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研究生(外文):Shih-Shin Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study on congenital eye defects and SNP genotyping inLee-Sung pig
指導教授(外文):Yu-Ten JuYan-Nian Jiang
口試委員(外文):Mu-Chiou Huang
外文關鍵詞:miniature pigLee-Sung pigeye development
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先天性眼球缺陷包含了:無眼症、小眼症及貓眼症,是造成人類幼年失明的主因之一。在美國,每十萬人約有三人會受到此類眼球缺陷疾病的影響。包括了小鼠、斑馬魚及爪蟾等的許多模式動物可被用來研究先天性眼球缺陷的發生機制,然而這些因其體型、解剖、生理以及遺傳距離上的差異,並無法忠實的模擬發生於人類上的疾病。而豬(Sus scrofa)是除了非人類靈長類之外,與人類有許多相同之處的大型哺乳類動物,因此豬便可能是個良好的模式動物來進行眼球發育的研究。自1983年起在臺灣開發了可供作為生醫研究用途的小型豬種:李宋豬,然而在2008年於李宋豬保種族群中發現了自發性的眼球缺陷,包括了:無眼症、小眼症與無虹膜症。這些帶有眼球缺陷的李宋豬提供了一個新穎的模式動物來進行眼球發育的研究。因此本試驗的目的為建立穩定帶有眼球缺陷的李宋豬族群,以及篩選調控其缺陷機制的候選基因。

Congenital eye malformations, including microphthalmia, anophthalmia and coloboma (MAC), act as certain major causes in human blindness. These diseases affected 3 per 100,000 newborns in the United States. Many animal models such as rodents, xenopus and zebra fish were used for investigating the pathogenesis of MAC. However, these animal models are not faithfully to mimic the relevant human diseases due to its body size, physiology, anatomy or genetic differences between human. Apart from non-human primates, Pig (Sus scrofa) is one of the large mammals that share many similarities with human. Therefore, pigs may serve as an ideal alternative model for eye development study. In Taiwan, a miniature breed called Lee-Sung pig (LS pig) was developed as laboratory model since 1983. LS pigs with spontaneous eye defects, including anophthalmia and aniridia from one family were identified from the conserved population in 2008. These defected LS pig provides a novel mammal model for eye development research. The aim of this study was to establish a population of Lee-Sung pigs with microphthalmia and anophthalmia, and to screen candidate genes that control eye development.
  In order to establish a population of LS pigs with eye defects, a sow with bilateral anophthalmia (An/An) and bred with a wild type boar and 4 female and 1 male LS pigs were delivered. One female LS pig showed aniridia (Ani/Ani). Full-sib mating of the pigs was carried out and a male LS pig with bilateral anophthalmia (An/An) was obtained. We then crossed two LS pigs with anophthalmia. The result showed that more than 50% of their offspring expressed eye defects (parity 1: 54.5%, parity 2: 55.6% in anophthalmia). With pedigree analysis and compare with control herd, the defects in LS pig were an inherited trait and controlled by a few genes. To understand the eye structure between different phenotype of LS pigs, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was conducted from three LS pigs, including wild type, bilateral and unilateral anophthalmia. Results showed that defected LS pig lost the ability to form a normal eye structure and this defect might occur in early stage of eye development. Moreover, the size of the eye ball and structure of lens might be disrupted in a unilateral anophthalmia LS pig. Genes that control the eye development are highly conserved among species, as many mutations in genes which are critical for eye development were identified in human or some other species. The SNPs related to MAC from twelve candidate genes, including BMP4, BMP7, HES1, LHX2, MAB21L2, MITF, OTX2, PAX2, PAX6, RAX, SHH, SOX2 and VSX2 in LS pigs were examined by PCR and Sanger sequencing. However, the published SNP sites were not relevant to MAC phenotypes in LS pig. In order to obtain the novel SNP sites that relate to LS pig MAC defects, five LS pigs with different phenotypes were chosen (wild type, AN/AN, Ani/AN, Ani/Ani and M/M+Ani respectively) to perform the Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). Through NGS, whole genome of LS pig was obtained from this large-scale sequencing, and the SNP sites between different phenotypes could be discovered. The sequencing data analyses were separated into two parts, one was to assemble the reads into complete LS pig genome, and the other was to map the reads from five LS pigs to reference genome. Non-synonymous SNPs were called from four defected LS pigs (185, 247, 207 and 195 SNPs; 124, 155, 150 and 128 genes respectively). Totally, 144 candidate genes were selected, and assigned into different gene clusters which include JAK-STAT pathway (7 genes respectively), immune system process (27 genes respectively) and 26 genes contribute to MAC diseases. Further validation of these SNPs will examine by PCR and Sanger sequencing to confirm the accuracy of these sites.
  Taking together, through our breeding strategy, we have established a population with eye defects which include anophthalmia, microphthalmia and aniridia LS pigs stably. But the genes from LS pig involved in MAC need to be explored in the next step.

第一章 前言………………………………………………………...……..………….…1
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………………………..2
第一節 豬模式動物……………………………………………...……...………2
第二節 臺灣本地開發之小型豬種……………………………….……...……..3
第三節 眼球構造………………………………………………………….....….5
第四節 眼球發育與調控機制……………………………….…………...….….8
第五節 基因分型……………………………………………………...………...9
第三章 材料方法……………………………………………..……….…………..…...10
第一節 建立穩定表現眼球缺陷之李宋豬族群…………….…………...…....10
第二節 眼球缺陷李宋豬族群遺傳樣本之收集…………….…………...…....10
第三節 藉由核磁共振掃描不同缺失李宋豬頭部影像……….………......….11
第四節 李宋豬基因組DNA之萃取…………….………………...…….…….11
第五節 分析不同眼球缺失李宋豬之眼球發育相關基因…….…...…………13
第六節 以次世代高通量定序進行李宋豬全基因組解序……...................….15
第四章 結果………………………………………………………...………………….17
第一節 眼球缺陷李宋豬族群之建立………………………………....………17
第二節 藉由核磁共振掃瞄李宋豬頭部影像,釐清正常與眼球缺陷個體之眼
第三節 分析不同眼球缺陷李宋豬之眼球發育相關基因……...…..……...…18
第四節 藉由次世代高通量定序分析眼球缺陷李宋豬基因組序列…………19
第五章 討論……………………………………………………………………………21
第一節 李宋豬眼球缺陷之遺傳………………………...……………..…...…21
第二節 李宋豬眼球構造之分析………………………...……………..…...…21
第三節 眼球發育相關基因之分析………………………...…………..…...…22
第六章 結論……………………………………………………………………………23


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