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研究生(外文):Shaiu, Yinq-Long
論文名稱(外文):Research of Performance for Diesel Ship
指導教授(外文):Hwang, Daw-Shang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yung-Wei
外文關鍵詞:Regression analysisPredictive modelDiesel engine performanceTorque-rich indexFuel oil consumption
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船舶油耗是船舶經營成本的主要項目之一,船舶油耗增加,可能肇因於船舶阻力增大,或船舶主機性能下降,輪機管理者必須能有效的區隔出正確原因,而予以處理及改善,才能節省船舶之燃油消耗。 本研究以主柴油機廠試與船模試驗資料,透過統計方法與回歸分析,作出各指標之特性曲線預測模型,用以診斷出運轉資料點與模型基線間的差異量,來了解目前主機之性能表現結果。運用線性回歸預測性能低落變化的趨勢,並找到性能下降的主因,以作為後續處理的有效建議。 本研究所採用的分析方法用於實船案例,統計3.5年期間的馬力分佈,約有71%是高於參考線以上的馬力,以用來維持13節的船速。 又針對主柴油機性能以複回歸對相關參數作分析,從最高的估計係數得知過扭指數是對排氣溫度上升的最大影響因子。
Fuel cost accounts is the major item in ship operating expenditure, increase in fuel oil consumption may be caused by increase in hull resistance or degraded marine diesel engine performance, marine engineers must distinguish them effectively from all abnormal symptoms, so as to take proper actions to restore ship efficiency and reduce fuel cost. In this thesis, the predictive model is obtained by statistical method and regression analysis, the model curve data which consists of main diesel engine shop trial data or speed-power data derived on towing tank test is used to find deviation between service data and model baseline. A linear regression model with implanted deviations is used to predict performance degradation over time in order to find root cause of degraded performance and effectively recommend for further correction. Analysis method as proposed in this thesis has applied to a real ship for verification, results shows that about 71% power higher than a reference line for a constant 13 knots ship speed during a period of about 3.5 years. On analyzing performance parameters of main diesel engine, increase in torque-rich index is the main cause for increased exhaust temperature.
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------- I
Abstract ------------------------------------------------- II
致謝 ----------------------------------------------------- III
目次 ------------------------------------------------------ IV
圖次 ------------------------------------------------------ VI
表次 ------------------------------------------------------ IX
符號表 ---------------------------------------------------- XI
第一章 緒論 ---------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 研究目的 ----------------------------------------------- 1
1.3 研究方法 ----------------------------------------------- 2
1.4 研究範圍 ----------------------------------------------- 2
1.5 論文架構 ----------------------------------------------- 2
第二章 船舶性能分析 ------------------------------------------ 4
2.1 分析程序 ----------------------------------------------- 4
2.2 船體、主機與螺槳關係 ------------------------------------- 4
2.3 風浪阻力修正 ------------------------------------------- 10
2.4 排水量修正---------------------------------------------- 14
2.5 修正至參考船速與設計載重船速-馬力曲線下的馬力 --------------- 16
第三章 柴油機性能分析 --------------------------------------- 17
3.1 分析程序 ---------------------------------------------- 17
3.2 油泵齒條指數修正與馬力計算 ------------------------------- 17
3.3 主機燃油消耗計算 --------------------------------------- 23
3.4 性能參數修正計算 --------------------------------------- 24
3.5 柴油機負荷圖 ------------------------------------------- 27
第四章 模型建立與資料計算 ------------------------------------ 30
4.1 船速-馬力模型 ------------------------------------------ 30
4.2 柴油機性能模型 ----------------------------------------- 35
4.3 性能資料紀錄表 ----------------------------------------- 48
4.4 參考船速下的馬力修正計算 --------------------------------- 51
4.5 航次測量資料計算與彙整 ----------------------------------- 53
第五章 模型驗證 -------------------------------------------- 57
5.1 船速馬力模型 ------------------------------------------- 57
5.2 螺槳轉速餘裕模型 ---------------------------------------- 61
5.3 主機性能模型 ------------------------------------------- 62
5.4 進塢前主機排氣溫度持續上升原因分析 ------------------------- 79
第六章 結論與展望 ------------------------------------------- 83
6.1結論 --------------------------------------------------- 83
6.2展望 --------------------------------------------------- 84
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------- 85
附錄 ----------------------------------------------------- 87
附錄1 船舶性能計算表 ---------------------------------------- 87
附錄2 主機性能計算表 ---------------------------------------- 93
附錄3 分析進塢前主機排氣溫度持續上升原因變數表 ------------------ 97

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