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研究生(外文):Jiang, Meng-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Growth of nano and micro structures of iron oxides by CO2 laser-heating under air atmosphere
外文關鍵詞:CO2 laseriron oxidenanostructuresmicrostructures
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本研究於大氣環境下以二氧化碳雷射加熱法直接加熱氧化鐵塊材表面,成功生長出氧化鐵奈米及微米結構,並且透過掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)分析氧化鐵表面的奈米以及微米結構的形貌,透過能量散佈分析儀(EDS)針對生長的結構做元素分析後,證實生長的奈米及微米結構為純氧化鐵,並以高解析穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)、拉曼光譜儀(Raman spectroscopy)、X光繞射儀(XRD)分析其晶體結構。
雷射掃描加熱氧化鐵塊材表面處理,加熱時間為10~20秒,雷射功率為7~13 W,透過掃描式電子顯微鏡形貌分析後發現,主要生長的結構為奈米片狀,以及微米顆粒狀的結構。雷射定點加熱氧化鐵塊材表面處理,加熱時間為10~15秒,雷射功率為4~7 W,透過掃描式電子顯微鏡形貌(SEM)形貌分析後發現,主要生長的結構為微米柱狀、八面體結構,而微米柱長度約為11~24微米,直徑約為6~10微米。
以上所生長出的氧化鐵奈米與微米結構,主要是由-Fe2O3以及Fe3O4所構成的混合物。-Fe2O3的能隙為2.1 eV,是n型半導體材料,本身具有磁性、無毒性、抗腐蝕的特性。三氧化二鐵在能隙方面有很大的優勢,並可應用在鋰電池電極、氣體感測器、場效電晶體、場發射等方面。Fe3O4為具有立方反尖晶石型結構,它已被廣泛地用作磁性流體和磁性記錄材料,由於其獨特的電學和磁學性質,使其成為重要磁鐵礦材料。Fe3O4已在磁性油墨,電子和生物敏感材料,高密度磁性記錄介質和生物醫學領域被應用,因為Fe3O4大小與形態和磁特性與生物體相容性好。因此,四氧化三鐵奈米及微米結構的製備及其性能研究在最近幾年異常活耀。
In this study, nano and micro structures of iron oxides were successfully grown by CO2 laser-heating under atmosphere, and we analyze their surface morphology through a scanning electron microscope (SEM). We also do elemental analysis for the growth of structure through the energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and then confirm the structure as pure iron oxide. Besides, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction analyzer (XRD) were used to analysis their crystal structures.
Nano and micro structures of iron oxides were grown under different laser power and heating time, and the method of heating the bulk iron oxide were divided into two categories. One is heating the bulk surface by laser scanning, and the other is heating the bulk surface by laser pointing heating.
Under the method of heating the bulk iron oxide by laser scanning, the heating time is 10 to 20 seconds, and the laser power is 7 to 13 W. After morphology analysis by SEM we found that the main structures are nanoflakes and micro particles. Under the method of heating the bulk iron oxide by laser pointing heating, the heating time is 10 to 15 seconds, and the laser power is 4 to 7 W. After morphology analysis by SEM we found that the main structures are micro column and octahedral structures, and column length is about 11 to 24 microns, column diameter is about 6 to 10 microns.
Above nano and micro structures of iron oxides mainly consists of a mixture composed of a-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4. a-Fe2O3 energy gap is 2.1eV, and is an n-type semiconductor material. This material has a magnetic, nontoxic, and anticorrosion properties. Iron oxides have a great advantage in terms of band gap, and applications in lithium battery electrodes, gas sensors, field effect transistors, field emission and so on. Fe3O4 has a cubic inverse spinel structure, it has been widely used as a magnetic fluid and magnetic recording materials, due to their unique electrical and magnetic properties, making it an important magnetite material. Fe3O4 has been used in magnetic ink, electronics and bio-sensitive materials, high-density magnetic recording medium field of medicine and biology. Because their size, shape and the magnetic properties are good compatible with the organism, therefore, the preparation and researching the properties of nano and micro structures of iron oxides are very active in recent years.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 生長氧化鐵奈米結構文獻回顧 3
2-1高溫爐加熱法 3
2-2電阻加熱法 5
2-3水熱法 6
2-4微波合成法 7
2-5二氧化碳雷射法(本研究) 9
第三章 氧化鐵材料特性與樣品製備 10
3-1氧化鐵材料之基本特性 10
3-2氧化鐵樣品製備步驟 13
3-3氧化鐵結構之合成步驟 16
3-4氧化鐵結構之形貌分析 19
第四章 氧化鐵結構之分析與比較 21
4-1氧化鐵結構之XRD分析 21
4-2氧化鐵結構之TEM分析 23
4-3氧化鐵結構之Raman頻譜分析 25
4-4氧化鐵結構之不同參數下的比較 27
4-4-1二氧化碳雷射掃描加熱氧化鐵塊材表面 27
4-4-2二氧化碳雷射定點加熱氧化鐵塊材表面 32
4-5氧化鐵微米柱之生長過程 39
第五章 結論與未來工作 43
5-1結論 43
5-2未來工作 44
參考文獻 45

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