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研究生(外文):Yuan-Jia Fan
論文名稱(外文):Structures of octahedral fullerenes and the application of discrete local curvature and continuum elastic theory to the study of fullerene''s stability
指導教授(外文):Bih-Yaw Jin
口試委員(外文):Chun-Yi David LuYuan-Chung ChengJerry Chun Chung ChanWan-Sheng Su
外文關鍵詞:octahedral symmetryfullereneelastic theorygraphene
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There are two chapters in this dissertation. In Chapter 1, a modified elastic theory for $ ext{sp}^2$ pure carbon molecules has been proposed. The theory includes high order term in curvature, the bond stretching term and the tight-binding correction. The validity of this model has been examined by various graphitic-like molecules with different topology. The model can be applied on DFT (Density Functional Theory) optimized geometry or AIREBO (Adaptive Intermolecular Reactive Empirical Bond-Order) optimized geometry. Finally the most stable fullerene was found by constructing the candidates via the new model first and then verifying by VASP.

In Chapter 2, a construction scheme of octahedral fullerenes has been built. After investigating the topological constraint, a fundamental polygon compatible with the octahedral symmetry was found. The fundamental polygon can be specified by four integers called index. However, the octahedral fullerene does not specified by a unique index and there is redundancy in the indexes which we called index symmetries. Besides symmetries corresponded to the geometrical symmetries of the graphene, there are symmetries originated from different dissection ways of the octahedral fullerenes. Finally all the possible orbits are clarified and an algorithm to eliminate these redundancy has been suggested.

致謝 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
第一章 純碳 sp2 體系的彈性能之探討 1
第一節 導論 1
第二節 研究方法 6
第2.1小節 分子彈性能 6
第2.2小節 分子系統之離散曲率定義 8
第2.3小節 理論計算方法 9
第三節 計算結果 10
第3.1小節 擬合結果 10
第3.2小節 最穩定富勒烯之預測 10
第四節 結論 14
第二章 八面體對稱富勒烯 21
第一節 導論 21
第二節 八面體富勒烯的拓撲限制 21
第三節 索引對稱 24
第3.1小節 T2分割對稱 25
第3.2小節 T3分割對稱 25
第3.3小節 T4分割對稱 26
第四節 八面體對稱多面體之軌道 27
第4.1小節 一個Ty的情形 28
第4.2小節 兩個以上Ty的情形 28
第4.3小節 一一對應演算法 29
第五節 結論 30
附錄一 曲率簡介 41
附錄二 多面體拓撲公式整理 47
附錄三 一般富勒烯之拓撲性質 51
附錄四 緊縛模型的石墨烯能量 53
附錄五 用以檢驗模型之詳細分子構型 55
附錄六 完整最穩定富勒烯之候選名單 67
參考文獻 75

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