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研究生(外文):Yi-Xuan Li
論文名稱(外文):Research on Usage Forecast of Public Bicycle with Open Data
外文關鍵詞:Usage forecastARIMAHolt-WintersBP neural networkHybrid model
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此外由於公共自行車系統相對於其他大眾運輸運具,更易受到外在環境的影響,天氣狀況的改變也會導致使用量的短期變化。這也導致了單一時間序列模式或針對歷史資料的決策樹模式無法更為精確的描述使用量的變化情況。本研究首先應用自我回歸移動平均整合模式(ARIMA)、三次指數平滑法(Holt-Winters)以及倒傳遞神經網路(BP Neural Network)分別獨立建立預測模式,結果顯示,單一預測模型對使用量預測的精度有限,故考量建立混合預測模型,應用Holt-Winters算法擬合(fit)原始時間序列數據,並應用ARIMA模式進一步擬合Holt-Winters的殘差項,並應用倒傳遞神經網絡結合天氣因素擬合處理過的殘差項,通過將模型動態迭代以得出穩定的時間序列模式及天氣擾動之神經網路模型,建構出精確度更高的混合模型。

In recent years, with the improvement of green transportation idea, increasingly importance has been attached to public bicycle system. The usage and the number of stations increased year by year. There are some big or little problems occurred in the development process of public bicycle system. The two of the serious factors which effect the user satisfaction are no bike for rent and no parking place. So how to meet the part of demand is the urgent problem need operator solve.
A completed forecast model could help the operator deal with the problem, reduces the impact for user. However, the most of the past research are concerned on average usage based on the historic data or linear regression and decision tree models. These methods always employing with cross-section cannot include time progress attributes. The tendency of demand along time passage is ignored in them.
Compared to other transportation tools, the usage character of bicycle is different. It is more easily influenced by the external environment, especially the weather. The phenomenon causes the single time series or decision tree model is hardly fit the usage data very precisely. The ARIMA model, Holt-Winters model and BP neural network are modeling independent first. In spite of the results show that the single models could also forecast the usage, the accuracy of models are very limited. The Hybrid dynamic model has been built which use the Holt-Winters model break down the original data and employ the ARIMA model fit the residuals. The BP neural network is used to fit the filtered residuals after the process and amend the original data every period. The more stable and precise models could be built after the iteration.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與對象 2
1.4 研究方法 2
1.5 研究內容與流程 3
第 2 章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 公共自行車系統 5
2.1.1 公共自行車系統之發展背景 5
2.1.2 公共自行車系統特性與定位 8
2.1.3 臺北微笑單車之發展情況 10
2.2 公共自行車使用行為之影響因素 13
2.2.1 影響因素概述 13
2.2.2 氣候影響因素 15
2.3 統計預測理論 16
2.3.1 預測理論概述 16
2.3.2 交通預測模型應用之探討 17
2.3.3 模型優缺點之比較分析 19
2.3.4 時間序列模式的發展與應用 20
2.3.5 神經網路的發展與應用 22
2.4 混合模型建構 24
第 3 章 研究方法論 26
3.1 三次指數平滑法 26
3.2 ARIMA模型 26
3.3 倒傳遞神經網絡 28
3.4 混合模型設計 30
3.5 預測結果與比較分析 31
第 4 章 實證研究 34
4.1 現狀分析 34
4.2 公共自行車使用量之影響因素 38
4.3 單一模型預測結果 39
4.3.1 基於Holt-Winters模型之預測 39
4.3.2 基於ARIMA模式之預測結果 43
4.3.3 基於神經網絡預測結果 47
4.4 混合模型預測 51
4.5 預測結果比較與分析 54
4.6 模型移轉性驗證 55
第 5 章 結論與建議 60
5.1 結論 60
5.2 建議 61
參考文獻 62
附錄<一> 67

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