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研究生(外文):Shyi-Yeuan Jeng
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis on Peer-to-Peer Transnational Money Transfer and its Business Model:A Case Study of TransferWise
指導教授(外文):Ming-Je Tang
外文關鍵詞:FintechP2P transnational money transferPayment IntermediationBusiness modelValue creationTransferWise
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  Fintech is a dynamic segment at the intersection of financial services and technology sectors where technology-focused start-ups and new market entrants innovate the products and services provided by the traditional financial services industry. Payment, for example, which is dominated by the traditional financial services industry has been inroaded by PayPal, Apple Pay etc. There have been some new entrants in the transnational money transfer business in recent years. For example, British company – TransferWise, with its P2P transnational money transfer, it reduces the required fee, and currently accumulated transfers over three billion euros, accounting for 2% of the whole UK market. What’s the special of P2P transnational money transfer? How TransferWise attract investor and users? Therefore, the thesis will use an in depth case study approach to understand how P2P transnational money transfer works and recognize its business model. This thesis also investigates the source of value creation, and finally to give some recommendations for future development.
  With case studies, we found that TransferWise successfully reduced the required transfer fee and information asymmetry, due to the interaction and strengthen from the four elements of business model. Meet the efficiency, lock-in, innovative, in its value creation, and future may be extended to complementary products. There are some problems that TransferWise needs to concern, however, such as high customer acquisition costs may result an ineffective marketing, customer repurchase might be too low to affect the total revenue, and as the expansion of its business scope, gross margin may be eroded.
  Finally, compared with P2P lending, P2P transnational money transfer is a relatively new concept and business model. Although the demand side of Taiwan market has favorable environment to duplicate its model, however, it still depends on the attitude of the government toward this new business model. Even if the authorities are actively promoting the development of Fintech in Taiwan, it still has a lot of limitations and regulations on the viability of this model in Taiwan.

口試委員會審定書 I
誌 謝 II
中文摘要 III
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題 3
第三節 研究流程與架構 4
第四節 研究限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 支付中介 7
2.1.1 支付中介簡介 7
2.1.2 支付及清算系統概述 9
第二節 商業模式 11
2.2.1 商業模式之定義 11
2.2.2 商業模式與電子商務 12
2.2.3 商業模式設計與價值創造 14
第三節 價值網 18
2.3.1 價值網之概念與發展 18
2.3.2 價值網與價值鏈之差異 20
第三章 P2P跨國匯兌與個案介紹 22
第一節 金融科技 22
3.1.1 金融科技簡介 22
3.1.2 金融科技的發展方向 23
3.1.3 金融科技與支付 26
3.1.4 台灣金融科技之發展現況 30
第二節 全球跨國匯款市場概況 33
第三節 國外匯兌與匯出匯款介紹 39
3.3.1 匯出匯款的定義 39
3.3.2 匯出匯款的種類 40
3.3.3 付款委託之掣發 41
3.3.4 匯出匯款之費用 44
第四節 個案介紹 47
3.4.1 公司簡介 47
3.4.2 發展背景 48
3.4.3 營運模式 49
3.4.4 實際操作流程 52
3.4.5 財務表現 54
3.4.6 未來展望 55
第四章 個案分析 57
第一節 商業模式分析 57
4.1.1顧客價值主張 57
4.1.2 關鍵資源 59
4.1.3 關鍵流程 61
4.1.4 利潤公式 62
4.1.5 商業模式之價值創造 63
第二節 獲利能力分析 66
第三節 台灣發展P2P跨國匯兌之探討 69
4.3.1 市場概況 69
4.3.2 政府政策 72
第五章 結論與建議 74
第一節 研究結論 74
第二節 未來研究建議 77
參考文獻 78

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