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研究生(外文):Ya-Ting Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Division Relative Risk on Corporate Bond Yield Spread and Operating Performance
中文關鍵詞:WACC FallacyBetaspread多角化公司債利差資產報酬率
外文關鍵詞:WACC FallacyBetaspreadDiversificationYield SpreadReturn on Assets
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本論文探討部門間相對風險差異與其所造成公司債利差/資產報酬率之影響的關係。採用Kruger, Landier, Thesmar(2015)計算方法去評估核心部門與非核心部門間的相對風險。研究實證結果顯示,部門間相對風險與公司債利差呈正相關,與資產報酬率呈負相關。意味著公司在評估專案時,若忽略部門間相對風險的差異而採用錯誤資金成本,將會損害債權人的價值及公司的營運績效。

This study examines the relationship between firms’ division relative risk and their bond yield spreads/return on assets. We employ the method developed in Kruger, Landier, Thesmar(2015) to evaluate the relative risk between core division and non-core division. The empirical results of the study show that division relative risk is positively correlated with bond yield spreads and negatively correlated with return on assets. The results suggest that firms ignoring division relative risk and evaluating projects with wrong capital costs will harm the value of their bondholders and operating performance.

2-1. 假說一、公司部門間資金成本差異度與公司債利差呈正相關………5
2-2. 假說二、公司部門間資金成本差異度與資產報酬率呈負相關………5
3-1-1. 假說一被解釋變數:公司債利差……………………………………6
3-1-2. 假說二被解釋變數:資產報酬率(ROA)………………………………6
3-2. 主要解釋變數:Betaspread………………………………………………6
3-3. 債券特徵控制變數………………………………………………………8
3-4. 公司特徵控制變數…………………………………………………………9

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