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研究生(外文):Tse-Yen Lin
論文名稱(外文):Alleviation of Heat Stress in Lavender and Sage by Salicylic acid and Calcium Chloride
指導教授(外文):Yu-Sen Chang
口試委員(外文):Tsu-liang ChangWen-Dar HwangChin-Hsiung Hung
外文關鍵詞:LavenderSageSalicylic acidCalcium ChlorideHeat Stress
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香草植物(herbs)可作精油、藥用、芳香、烹調、飲用等用途,兼具觀賞與實用價值。近幾年於台北花市盆花交易品銷售量均維持前十名內,其中薰衣草(Lavandula spp.)與鼠尾草(Salvia officinalis)為市面上常見之香草種類。因多原生於歐、美、日等溫帶國家,故多數難以適應台灣高溫、高濕的氣候。本研究擬先探討紅外線熱像儀及葉片相對傷害值篩選台灣市面上常見之六種薰衣草如齒葉薰衣草(L. dentate)、羽葉薰衣草(L. pinnata)、普羅旺斯薰衣草(L. x intermetia ‘Provence’)、法國薰衣草(L. stoechas)、狹葉薰衣草(L. angustifolia)與甜薰衣草(L. x heterophylla)及五種鼠尾草如巴格旦鼠尾草(S. officinalis ‘Bergarrten’)、鳳梨鼠尾草(S. elegans ‘Scarlet Pineapple’)、原生鼠尾草(S. officinalis)、水果鼠尾草(S. dorisiana)和墨西哥鼠尾草(S. leucantha)耐熱性。其次探討單一及複合藥劑對提高薰衣草與鼠尾草高溫耐受性之影響。
施用單一藥劑提升薰衣草與鼠尾草高溫耐受性方面,本研究利用55℃持續加熱30分鐘為篩選各品種薰衣草及鼠尾草耐熱程度,並施用不同濃度水楊酸 (0、100、200、400、800 μM)及不同濃度氯化鈣(0、5、10、15 mM)。水楊酸施用最佳濃度為澆灌100μΜ可提升狹葉薰衣草、法國薰衣草、羽葉薰衣草、齒葉薰衣草;巴格旦鼠尾草、鳳梨鼠尾草、原生鼠尾草、水果鼠尾草、墨西哥鼠尾草耐熱性。澆灌200 μΜ水楊酸可提升甜薰衣草、普羅旺斯薰衣草耐熱性;氯化鈣施用濃度為甜薰衣草以5 mM最佳;鳳梨鼠尾草以5 mM最佳,原生鼠尾草以15 mM最佳,可有效抵抗高溫逆境之傷害,其外觀品質較好且枯萎程度較少。

Herbs and the essential oils are of both ornamental and practical value having medicinal, aromatic, culinary and other properties. In recent years, sales of herb plants have remained in the top ten in the potted flower market in Taipei where lavender (Lavandula spp.) and sage (Salvia officinalis) are among the popular kinds of herb. Many herbs that have been introduced from Europe, America, Japan and other temperate regions have a hard time adapting to the high temperatures and high humidity in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the heat tolerance in some common-market varieties of lavender and sage with the infrared thermal imager and values of leaf relative injury. Six lavender varieties L. dentate, L. pinnata, L. x intermetia ‘Provence’, L. stoechas, L. angustifolia and L. x heterophylla and five sage varieties S. officinalis ‘Bergarrten’, S. elegans ‘Scarlet Pineapple’, S. officinalis, S. dorisiana and S. leucantha were included in the study. Secondly, the impact of using single and composite chemicals on lavender and sage to increase the tolerance for high temperatures was investigated.
Infrared thermal imager and leaf relative injury values were used to classify the herbs into (1) Most heat tolerance – L. x heterophylla, L. pinnata; S. leucantha, S. elegans ‘Scarlet Pineapple’. (2) Moderately heat tolerance – of L. x intermetia ‘Provence’, L. dentate, L. stoechas; S. officinalis, S. officinalis ‘Bergarrten’. (3) Not heat tolerance – L. angustifolia; S. dorisiana.
Heat tolerance of the herbs grown in semi-outdoor environment in terms of ornamental quality can be divided into (1) Most heat resistant – L. dentate, L. pinnata; S. leucantha, S. elegans ‘Scarlet Pineapple’. (2) Moderately heat resistant – L. x intermetia Provence, L. x heterophylla, L. stoechas; S. dorisiana. (3) Not heat resistant – L. angustifolia; S. officinalis, S. officinalis ‘Bergarrten’.
For the administration of single chemical agent on lavender and sage to enhance the tolerance for high temperatures, different concentrations of salicylic acid (0,100,200, 400,800 μM) and calcium chloride (0,5,10,15 mM) were treated on lavender and sage before subjecting the plants to 55 ℃ continuous heat for 30 minutes to determine the heat tolerance of different varieties.
The optimum concentration of salicylic acid administered to improve heat tolerance was 100μΜ for L. angustifolia, L. stoechas, L. pinnata, L. dentate; S. officinalis ‘Bergarrten’, S. elegans ‘Scarlet Pineapple’, S. officinalis, S. dorisiana, and S. leucantha. Applying 200 μΜ of salicylic acid enhanced the heat tolerance of sweet lavender, and Provence lavender. The optimum level of calcium chloride for enhancing heat tolerance was 5 mM for sweet lavender and S. Elegans scarlet Pineapple while 15mM was required for S. officinalis to achieve better ornamental quality and sustain reduced injuries under high temperature stress.
For the administration of composite chemical agents on lavender and sage to enhance the tolerance for high temperatures, treatments of salicylic acid, calcium chloride, salicylic acid and calcium chloride complex agent were given to sweet lavender, sage and pineapple sage two hours before exposing the plants to high temperature stress of 55 ℃ continuous heat for 30 minutes. The result showed that composite chemicals had effectively enhanced heat tolerance more than other treatments of single chemical suggesting the cumulative benefit and cost savings that can be achieved from using a combination of salicylic acid and calcium chloride.

目錄................................................... ii
表目錄 ............................................... iv
圖目錄................................................ v
摘要.................................................. x
Abstract ............................................. xii
第一章 前言 ............................................ 1
第二章 前人研究 ........................................ 3
第三章 薰衣草與鼠尾草耐熱品種篩選........................ 13
二、材料與方法(Materials and Methods)...................15
試驗一、以紅外線熱像儀篩選薰衣草與鼠尾草耐熱品種 .......... 15
試驗二、以葉片相對傷害值篩選薰衣草與鼠尾草耐熱品種 .........16
試驗三、6個品種薰衣草與5個品種鼠尾草於高溫高濕下種植之反應.. 18
三、結果(Result) .......................................20
四、討論(Disscussion) ..................................23
五、結論(Conclusion) ...................................26
第四章 外施水楊酸提升薰衣草與鼠尾草耐熱性之應用............ 47
一、前言(Introduction) ................................ 48
二、材料與方法(Materials and Methods) ................. 49
三、結果(Result) ...................................... 56
四、討論(Disscussion) ................................. 61
五、結論(Conclusion) .................................. 64
第五章 外施氯化鈣提升薰衣草與鼠尾草耐熱性之應用............103
一、前言(Introduction) ............................... 104
二、材料與方法(Materials and Methods) .................105
三、結果(Results) .....................................108
四、討論(Disscussion) .................................109
五、結論(Conclusion) ................................. 110
第六章 外施複合藥劑提升薰衣草與鼠尾草耐熱性之應用..........119
一、前言(Introduction) ................................120
二、材料與方法(Materials and Methods) .................121
三、結果(Results) .....................................125
四、討論(Disscussion) .................................126
五、結論(Conclusion) ..................................127
第七章 結論............................................135
參考文獻(References) ................................. 136
附錄(Appendix) .......................................145

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