit of 6.78MHz oscillation frequency, circuit of the power amplifier and resonant circuit at the primary side. At the secondary side, the range of coupling voltage through the coil and the DC voltage passing through the rectifier are simulated. Meanwhile, Ferrite of two grades of magnetic permeability is attached to the coil at the secondary side. As a result, the overall efficiency of power transmission applying magnetic resonance increases by 9.14% at 20mm air gap and 6W load. The range of power transmission gets wider. Moreover, an increase of 10mm air gap under the same power loading conditions is proved to eliminate the inconvenience caused by the need of positioning magnetic induction for power transmission. At the secondary side, the Schottky diode is used as an element for a bridge rectifier. This helps avoid rising temperatures caused by loss generated via diode switching and thus reduce power consumption. In addition, Ferrite magnetic sheets attached to coil can increase magnetic flux at the secondary side. The results of the experiment show that the overall system efficiency is 61.11% at 25mm air gap and 6W load while within the coil range at the primary side, the system efficiency reaches 62.95% at air gap 20mm together with two receiver modules with consumption power of 4W for each, totaling 8W, at the secondary side.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目次 IV
圖次 V
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究方法 2
1.4 論文大綱 4
1.5 論文貢獻 4
第二章 非接觸式磁共振原理 6
2.1 文獻回顧 6
2.2 磁共振原理 8
2.4 電感線圈及耦合 11
2.5 集膚效應 13
2.6 諧振匹配電路 14
2.7 功率放大器 16
2.8 橋式整流電路 17
2.9 降壓式轉換器 18
第三章 非接觸式磁共振系統電路設計 20
3.1 前言 20
3.2 電路系統架構 20
3.3 磁性材料 23
3.4 初級側電路架構 23
3.5 次級側電路架構 26
第四章電路模擬與實驗結果 29
4.1 前言 29
4.2 LTspice電路模擬 30
4.3 實驗結果分析 33
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 64
5.1 結論 64
5.2 未來研究方向 64
參考文獻 66

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