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研究生(外文):Yen-Ling Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of the earthquake frequency-magnitude distribution and its relation with crustal deformation and stress state in the Taiwan orogeny
指導教授(外文):Shu-Huei Hung
口試委員(外文):Ling-Yun ChiaoBan-Yuan KuoYuancheng GungWen-Tzong Liang
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan orogenyfrequency-magnitude distributioncrustal deformationfocal mechanism
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我們估算臺灣三種震源機制型態的地震b值結果顯示,具有非常顯著的差異,其中逆斷層錯動型態的震源機制具有最低的的地震b值,走向滑移斷層錯動型態具有中間值,正斷層錯動型態具有最高的地震b值,這個結果與全球性或區域性地震活動的相關研究都有很好的一致性。在地震b值的側向分布研究顯示,其與主要的斷層錯動機制、地殼變形及應力型態都有非常良好的相關性。臺灣在強大的東西向縮短與差異應力作用下,造成在東臺灣和西臺灣的兩個南北走向的逆衝斷層帶,其具有較低的地震b值;在中臺灣狹長南北向的山脈內或山脈間,受到較小的拉張應力作用,主要受到走向滑移和正斷層作用,其具有較高的地震b值。在地震b值的深度分布研究顯示,地震b值隨深度單調遞減至大約於15-20公里深度終止, 顯示地震b值與應力呈現反比關係,並且證實在臺灣造山帶底下具有弱質中部地殼,並存在一層脆塑性的轉變帶。

We analyze 343,581 earthquakes and 2,640 focal mechanisms from reprocessed CWB event catalog of Taiwan to map spatial variations of their frequency-magnitude distribution, i.e., b-value, and explore its possible dependence on faulting type and stress pattern within the crust in and around Taiwan. The b values estimated from three basic faulting types of the seismicity in the entire investigation region show significant differences in a 95% confidence interval, with the lowest of 0.82±0.02 for thrust, the intermediate of 0.89±0.03 for strike-slip, and the highest of 1.03±0.09 for normal events, which are consistent with those observed for worldwide and regional seismicity.
We investigate the correlation of the earthquake frequency-magnitude distribution with the style of faulting and stress in Taiwan. The b-values estimated for three types of focal mechanisms show significant differences with the lowest for thrust, intermediate for strike-slip, and highest value for normal events, consistent with those found in global and other regional seismicity. Lateral distribution of the b-values shows a good correlation with the predominant faulting mechanism, crustal deformation and stress patterns. The two N-S striking thrust zones in western and eastern Taiwan under the larger E-W shortening and differential stress yield the lower b-values than those in the in-between mountain ranges subject to the smaller extensional stress and dominated by strike-slip and normal faults. The termination of the monotonically decreasing b-value with depth at ~15-20 km corroborates its inverse relationship with stress and the existence of the brittle-plastic transition in the weak middle crust beneath the Taiwan orogen.
In summary, general dependence of the b-value with the style of faulting and stress is first verified in the Taiwan orogen. Regional b-value variations correlate well with the crustal deformation and stress regimes manifested from the local tectonics. The depth-varying b-value reveals the brittle-plastic transition at ~15-20 km and a weak middle crust under Taiwan.

口試委員會審定書... i
誌謝... ii
摘要... iii
Abstract... iv
第一章 緒論... 1
1.1 研究動機與文獻回顧... 1
1.2 本文內容大綱... 13
第二章 研究資料與方法... 15
2.1 地震觀測網之觀測效能分析... 17
2.1.1 地震觀測網之完整規模分析... 20
2.1.2 地震定位之誤差分析... 31
2.2 地震震源機制資料... 38
2.3 研究方法... 46
2.3.1 地震群集法... 46
2.3.2 震源疊合法... 47
2.3.3 雙差分地震定位... 48
2.3.4 主分量分析法... 48
2.3.5 震源機制分類... 49
2.3.6 總和震矩張量... 50
2.3.7 地震頻率規模分布... 51
第三章 地震頻率規模分布與應力架構之相關性... 53
3.1 地震b值與震源機制之相關性... 60
3.2 地震b值側向變化及其與震源機制相關性... 60
3.3 地震b值深度變化及其與地殼強度相關性... 77
3.4 結果與歸納... 85
第四章 臺灣顯著地震發震構造之時空分布與發震特性... 87
4.1 地震群頻率規模分布與震源機制相關性分析... 89
4.2 1999年集集與2002年宜蘭地震群之發震特性分析... 95
4.3 臺東區域2003-2006年明顯地震群之發震特性分析... 99
4.4 花蓮區域2009與2013年明顯地震群之發震特性分析... 103
4.5 2010年高雄甲仙與2012年屏東霧台地震群之發震特性分析... 103
4.6 1991-1995年明顯地震群之發震特性分析... 106
4.7 2006年屏東雙震地震群之發震特性分析... 109
4.8 2013年南山地震群之發震特性分析... 112
第五章 結論與討論... 114
參考文獻... 116 

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