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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):Production Control in Multi-product Systems with Common Machines under Process Queue Time Constraints
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Hung Wu
口試委員(外文):I-Hsuan HongFeng-Tian YuChun-Hong Lan
外文關鍵詞:production controlmachine reliabilityqueue time constraintscommon machinesheuristicMarkov decision process
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本研究透過馬可夫決策過程(Markov Decision Process, MDP)加上動態規劃作為求解方法、以最小化總成本的目標進行求解,並由兩產品共用下游機台模型(ACDCW)推廣至可應用於更多產品的生產系統的多產品共用下游機台演算法(MPCWH)。模擬驗證證明兩個控制方法皆能達到改善成本之目的。

This research develops a dynamic scheduling method for multi-product production systems under process queue time (PQT) constraints, wherein waiting time between consecutive processing steps is constrained by predefined upper limits. If the waiting time of a work-in-process (WIP) violates the corresponding PQT constraint, the WIP may be scrapped or have to be reworked due to quality concern. Machine reliability is another concern in the research. Random machine failure in the system may leads to higher risk of scrap and the increase of cycle time. Thus an effective control method with real time machine reliability considerations is important.
First, admission control method of two-product production system is developed using the technique of Markov decision process. The objective is to minimize total expected waiting and scrap costs. In the system having more than two products, a heuristic is developed based on two product model.
Through the 3 types of experiment design, simulation analysis were implemented. The result of simulation indicates that both two-product model and heuristic used in multiple product system could improve total cost effectively.

中文摘要 i
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與研究目的 3
1.2.1 研究動機 3
1.2.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 共用機台相關文獻 5
2.2 作業等候時間限制問題相關文獻 6
2.3 解決求解複雜度相關文獻 8
第三章 問題描述與研究方法 9
3.1 問題描述 9
3.2 研究問題假設與定義 10
3.3 報廢機率估計 11
3.4 兩產品共用下游機台模型(ACDCW Model) 14
3.5 多產品共用機台演算法 18
3.5.1 求解模型 20
3.5.2 執行過程 23
第四章 數值範例與模擬驗證 25
4.1 數值範例 25
4.1.1 兩產品共用下游機台模型 25
4.1.2 多產品共用機台演算法 30
4.1.3 ACDCW模型與MPCWH演算法之比較 37
4.2 模擬驗證 38
4.3 實驗設計 42
4.3.1 兩產品單機台生產系統實驗設計 42
4.3.2 三產品單機台生產系統實驗設計 45
4.3.3 三產品多機台生產系統實驗設計 49
4.4 實驗結果─兩產品共用下游機台模型(ACDCW) 52
4.4.1 實驗結果摘要 52
4.4.2 敏感度分析 53
4.5 實驗結果─多產品共用機台演算法(Ⅰ) 59
4.5.1 實驗結果摘要 59
4.5.2 敏感度分析 60
4.6 實驗結果─多產品共用下游機台演算法(Ⅱ) 66
4.6.1 實驗結果摘要 66
4.6.2 敏感度分析 67
4.7 實驗結果─多產品共用下游機台演算法(Ⅲ) 72
4.7.1 實驗結果摘要 72
4.7.2 敏感度分析 72
4.8 小結 75
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 89
5.1 結論 89
5.2 未來研究方向 89
參考文獻 90
附錄一 兩產品共用下游機台模型實驗結果 94
附錄二 三產品共用下游機台模型實驗結果(每站單機台) 117
附錄三 三產品共用下游機台模型實驗結果(每站多機台) 138

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