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研究生(外文):Tse-Hsuan Lee
論文名稱(外文):Fluorinated Nanoparticles in Conjugated Polymer for Volatile Organic Compounds Sensor
指導教授(外文):Wei-Fang Su
口試委員(外文):Cheng-Si TsaoMing-Chung WuYu-Ching Huang
外文關鍵詞:volatile organic compoundnanocompositefluorinationmorphologyconducting polymerfullerenesensor.
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近年來,環境安全衛生意識逐漸引起大眾的關注,人們不再為了經濟發展而對於自身健康安全以及環境保護有所妥協。在傷害人類健康以及造成環境破壞的毒化物中,最令人憂心的是有毒之有機揮發性化合物(volatile organic compounds, VOC),工廠裡產品的生產以及材料的合成過程常伴隨著VOC的排放。雖然我們知道VOC的危險而且同時大量地使用,但現階段對於VOC警示濃度的偵測並沒有一個有效的預警系統,這些看不見也摸不著的有毒氣體帶給人類無法預防的威脅。所以,現階段對於低成本以及高效率的VOC偵測器有其迫切的需求。



Human health care and environmental protection have growing attention in recent years, and are no longer an acceptable trade-off for economy for the majority of people. The most hazardous and toxic chemicals are volatile organic compounds (VOC), which are mainly released from oil refinery, factory ,household paints, etc. Although VOCs are used extensively and known for their hazardous , little protective measurements have been developed to provide effective warning signal before the harmful high level of VOC. These invisible and toxic VOC put the human safety into dangerous condition without notice. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop a high efficient, low cost VOC sensor to ensure the health and safety of mankind.

We have demonstrated before, a low cost and effective VOC sensor can be fabricated from P3HT/PC71BM nanocomposite on glass substrate. In the work, we further improve the sensitivity of VOC sensor 2-3 times by incorporating fluorinated PC71BM in the nanocomposite. We also utilize GISAXS/GIWAXS, AFM, XPS etc instruments to characterize the structure of sensing layer. As the result, we correlate the morphology of sensing layer to the performance of VOC sensing, which reveals that the improved dispersion of F-PC71BM in P3HT is the key factor to improve the sensitivity of sensor.
Besides the study of the performance and morphology of VOC sensor, stability test of VOC sensor under various temperature was also conducted to estimate the life time of the sensor. Our sensor needs to be stored under 25oC temperature for a life more than 3 months. Furthermore, we show the life time of sensor can be doubled by coating the sensing layer onto the conductive substrate ITO.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章:前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 VOC簡介 2
1.1.2 VOC偵測器發展概況 3
1.1.3現行VOC偵測器之議題 7
1.2研究動機 9
1.3 高分子/奈米粒子混摻材料製作之VOC偵測器 10
1.3.1 利用光學原理的VOC偵測系統 10
1.3.2 氟化奈米粒子 12
1.4 文獻回顧 13
1.4.1氣體偵測方法 13
1.4.2 氟化改質 21
1.4.3 材料分析 25
1.5 研究目標 27
第二章:實驗方法 28
2.1 實驗用藥品 28
2.2 實驗用儀器 29
2.3 實驗步驟 30
2.3.1 高分子與奈米粒子複合材料 30 高分子-P3HT 30 奈米粒子 31 氟化奈米粒子 32
2.3.2薄膜製程與不同混摻比例之試片命名 33
2.4 光譜分析與即時VOC量測系統 34
2.5 感測層形態學之分析方法 37
2.5.1 縱深分析 37
2.5.2 感測層結構分析 39 銳角入射小/廣角度散射(GISAXS/GIWAXS) 39 原子力顯微鏡(AFM) 41 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM) 43
第三章:結果與討論 45
3.1 氟化改質奈米粒子對於氣體感測能力之影響 45
3.2 VOC感測器感測層之縱深結構 47
3.3 VOC感測器感測層之形態結構 49
3.3.1 銳角入射小/廣角度散射實驗 49未曝露VOC之感測層 49 曝露偵測濃度甲苯之感測層 52 曝露飽和濃度甲苯之感測層 54
3.3.2 模型擬合以及量化數據 58
3.3.3 奈米結構分析 62 原子力顯微鏡在感測層形貌上的分析 62 穿透式電子顯微鏡在感測層形貌上的分析 67氟化改質對於感測層氣體感測能力提升之機制 72
3.4 VOC感測器之應用 75
3.4.1偵測器對於不同VOC之偵測極限 75
3.4.2 VOC偵測器之生命週期預測 78 不同溫度下生命週期預測 79 基材效應延展感測器生命週期 82
第四章:結論 84
第五章:建議 85
附錄一. 86
附錄二. 87
第六章:參考文獻 88

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