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研究生(外文):Hui-Hsin Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Context of Justice and Right to Justification:Theoretical Reflection on the Health Care
外文關鍵詞:primary goodsself-respectreasonablepublic justificationmorality
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國內處理羅爾斯正義論與健康照護的議題,大多注重於Norman Daniels在公共衛生的發展。本文首先指出,羅爾斯的政治哲學,應用於公共衛生的領域,會間接影響政府判斷疾病概念以及資源分配的依據。在其中,所引起不同平等觀的關注,可視為政治自由主義內公民興趣與偏好的不同,但不能等同於公民彼此間善觀念的差異,即民主社會合理多元的事實,而屬公共理性處理的範圍。


另一方面,由政治自由主義與健康照護的制度議題,推導出民主社會有著合理多元的事實,更有可能是自由平等公民,如何協調彼此經驗上差異的問題。本文認為,Rainer Forst以理由建構的論證權利,透過互為主體、在情境中以相互性、普遍性原則定義「好理由」,不倚賴善的預設,提供我們論證的另類思考方案。

John Rawls and the issue of health care often focus on Norman Daniels and the public health. This thesis would like to point that the background of Rawlsian and health care will raise different conceptions of equality. Otherwise, the criteria under Rawlsian will affect government’s power to classify disease and distribution of resources. I tried to point that we can discuss different conceptions of equality under variations in preferences and tastes are seen as our responsibility, but different conceptions of equality isn’t equivalent to variations in conceptions of good. According to Rawls, the fact of reasonable pluralism is the scope of public reason.

Rawls presupposed primary goods in his theory, this thesis would point that Rawlsian can’t actually solve the problem of disability. In context of justice, although the primary goods’ status have moved to service for political, not for originally moral person in Kantian sense, we can still found that self-respect is the most important primary goods. From Hobbes’ self-preservation to self-respect, this argument proved Liberalism is progressive and reasonable person is the conditions for legal person to justify legal norms.

In addition, the fact that variations in conceptions of good, is a history and empirical concept in a democracy society. Rainer Forst provides the right to justification is inherent in the principle of justification, which has to be recursively reconstructed, by means of argumentative threshold which are reciprocity and generality principles. What reason is a good reason can be definite and accepted intersubjectivity in every situation. This approach could be an alternative for our justification rather than presupposing a theory of goods.

第一章 導論 1
第一節 問題意識 1
第二節 研究進路與詮釋方法 2
第三節 正義脈絡論的初步介紹 3
一、倫理個人與法權個人 4
二、普遍性論證與承認特殊性 7
三、脈絡論與普世論 8
四、自主性:論證與承認 10
第四節 本文架構 18
第二章 羅爾斯模式的論證:機會、正常與疾病 20
第一節 合乎正義的健康照護:Norman Daniels的論證 20
第二節 首要善的規範性 28
一、政治自由主義與健康照護 28
二、平等觀與偏好選擇 32
第三節 爭議案件:以DSM-Ⅳ手冊為例 37
第四節 小結 43
第三章 正義的重構:公民、能力與個人 48
第一節 Martha Nussbaum的挑戰:能力途徑的正義觀 49
第二節 正義的脈絡(Ⅰ):理想個人到平等公民 57
第三節 正義的脈絡(Ⅱ):倫理個人與法權個人 64
一、倫理個人 66
二、法權個人 72
第四節 小結 75
第四章 論證的權利:法、道德與理由 80
第一節 哈伯瑪斯的批評:法治國危機 81
第二節 規範性與公共論證 86
第三節 理由與道德個人 95
一、理由論與道德性 95
二、道德個人與相互承認 105
第四節 小結 107
第五章 結論 109
參考文獻 112

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