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研究生(外文):Mai-Min Chu
論文名稱(外文):An Assessment Model of IT Integration in Supply Chain
指導教授(外文):Ming-Huang Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Supply chain integrationInformation technology
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隨著德國在漢諾威工業博覽會上提出「工業 4.0」的計畫,正式宣告工業進入第四次革命,「工業資訊化」、「智慧製造」、「智能工廠」、「物聯網」等詞不斷開始在報章雜誌裡放送,均在讚頌著新紀元的美好和此革命將會如何顛覆世界,在描繪出的輪廓下,此概念正席捲著全世界,美國、中國、日本等世界主要經濟體亦已此概念為核心研擬相關計畫,就在「工業 4.0」於全球漸漸發酵下,104 年 9 月,行政院也發布了屬於臺灣工業 4.0 的「生產力 4.0 發展方案」,說明未來臺灣產業轉型的布局及規劃。
儘管內文闡述著諸多願景,但臺灣大部分企業的工業環境仍處於不成熟的階段,根據工研院的研究,國內大多數企業仍處於生產力 2.0 至 3.0 階段,不論是彈性製造、生產自動化、資訊化的能力依然不足,特別是資訊化處理的能力,導入程度仍低,若欲直接躍升至生產力 4.0 的階段,恐是相當大的挑戰。
有鑑於此,本研究回歸原本的製造業之基石,探討工業製造邁向工業 4.0 前之前置環境:自動化、資訊化的供應鏈整合,更明確的說,即為貫穿近代工業革命作為核心的資訊科技,該如何定位其角色及對應營運面的功能定位,而後建立一評估模型,提供業者瞭解目前公司的供應鏈整合程度,並對進入下一階段能夠有所依循,期能打好資訊科技基礎設施的地基,加緊向上趕及全球第四次工業革命的步途。

The fourth revolution of industry started after the announcement of “Industry 4.0” by Germany in Hanover Fair in 2011. Consequently, a blueprint about how this novel
revolution could change the world has been popular worldwide, and terms such as “Informatization”, “Wisdom Manufacturing”, “Smart Factory” and “Internet of Things” have also been mentioned repeatedly in different press media. Numerous projects based on the ideas of “Industry 4.0” have been established in the major economies like U.S., China, Japan, and in Taiwan, the “Taiwan Productivity 4.0 Initiative” as an industrial transformation program also started up in September, 2015.
According to the research released by Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan, most industrial environments in Taiwan are still immature and staying at an early stage of Productivity 2.0 to 3.0. Insufficiency of flexible manufacturing, automated production and informatization makes many difficulties for Taiwanese industry to develop into the Productivity 4.0.
Lots of studies about applications of information technology (IT) and the supply chain in traditional manufacturing have been published abroad, but just a few references in Taiwan. In this thesis, we focused on the preliminary settings, which mainly consisted of the integration between automation and informatization in supply chain, and pointed out the critical role of information technology in launching Industry 4.0 in Taiwan. Finally, we tried to provide an assessment model by comprehensive perspectives and observations for companies in Taiwan to understand their recent status of IT integration in supply chain, which may be an important foundation in developing Industry 4.0-related programs and projects.

中文摘要........................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... ii
目錄................................................................................................................................. iii
圖目錄............................................................................................................................. iv
第一章 緒論...................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的...............................................................................................3
第三節 研究步驟...............................................................................................4
第四節 論文架構...............................................................................................4
第二章 文獻探討.............................................................................................................6
第一節 供應鏈管理...........................................................................................6
第二節 IT 於供應鏈整合應用之功能定位....................................................10
第三章 研究方法...........................................................................................................15
第一節 研究文獻分析法.................................................................................15
第二節 個案研究法.........................................................................................16
第四章 研究分析與模型建立.....................................................................................22
第一節 研究分析架構.....................................................................................22
第二節 資訊科技應用供應鏈整合之功能定位 .............................................23
第三節 建立供應鏈整合階段性評估模型 .....................................................32
第五章 「IT 應用於供應鏈整合評估模型」分析實例 ............................................35
第一節 個案公司背景介紹.............................................................................35
第二節 目前供應鏈使用資訊科技之情況.....................................................37
第三節 供應鏈整合評估模型應用.................................................................41
第六章 結論.................................................................................................................44
第一節 研究結論與建議.................................................................................44
第二節 研究限制.............................................................................................45
第三節 後續研究建議.....................................................................................45

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三、 技術報告
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四、 參考網站
1. Edicom International http://www.edicomgroup.com/
2. KBresearch https://www.kbresearch.com

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