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研究生(外文):Tai-Yuan Liu
論文名稱(外文):Spatial Estimation of the Northern Taiwan Rainfall Erosion Index Derived from Distrometer
指導教授(外文):Jen-Chen Fan
外文關鍵詞:distrometerrainfall erosion indexdelimiting the homogeneous regionsprincipal components analysiskriging methodcross validation
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台灣因為特殊的水文和地文條件以及人為的活動使得土壤沖蝕問題嚴重。降雨沖蝕指數(Rainfall Erosion Index)是影響土壤沖蝕的一個重要因子。由於現有的雨量觀測站數目有限,且降雨觀測期長短不一;因此,對於沒有設立雨量觀測站或是沒有雨量資料之處,實有必要針對其降雨沖蝕指數進行空間分佈之推估。
本研究以北台灣地區為研究區域,對無觀測站地區的降雨沖蝕指數進行推估之研究。所使用之降雨沖蝕指數是由自動化雨滴譜儀之觀測資料分析所得。而空間分佈推估之方法有:(1)內插法(Interpolation Method):由等降雨沖蝕指數圖求得,或由估算地點附近三個已知地點之值以反距離加權法(Inverse-Distance Weighting Method)進行計算,這是台灣目前水土保持技術規範之做法;(2) 克利金法:以研究區域全部雨量觀測站資料透過克利金法進行推估,這是近年來國內外漸多使用且比方法一較為準確之方法;(3) 均一區劃分法和克利金法合併使用:此方法先進行降雨沖蝕特性均一區劃分,以同區之測站資料透過克利金法進行推估該區域內的降雨沖蝕指數,此為本研究所提出和使用之方法。本研究透過方法二和方法三來探討降雨沖蝕特性分區對於降雨沖蝕指數推估之影響。

Soil erosion has been a serious problem in Taiwan due to special hydrological and physiographic conditions, and human activities. Rainfall erosion index (the R factor) is an important factor for soil erosion. Because of the limited number of rainfall observation stations and the different lengths of rainfall observation period, it is necessary to conduct spatial estimation of the R for the areas without rainfall observation station or lack of rainfall data.
To accomplish this goal, the northern Taiwan was selected as the study area. The R values used in this study was obtained from the observed data using distrometer. There are three methods for spatial estimation. The first is interpolation method: isoerodent map method or inverse-distance weighting method computed using the data of the three near rainfall observation stations. This method is currently applied to the technical specification of soil and water conservation in Taiwan. The second is Kriging method: the observed rainfall data in the whole study area are used to estimate the R value using the Kriging method. Compared to Method 1, Method 2 is more accurate and more often used in recent years. The third is delimiting homogeneous region method accompanied with the Kriging method: firstly, delimit homogeneous regions of rainfall erosion properties, then using the Kriging method with each homogeneous region’s rainfall observation station data to estimate the R vales in each homogeneous region. This method is proposed and utilized in this study. By comparing Method 2 with Method 3, the effects of delimiting homogeneous regions of rainfall erosion properties on the R estimation in the areas without observed rainfall data are investigated in this study.
While Method 3 is used for analysis, principal components analysis(Principal components include longitude, latitude, elevation, rainfall erosion index and its coefficient of variation.) is firstly conducted and two step cluster analysis is then carried out. Through the procedures, the northern Taiwan could be clearly delimited, while each region maintain its spatial dependence. Finally, in each rainfall erosion property region, the Kriging method is applied to estimate the R values for the areas without observed rainfall data. From the results of cross validation, it is found the R values estimated using Method 3 is more accurate than that using Method 2, i.e., Method 3 is better than Method 2.

口試委員審定書 I
誌謝 II
摘要 III
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 通用土壤流失公式介紹 3
2.2 降雨沖蝕指數之發展與定義 4
2.3 降雨沖蝕指數之空間分佈推估研究 10
2.4 空間分佈推估法 11
2.4.1 徐昇氏多邊形法 12
2.4.2 趨勢面法 12
2.4.3 反距離加權法 12
2.4.4 克利金法 12
2.4.5 PRISM模式 14
2.5 高程效應 14
2.6 均一區劃分 16
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 研究材料(資料) 20
3.1.1 資料來源 20
3.1.2 研究區域 21
3.2 研究流程 21
3.3 均一區劃分 25
3.3.1 輸入變量選取 25
3.3.2 主成分分析 26
3.3.3 兩階段群集分析 28
3.3.4 分析軟體介紹 30
3.4 高程關係檢驗與移除 30
3.5 克利金法 31
第四章 結果與討論 39
4.1 降雨沖蝕指數空間分佈推估結果 39
4.1.1 未分區之空間分佈推估結果 39
4.1.2 分區之空間分佈推估結果 39
4.2 各方法空間分佈推估結果之比較 56
4.3 與前人之文獻比較 56
4.4 可能之應用 58
4.4.1降雨沖蝕指數圖之修訂 58
4.4.2山區防災與水庫整治之調整 58
4.5 綜合討論 59
第五章 結論與建議 60
5.1 結論 60
5.2 建議 60
參考文獻 62
附錄1各降雨測站之座標及年平均降雨沖蝕指數及推估值 67
附錄2各分區之試驗半變異元圖 71
附錄3各分區各理論半變異元模式公式 75

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