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研究生(外文):Bing-Sian Wu
論文名稱(外文):Reaction Kinetics of Xylose to Furfural Catalyzed by Sulfuric Acid Systems
外文關鍵詞:furfuralsulfuric acidchromium sulfate (III)sodium chlorideagricultural wastesreaction kinetics
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Furfural yields from dehydration of xylose in conventional production processes catalyzed by sulfuric acid were limited to fifty percent because of side reactions. In the past, there are some researches about increasing furfural production rate and yield, such as addition of chromium ions (III) or sodium chloride respectively in acidic reaction media.
In this study, reaction kinetics of furfural production from pure xylose in a homogeneous catalyst with chromium ions (III) and sodium chloride in sulfuric acid solution has been studied under a batch reaction system. Experimental designs and statistical analysis were used to find optimal concentrations of the catalysts for furfural production. In this research, the synergetic effect of simultaneous addition of sulfuric acid, chromium sulfate (III) and sodium chloride on catalytic property has been found, which can increase the furfural production rate substantially. In addition, the results about effects of reaction temperature showed that the activation energy of the major reaction is higher than side reactions; therefore, furfural selectivity and yield can increase at higher reaction temperature. When the reaction was in the solution with 2.5mM sulfuric acid, 5ppm chromium sulfate(III) and 5wt% sodium chloride at 200℃ high temperature, the value of the ratio between main reaction rate and side reaction rate k1/k2 (furfural selectivity) can reach 3.95.
Reaction kinetics of xylose solution, produced from agricultural wastes (wood-chip) in real pretreatment processes developed by Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, have also been studied. Compared with the results of pure xylose at the same reaction conditions, lower reaction rates and higher side reaction rate of furfural degradation were found. Furfural selectivity and yield decreased significantly. It demonstrated that the reaction may be influenced by impurities contained in wood-chip xylose solution. The analysis of the composition of the impurities in wood-chip xylose solution was carried out. It was found that only glucose can increase the degradation rate of furfural. Thence, there were still other unknown impurities in wood-chip xylose solution affecting reaction rates. Moreover, the value of selectivity k1/k2 decreased as the reaction temperature increased. When the reaction was in the solution with 50mM sulfuric acid, 3.27ppm chromium sulfate(III) and 5wt% sodium chloride at 160℃, the value of k1/k2 (furfural selectivity) was only at 2.36.

第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
第2章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 糠醛的發展與利用 5
2.2 糠醛的製程 7
2.2.1 一步法製程 7
2.2.2 二步法製程 9
2.3 增進糠醛產率之方法 9
2.3.1 有機溶劑萃取糠醛 10
2.3.2 添加共觸媒促進糠醛生成 12
2.3.3 糠醛製程經濟評估 13
2.4 木糖脫水生成糠醛之原理 15
2.4.1 木糖之副反應 16
2.4.2 糠醛之副反應 17
2.4.3 反應動力式模型之建立 18
第3章 實驗與鑑定方法 22
3.1 實驗藥品與器材 22
3.1.1 實驗藥品 22
3.1.2 實驗器材 23
3.2 實驗裝置 24
3.2.1 抗腐蝕反應系統 24
3.2.2 取樣設備 25
3.3 實驗步驟 28
3.4 實驗設計方法 29
3.4.1 2水準因子實驗設計(2-level Factorial Designs) 29
3.4.2 反應曲面法(Response surface methods) 30
3.4.3 迴歸及ANOVA統計分析 31
3.5 產物分析 34
3.5.1 高效能液相層析 (high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC ) 34
3.5.2 感應耦合電漿質譜分析儀 ( Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer, ICP ) 38
3.6 數據處理 39
3.6.1 木糖轉化率計算 39
3.6.2 估計各反應速率常數 40
3.6.3 檢驗木糖轉化速率常數 41
3.6.4 糠醛最大產率計算 42
3.6.5 木糖生成糠醛反應之選擇率定義 43
3.7 木寡糖濃度檢測程序 44
第4章 實驗結果與討論 46
4.1 以純木糖為原料研究脫水反應動力學 46
4.1.1 腐蝕之金屬離子對糠醛生成之影響 46
4.1.2 改變硫酸、硫酸鉻(III)濃度進行實驗設計 47
4.1.3 添加氯化鈉對糠醛生成之影響 52
4.1.4 探討共觸媒組成對選擇率、產率之影響 55
4.1.5 硫酸、硫酸鉻(III)、氯化鈉之共觸媒效應(synergetic effect) 59
4.1.6 溫度效應對糠醛生成之影響 60
4.1.7 高溫200℃的糠醛生成反應結果 61
4.1.8 與文獻結果之比較 63
4.2 以廢木片轉化之木糖為原料來生產糠醛 65
4.2.1 定量木片木糖液中已知成分濃度 65
4.2.2 以木片木糖模擬純木糖之觸媒條件 67
4.2.3 木片木糖液之木寡糖濃度分析 70
4.2.4 以純木糖液添加雜物進行模擬反應 71
4.2.5 以木片木糖為原料找尋較適化之糠醛生成反應條件 73
4.2.6 以較適觸媒條件探討木片木糖之溫度效應 75
4.3 探討反應動力參數評估之誤差 78
4.3.1 實驗所造成動力參數之誤差 78
4.3.2 動力參數值模擬的好壞 79
第5章 結論 83
第6章 文獻參考 86
第7章 附錄 88
7.1 迴歸及ANOVA之統計結果 88
7.1.1 以Ideal-batch yield為目標值(7個數據點) 88
7.1.2 以Ideal-batch yield為目標值(11個數據點) 89
7.1.3 以k1/k2為目標值(11個數據點) 90
7.2 圓形因子實驗設計 91
7.3 模擬k1/k2與觸媒濃度多項式 92

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