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研究生(外文):Wei-Chih Lin
外文關鍵詞:remediation prioritymultiple heavy metalspollutionbiological conservationrobust decisiongeostatistics
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In the past, due to the global industrialization, various industries were set up in Taiwan. A ton of by-products or wastes from industries have been emitted into our environment without any proper treatments. These wastes eventually lead to water pollution in irrigation area and soil pollution. Because the heavy metals emitted from industrial sector into soil are highly toxic, long-lasting and persistent, they tend to adverse effects on public health and environment. In addition, soil heavy metals also affect species inhabiting in the contaminated area via food webs. Heavy metals tend to accumulate in plants and lower-level consumers inhabiting in contaminated soil, and further magnify into higher consumers level, such as birds, through unintentionally intaking heavy metal toxicities into their body when preying on plants or lower-level consumers. Therefore, in addition to setting up monitoring and controlling processes, a comprehensive remediation design focusing on soil heavy metal contamination needs to be proposed. In this study, we took eight soil heavy metals and eight birds of which the protected level is greater than conservation-deserving level as an example. Based on the survey data of soil heavy metals, we applied geostatistics to jointly simulate the possible distribution of eight soil heavy metals in Taiwan. After that, based on Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) decided classification, in which the concentrations of soil heavy metals were classified into five classes, the area with concentrations within or above fourth range are regarded as polluted. Besides, the uncertainty analysis for simulated distributions of soil heavy metals is also completed. With respect to the simulation of bird distribution, we applied bootstrap resample technique and species distribution model to generate as many distributions as possible. The area with high ecological values are delineated using Zonation, a systematic conservation model, based on the possible bird distributions. Similar to soil heavy metals, the uncertainty analysis for simulated distributions of bird was also completed. Finally, based on the simulated maps of soil heavy metals and birds, a robust decision-making approach is used to evaluate the performance of each candidate solution and decide the area in need for remediation. The results show the approach proposed in this study can help decision-makers to set up the remediation area given the pollution-free habitat suitability (index of ecological value based on environmental pollution), false positive rate (dividing the number of non-polluted areas that are wrongly classified as contaminated by the total number of non-polluted areas) and robustness (the proportion of realizations in which the pollution-free habitat suitability and false positive rate both reach pre-defined standards). This study provides decision-makers with a structural approach in consideration of the influence of uncertainty which is applicable to the decision making regarding environmental remediation based on the quantified robustness.

口試委員會審定書 I
誌謝 II
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 V
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XII
一、緒論 1
1.1研究動機與方向 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究架構 4
二、文獻回顧 5
2.1土壤重金屬調查情形 5
2.2土壤重金屬污染來源及傳輸途徑 8
2.3 土壤重金屬的存在型態與危害 12
2.4重金屬對生態(鳥類)的影響 16
2.5地理統計(土壤重金屬空間分布模式與不確定性分析) 18
2.5.1地理統計在土壤重金屬濃度推估的應用 18
2.5.2土壤重金屬濃度聯合模擬 20
2.5.3 地理統計模式之不確定性 22
2.6土壤汙染區劃定與決策分析 25
2.7物種分布模式與不確定性分析 29
2.8生態保育區之劃定 32
2.9土壤重金屬整治與生態(鳥類)保育 35
三、研究理論與方法 38
3.1研究區域與資料 38
3.1.1研究區域 38
3.1.2鳥類資料 39
3.1.3土壤重金屬資料 40
3.2 地理統計理論與模擬 42
3.2.1 區域化變數理論 42
3.2.2 半變異圖及常用模型 44
3.2.3 一般克立金 45
3.2.4 逐步高斯模擬法 46
3.3 U-WEDGE 48
3.4變數空間相關性去除的效率指標 50
3.5物種分布模式 52
3.5.1 羅吉斯迴歸 52
3.5.2 GAM 52
3.5.3 支持向量機(supporting vector machine, SVM) 53
3.6 拔靴法 55
3.7 LISA 56
3.8局部與空間不確定性分析 57
3.9 Zonation 59
3.10 決策分析方法:Information-gap decision theory (IGDT) 61
四、結果與討論 66
4.1物種空間分布與生態保育優先順序 66
4.2 土壤重金屬的統計特性與空間特性 80
4.3 模擬的土壤重金屬濃度與污染地區 83
4.4 鳥類生態熱點與土壤重金屬汙染 91
4.5 土壤重金屬整治區域之決策分析 93
4.6 開發軟體之展示 105
4.6.1 多變量土壤重金屬汙染之空間模擬 105
4.6.2 土壤汙染整治區域之決策分析 109
4.7 未來生態風險評估模式建立 112
五、結論與建議 114
六、參考文獻 117

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