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研究生(外文):Chang-Rui Yang
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Chinese Tense Tagging and Its Application to Causal Effect Detection
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Hsi Chen
口試委員(外文):Lun-Wei KuChuan-Jie LinWei-Yun Ma
外文關鍵詞:Causal Analysis
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Causal analysis is an attractive topic in natural language processing and can be aplied in a variety of tasks such as event extaction, causality inference, and question-answering. This thesis explores the role of tense information in Chinese causal analysis. A semi-supervised approach is proposed for Chinese tense labelling. Both tasks of causal type classification and causal directionality identififcation are experimented to show the significant improvement gained from tense features.
Unlike English, which has grammatical tense information, it is more challenging to predict the tense of a Chinese verb. Based on English-Chinese parallel data from UM-Corpus, we propose an approach that automatically aligns the tense information from English sentences to their Chinese counterparts. The large amount of pseudo-labelled Chinese tense instances are used to train the Chinese tense predictor. Our semi-supervised approach improves the dependency-based convolutional neural network (DCNN) models for Chinese tense labelling.
Finally, the Chinese tense information is used as features for the tasks of casual type classification and causal directionality identification. Experimental results show the tense features significantly improve the performances of both tasks.

誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章、緒論 1
1.1因果分析 1
1.2中文時態預測 2
1.3論文架構 3
第二章、相關研究 4
2.1中文時態語料庫 4
2.2中文時態預測 5
2.3篇章關係語料庫 7
第三章、中文時態語料集標記 9
3.1建立規則從英文端取得時態資訊 9
3.2透過雙語對應連接中文英文單詞 14
3.3標記中文端時態 15
第四章、中文時態語料庫分析 17
4.1自動標記中文時態語料庫 17
4.2人工標記中文時態語料庫 21
4.3使用特徵 22
4.3.1詞彙特徵 22
4.3.2依存關係特徵 23
4.4分類模型 24
4.4.1傳統機器學習模型(traditional machine learning model) 24
4.4.2深層學習模型(Deep learning model) 25
4.5時態分類實驗 26
4.5.1交叉驗證自動生成資料集 27
4.5.2非監督式學習 27
4.5.3半監督式學習 30
第五章、因果篇章分類與因果論元識別 33
5.1運用時態提升因果篇章分類 34
5.2運用時態增進因果論元識別 39
第六章、結論及未來研究 48
參考文獻 49

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