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研究生(外文):Chiuan Wang
論文名稱:電路堆棧: 支援快速成型之革新電路工具
論文名稱(外文):CircuitStack: Supporting Rapid Prototyping and Evolution of Electronic Circuits
外文關鍵詞:Circuit PrototypingHybrid SystemReconfigurabilityReusabilityBreadboardPrintable CircuitsConductive Ink
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對於自造者、電子工程師以及部分硬體開發者而言,電路原型製作是開發硬體必經之過程。資訊發達的今日,開發者在進行電路原型製作的一開始,往往習慣於部落客、自造者社群中找尋資訊,尤以Fritzing團隊創設的麵包板電路圖(breadboard schematic)圖示於近年來逐漸受到自造者與硬體開發者的廣泛參考與使用。對於不同的需求,有些自造者與硬體開發者根據麵包板電路圖直接進行電路重製,而有些使用者會針對既有麵包板電路圖進行一些編輯、零件線路增減等修改動作以滿足其專案的需求。然而,這些網路資源上所找到的電路圖僅僅扮演著製作電路的藍圖與指示,自造者與硬體開發者使用麵包板工具時,仍須完全手動放置電子零件與電線,電路的線路複雜度提升時,容易導致人為錯誤與大量時間的耗費。因此,我們提出電路堆棧,一個混合系統結合了麵包板可插拔的便利性與先進印刷電路技術的線路速成性與正確性,提供使用者快速與可修改的電路原型製作工具。此系統可幫助使用者在早期的原型製作過程中,可進行快速地的電路重組和保持電子元件的重複使用。

For makers and developers, circuit prototyping is an integral part of building electronic projects. Currently, it is common to build circuits based on breadboard schematics that are available on various maker and DIY websites. Some breadboard schematics are used as is without modification, and some are modified and extended to fit specific needs. In such cases, diagrams and schematics merely serve as blueprints and visual instructions, but users still must physically wire the breadboard connections, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. We present CircuitStack, a system that combines the flexibility of breadboarding with the correctness of printed circuits, for enabling rapid and extensible circuit construction. This hybrid system enables circuit reconfigurability, component reusability, and high efficiency at the early stage of prototyping development.

誌謝 i

Abstract ii

摘要 iii

1 Introduction 1

2 Related Work 4
2.1 Pluggable Boards 4
2.2 Fabrication Tools for Circuit Prototyping 5
2.3 Modularized Electronics 6
2.4 Summary 6

3 System Design and Implementation 8
3.1 Hardware 8
3.1.1 Key Component: Contact Spring 8
3.1.2 Signal Flow Overview 9
3.1.3 Breadboard Layer of CircuitStack 11
3.1.4 Circuit Layer of CircuitStack 11
3.1.5 Aluminum Plastic Panel 13
3.2 Software 14

4 System Flow and Walkthrough 16
4.1 Workshop 18

5 Discussion 21
5.1 Multi-layer PCP 21
5.2 Visual Feedback 22
5.3 Resistivity and Alternative Conductive Materials for PCP 23
5.4 Component Compatibility 23

6 Limitations and Future Work 25

7 Conclusion 27

Bibliography 28

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