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研究生(外文):Chieh Huang
論文名稱(外文):Regulating Transnational Corporations for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chen Chang
口試委員(外文):Hsin-Chun WangChun-Yuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:Transnational Corporations (TNC)United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” (UNFCC)Climate changeGreenhouse GasTransnational Legal Process
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The rapid rise of transnational corporations (TNC) in recent years has made them the major sources of greenhouse gas emission. However, this situation has not been effectively controlled and regulated for a considerable amount of time. In this paper, the author argues that the obstacles for regulating the TNCs under the present international law system are embedded in the “Common but differentiated responsibilities” principle of the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” (UNFCCC). Furthermore, the problem also originated from the unwillingness and the inability of individual countries for controlling TNCs’ greenhouse gas emission. These factors above are all contributors to the widening gap in countries regulating the TNCs. TNCs are not the parties to be directly regulated under international law. At the same time, the liability mechanism is also absent; therefore, international law lacks the tools for regulating the TNCs’ greenhouse gas emission effectively. In this article, the author assesses the international law regulatory mechanisms on controlling the TNCs’ greenhouse gas emission - including UNFCC, United Union related mechanisms, the OECD, as well as the self-regulations of the TNCs as a group or individually. The essay will discuss on these topics above and then critically identify the shortcomings on the present system. The primary conclusion of the essay is on stressing the regulation of individual countries for controlling TNCs’ greenhouse gas emission. Reinforcing the regulation of TNCs in UNFCCC and the multilateral regulation and cooperation would also be required. The author argue that it is unlikely that states will agree to build the obligations of mitigation to TNCs backed by an international enforcement mechanism, and it is not necessary to do that. Moreover, the participatory role of the TNCs on the task of reducing greenhouse gas emission must increase, as to facilitate the technological resources of the TNCs so as to consolidate the legitimacy on regulating the TNCs. Lastly, the author suggests that under the “Common but differentiated responsibilities” principle, decreasing the regulatory gaps between countries is the most practical method of controlling the TNCs’ greenhouse gas emission.

第一章 前言 1
1.1 問題意識 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究方法 5
第二章 氣候變遷與跨國公司:以溫室氣體排放管制為中心 8
2.1 氣候變遷議題之發展及特性 8
2.1.1 氣候變遷議題之發展 8
2.1.2 氣候變遷議題之特性 11 排放源的複雜多元以及跨越國界 11 氣候變遷的影響範圍以及程度 15 經濟利益與政治的競逐與衝突 16 經濟利益的競逐 16 南北對抗與歷史責任 18
2.1.3 溫室氣體排放管制的特殊性 20 高度不確定性而需決策於未知 20 多層次以及跨國治理的需求 21
2.2 跨國公司 22
2.2.1 跨國公司之定義與範圍 22
2.2.2. 跨國公司之經營模式以及產業 27
2.3 跨國公司在溫室氣體管制所扮演之角色 28
2.3.1 跨國公司的溫室氣體排放 28
2.3.2. 影響跨國公司面對氣候變遷問題的基本態度 30
2.3.3 跨國公司對於跨國規範的影響 31 跨國公司對於UNFCCC的決策參與 31 氣候變遷否定論(Climate Change Denial)的贊助者 35 管制的倡議者 38 阻止氣候變遷相關政策及協議 40跨國公司的技術的革新 41
2.3.4 小結:當跨國公司遇上氣候變遷議題 43
2.4 管制跨國公司溫室氣體排放之基本議題 45
2.4.1 傳統環境法領域對於跨國公司的管制 45
2.4.2 管制跨國公司的難題 46 個別國家管制的落差 46 跨國公司溫室氣體排放課責的困難與機制的缺乏48 共同但有區別的責任導致的管制落差 49
2.4.3 管制跨國公司溫室氣體排放困難之綜合分析 52
第三章 跨國公司及國際社群對於溫室氣體排放管制之回應 54
3.1 管制跨國公司的溫室氣體排放的幾種規範可能性 54
3.1.1 <聯合國氣候變化綱要公約>對跨國公司之管制 54
3.1.2 其他聯合國機制對跨國公司的管制 57
3.1.3 OECD對於跨國公司之管制 61
3.2 跨國公司對於溫室氣體管制之努力:跨國私管制的興起 65
3.3現行跨國公司及國際組織之回應綜合分析 74
3.3.1 以軟性規範為基礎的規範模式 75
3.3.2 國際組織管制規範的空泛及缺乏課責機制 76
3.3.3 豐富雜沓的跨國公司私管制規範 77
3.3.4 小結 78
3.4 結論 78
第四章 跨國公司溫室氣體排放管制之建議 81
4.1 管制跨國公司的規範革新 81
4.1.1 充實管制跨國公司的內國法規範 81
4.1.2 在UNFCCC架構下強化針對跨國公司的管制 88
4.1.3 提升各種層次的跨境溫室氣體管制合作 91
4.1.4 公私合作與技術發展 96
4.2 重構管制跨國公司規範的可能 97
4.2.1 重新思考軟性規範為主的現行管制體系 97
4.2.2 直接管制跨國公司的國際法規範? 100
4.3 提升跨國公司在規範協商、實踐參與的角色 106
4.4 小結 109
第五章 結論 113
參考文獻 116




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