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研究生(外文):Yu-Fan Lee
論文名稱(外文):Diffusiophoretic Motion of an Isolated ChargedSoft Particle
指導教授(外文):Eric Lee
口試委員(外文):Hsien-Yeh ChenJiashing Yu
外文關鍵詞:DiffusiophoresisSoft ParticlePolarization EffectConcentration GradientElectrical Double Layer
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The diffusiophoretic motion of a uniformly distributed charge soft particle suspended in an infinite medium of electrolyte solution is studied in this paper. The resulted nonlinear electrokinetic equations governing the diffusiophoretic motion are solved numerically with a pseudo-spectral method based on Chebyshev polynomials. In particular, the convection contribution of the ion flux and the polarization effect are taken into account.

Key parameters of electrokinetic interest are examined for their respective effect on the particle motion, and the results presented here show the particle diffusiophoretic mobility deviates significantly from the analytical prediction using linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Meanwhile, it is also found that a soft particle may reverse its direction with a high surface charge condition of the hard core, which significantly influences the diffusiophoretic motion. These results provide more information about the general electrokinetic behavior of a soft particle such as sphere polyelectrolyte brushes, polymer-coated colloidal particles and other engineered nanoparticles (ENPs), which has a great potential in treating systems of biochemical or microfluidic interests.

中文摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1 膠體系統 1
1.2 軟球粒子 7
1.3 擴散泳理論 10
1.4 膠體粒子擴散泳現象的相關應用 13
1.5 擴散泳文獻回顧 17
1.6 軟物質擴散泳模型 20
1.7 研究動機 23
Chapter 2 理論分析 24
2.1 電動力學方程組 25
2.1.1 電位方程式 26
2.1.2 離子守恆式 27
2.1.3 流場方程式 28
2.2 平衡態與擾動態 32
2.2.1 平衡態 35
2.2.2 擾動態 36
2.3 邊界條件 39
2.4 二維系統的一維化 45
2.5 系統無因次化分析 47
2.6 數值無窮遠邊界處理方法 52
2.7 粒子受力計算 56
2.8 泳動度之計算 57
Chapter 3 數值方法 60
3.1 正交配位法 60
3.2 空間映射 64
3.3 多區聯解問題 66
3.4 牛頓-拉福森 (Newton-Raphson) 疊代法 69
3.5 擾動態多變數聯解 72
3.6 數值積分 74
Chapter 4 結果討論 76
4.1 驗證程式正確性 77
4.1.1 比對Keh軟球擴散泳解析解 77
4.2 軟球層帶電之影響 80
4.3 硬球核存在之影響 84
4.4 硬球核比例之影響 89
4.5 摩擦係數之影響 91
Chapter 5 結論 94
參考資料 97
附錄A 常見電解質水溶液參數值 104
附錄B 座標系統簡介 107
附錄C 力積分之推導 111
附錄D 擴散泳相關邊界條件推導 115

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