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研究生(外文):Meng-Shen Sung
論文名稱(外文):Surface Plasmons Coupling in Multilayer Remote-grating System
外文關鍵詞:plasmonicsremote gratingmultilayertotal reflectionwaveguidesensor
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Currently, the plasmonic waveguides are able to transmit or to control the optical or electronic signals; the plasmonic device can be used as bio-sensors, both of which have become popular issue. In this research, I simulate and design multilayer remote-grating system by using finite-difference time-domain method. The power flow can perfectly be excited to interface between two dielectric materials by total reflection. Then, it can reach multiple narrow band coupling of surface plasmons, which obtain the functionality of multiple wavelength sensor. SPPs have ability to transmit on the surface of dielectric material with low loss. Hence, I hope that these advantages can be applied to related field in the near future. First, I discuss the relationship between different quasi period arrangements and different thickness of dielectric layer toward the intensity effect of electric field of remote grating system. Afterward, we can get the maxima enhancement by optimizing the parameters as well as investigate the physical mechanism and the reason why I can enhance the electric field intensity. From our simulation analysis, there are two important reason of influencing on coupling frequency that I find different thickness of dielectric layer and different quasi period remote grating arrangements.

致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Review 3
1.3 Framework of This Thesis 7
Chapter 2 Research Method 8
2.1 Surface Plasmon Polaritons at the Interface of Dielectric and Metal 8
2.2 Multilayer Systems 13
2.3 Simulation Conditions 16
Chapter 3 Simulation Results of Multilayer Quasi-Periodic Remote-grating System 21
3.1 Multilayer Quasi-Periodic of Remote-Grating System with Change of thickness of the top layer and Bar Sizes 21
3.2 Discuss Coupling Position and Different Dielectric Materials 26
3.3 Analysis and Discussion of the Cycle Phenomenon 27
3.4 Different Grating Height and Transmission with Different thickness of the top layer 28
3.5 Analysis and Discussion the Dispersion relation 30
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Works 55
4.1 Conclusions 55
4.2 Future Works 56
Appendix 57

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