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研究生(外文):Kuan-Lun Chan
論文名稱(外文):The influence of dynamic skyscraper advertisement on product recognition and attitude
外文關鍵詞:skyscraper advertisementdynamic advertisementattituderecognitionsearch task
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網路廣告經常透過動態元素吸引消費者注意力,但過去研究無論方法或結果都有待進一步重新釐清直立式廣告是否能提升廣告產品的記憶。本研究模擬接續在不同網頁中搜尋訊息時右方直立式廣告的類型對記憶與產品態度的影響以及廣告處理的層次。三個實驗中,廣告類型分別為靜態與三種動態速度 (低速度、中速度、高速度)的操弄。廣告處理的層次則藉由三個實驗裡再認作業所需做的判斷層次來釐清。實驗一再認作業的目標刺激與非目標刺激產品類別不同;實驗二目標刺激與非目標刺激類別相同且外觀相似;實驗三為目標刺激與非目標刺激類別相同但外觀不相似。結果顯示中等速度的動態直立式廣告可以增加對產品類別的記憶再認,但不影響對產品的態度與購買意願。搜尋目標的反應時間受廣告速度的影響,速度愈快,反應時間愈快。此結果是否來自影響激發程度,有待未來研究釐清。未來研究也可更系統性的探討不同類型的動態廣告如何影響廣告的成效,以實徵資料提供行銷策略的規劃。

Marketers usually incorporate dynamic features in their online advertisement. Yet, whether dynamic skyscrapers advertisements can enhance memory of the advertised products remains unclear because of methodological issues and inconsistent results. The objective of this research was to investigate whether animation speed of skyscrapers advertisement enhances memory of the advertised products and to which level the advertised product is processed. In all three experiments, four types of skyscrapers advertisements were shown with a simulated news website in which the participants were required to search for a specific target word in each page. The four types of advertisements were: static, low-speed, moderate-speed, and high-speed. After participants completed the search task, recognition of advertised products was examined. Attitude toward each product and purchase intention were evaluated. Across three experiments, the level of processing required for correct memory recognition was manipulated. In Experiment 1, categorization can accomplish the recognition task; discrimination of fine details within the same category was required in Experiment 2; discrimination of dissimilar exemplars was required for correct recognition in Experiment 3. The results from three experiments showed that animated advertisements with a moderate speed could improve recognition of advertised products compared with static advertisements. However, the advertised products were processed only to the categorical level in Experiment 1 and participants could not discriminate advertised and non-advertised products in recognition in Experiments 2 and 3. Whereas animation did not influence the attitude toward the product and purchase intention, its speed influenced search time. Search time was faster with the presence of high-speed animated advertisements, perhaps arising from altering arousal level. Future research should systematically investigate how different types of advertisement could be effective for capturing attention, enhancing memory, and elevating attitude toward the products. With empirical evidence, researchers could design effective advertisements for promoting the products.


壹、緒論 .........................1
貳、前測 .........................11

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