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研究生(外文):Kiat-Loong Ten
論文名稱(外文):Technological Learning of Latecomer Firms: The Case of Auto Parts Industry in Malaysia
指導教授(外文):Liang-Chih Chen
口試委員(外文):Jinn-Yuh HsuWan-Ping Tai
外文關鍵詞:Auto parts industryTechnological learningTechnology transferIndustrial upgradingDevelopmental state
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Automotive industry is taken by Malaysia as national strategic industry and Malaysia is the only nation in Southeast Asia having its own passenger car brands as well as holding technical autonomy in car manufacture process from design, research and development to mass production. However, compared to car assembly activities in Malaysia, auto parts manufacturing sector draws scarce attention in the past studies despite the fact that auto parts firms play a gradually important role and burdens responsibilities in value-added activities of car manufacturing. Hence, through in-depth interview, field observation and secondary data collection, this study mainly focuses on the case of auto parts industry in Malaysia, and discusses the certain factors and mechanisms as well as the roles of the state that influencing the development and technological learning process of auto parts firms. Furthermore, this study also points out the significances of auto parts industry development in Malaysia, as well as the interactions and influences played among the state and multinational firms in firms’ technological catching-up process. For policy application, this study takes Malaysia experience as an example on what learning strategies latecomer firms could implement on process of building their technological capabilities, as well as the role the state could act in order to serve as a reference for developing countries with interests in initiating pioneer industry. In other words, how the state can make use of the institutional mechanisms not only to attract but regulate multinational firms to embed in host country simultaneously, thus enabling firms from developing countries to obtain positive gains from investments and cooperation with multinational enterprises, as well as reaching the goal of technology transfer.

第一章 前言 p.1
第一節 研究動機和問題意識 p.1
第二節 文獻回顧 p.3
第三節 研究架構與方法 p.11
第二章 馬來西亞汽車零組件業演進史 p.16
第一節 1896至1956年:東南亞區域的貿易和轉口樞紐 p.16
第二節 1957至1982年:推動在地汽車組裝和汽車零組件製造 p.18
第三節 1983至1995年:推行「國產車計劃」 p.24
第四節 1996年迄今:實現「技術自主」和「技術輸出」 p.32
第三章 汽車零組件廠商概況與其組織形態 p.43
第一節 汽車零組件業概況 p.43
第二節 汽車零組件廠商的組織形態 p. 46
第四章 汽車零組件廠商的技術學習 p. 60
第一節 汽車零組件廠商的技術學習管道 p.60
第二節 汽車零組件廠商的技術學習特徵 p.81
第五章 國家在汽車零組件業發展的角色 p.85
第一節 國家介入汽車產業的動機 ——《新經濟政策》 p.85
第二節 國家在協助汽車零組件廠商的角色扮演 p.86
第三節 廠商個案分析 p.90
第六章 研究結論與建議 p.99
第一節 研究結論:如何理解馬來西亞的汽車零組件業發展? p.99
第二節 馬來西亞汽車零組件業個案對開發中國家的政策啟示 p.100
第三節 本研究限制與未來研究建議 p.102
參考文獻 p.103
附錄(1):馬來西亞汽車產業演進史 p.112
附錄(2):馬來西亞汽車組裝業概況 p.113
附錄(3):普騰汽車零組件供應商協會成員 p.119
附錄(4):第二國產車汽車零組件供應商協會成員 p.121
附錄(5):豐田馬來西亞汽車零組件供應商協會成員 p.123


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