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研究生(外文):Chih-Han Hsueh
論文名稱(外文):First-Principle Calculations of Band Structures of InAsPSb
指導教授(外文):Hao-Hsiung Lin
口試委員(外文):Jyh-Shyang WangMing-Hua MaoJason ChinJeng-Han Wang
外文關鍵詞:first-principlesInAsPSbHybrids functionalband-gapband-structure
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利用第一原理軟體V.A.S.P.模擬四元合金銻磷砷化銦的能帶結構,並以雜化泛函(hybrids function)與自旋耦合效應(spin-orbit coupling effect)加以修正,模擬二元合金砷化銦、磷化銦與銻化銦的能帶結構,得能隙結果為0.416、1.325、0.178(eV),費米能量為2.979、3.211與3.823(eV)
模擬不同成份的銻磷砷化銦((In4P3Sb1, In4As1P2Sb1, In4As2P1Sb1),得到的能隙為0.610、0.457、0.225(eV),費米能量為3.507、3.613與3.259(eV)。

We simulate the bandstructure of binary alloy InAs, InP, InSb and quaternary alloy InAsPSb (InAs0P3Sb1, In4As1P2Sb1, In4As2P1Sb1) by using the simulation package, V.A.S.P., and we use hybrids function and consider spin-orbit coupling effect to correct the bandgap. The result of binary alloy are 0.416, 1.325, 0.178(eV), and quaternary alloy are 0.610, 0.457, 0.225 (eV). The Fermi energy by simulation is 2.979, 3.211 and 3.823(eV) for binary alloy InAs, InP and InSb, and the Fermi energy of quaternary alloy is 0.610, 0.457, 0.255(eV).
In In4As0P3Sb1, when antimonide is doped in indium phosphide, it causes the raise of Fermi energy, and the conduction band goes down to get closer to the indium antimonide, In In4As1P2Sb1, we find the Fermi energy rises more, but the indium arsenide’s Fermi energy is lowest among of binary alloy. We speculate it is because of the adding of arsenide, making the atoms in the crystal more mess than In4As0P3Sb1. The conduction band still hangs around indium antimonide; In In4As2P1Sb1, phosphide and antimonide are doped in indium arsenide, making the raise of Fermi energy, but its Fermi energy is lower than In4As1P2Sb1. We speculate it is because the atom in crystal is neater than In4As1P2Sb1.
In analysis of density of states, antimonide will make bandgap go down, but it will not provide any states in conduction band around the bandgap.

第一章 緒論…………………………………..…….………………….……..………1
第二章 計算理論介紹……………………………………..…………………………4
2.1 DFT理論介紹…………………….………………..…………………..4
2.2 Exchange-Correlation Function……………………...…………………9
2.3 雜化泛函(Hybrids function)…………..…………………………..10
2.4 自旋軌道耦合效應 (Spin-orbit coupling effect)……………..…..11
2.5 贗勢 Pseudo-potential………………………………..………………13
第三章 計算系統與方法………………………………..…………….…………….14
3.2操作軟體 Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package(VASP)…...14
3.4 輸出檔案介紹………………………………..………….…………….24
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………..…………………………..28
4.1 模擬二元合金砷化銦、磷化銦與銻化銦的態密度與能帶分析……28
4.2 模擬四元合金銻磷砷化銦的態密度與能帶分析(8顆)………….42
第五章 結論………………………………..…………..……………………………53

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