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研究生(外文):Hsien-Yang Lee
論文名稱(外文):Study on Foliage in Green Building Systems - Its cost and Integration with BIM
指導教授(外文):Po-han Chen
外文關鍵詞:EEWHgreeneryfoliageBIMgenetic algorithm
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With the emphasis on environmental protection in recent years, green building has also become a popular and important topic. Greenery design not only plays a crucial role in green building certification systems, but also reduces the heat island effect and helps improve human health. After comparing most popular green building standards in the world, it is found that the Taiwanese green building standard, EEWH, specifically focuses on greenery design and make it an independent indicator, called “foliage.”

The foliage indicator in EEWH mainly considers the carbon dioxide absorption amount of various types of plants, such as trees, bushes, and lawns. The foliage indicator also encourages the use of local plants and plants that can attract birds and butterflies by giving bonus scores in EEWH. This research aims to develop a system that can easily calculate the foliage scores of greenery design from Revit BIM models and the corresponding greenery cost. An optimization model for tree-based greenery design using the genetic algorithm was also developed. Finally, this research would discuss the use of different types of trees in greenery design and their corresponding costs and foliage scores. Whether the selected trees in greenery design are local or whether these trees can attract birds or butterflies was also considered in the discussion.

口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究範圍與限制 3
1.4研究架構及流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1建築資訊模型BIM與其應用程式介面API 5
2.2綠化對人與環境之影響 6
2.2.1植物降溫 6
2.2.2綠化與人體健康 6
2.3綠建築指標比較 6
2.3.1英國BREEAM 7
2.3.2美國LEED 9
2.3.3台灣EEWH 11
2.3.4日本CASBEE 12
2.3.5香港BEAM plus 14
2.3.6新加坡BCA Green Mark 15
2.4 EEWH綠化量指標 17
2.4.1綠化量指標得分計算 19
2.4.2栽植類型定義與優惠評估 20
2.5演算法比較與選擇 21
2.5.1演算法選擇 21
2.5.2遺傳演算法Genetic Algorithm 23
第三章 綠化量指標得分與成本計算 29
3.1軟體選擇 29
3.2綠化量指標得分與成本計算方式 29
3.2.1綠化量指標得分計算 29
3.2.2使用植栽成本計算方式 32
3.3植栽分類與成本資料建置 32
3.4 BIM元件建置與參數設定 32
3.5得分與成本計算API開發說明 36
第四章 優化程式設計 42
4.1優化對象選擇 42
4.2優化程式設定 44
4.2.1編碼方式 44
4.2.2初始族群決定方式 47
4.2.3適應值 48
4.2.4複製策略 48
4.2.5母體數決定 49
4.2.6交配策略 49
4.2.7突變策略 50
4.2.8演化世代數決定 51
4.3綠化量指標設計值優化程式執行結果 53
第五章 結論與建議 57
5.1結論 57
5.2建議 57
參考文獻 59
附錄1 植栽編碼 62

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