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研究生(外文):Ping-Tsan Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Quarantine Fish Farm and Artificial Clownfish Marine Aquaculture
指導教授(外文):Li-Fen Lei
外文關鍵詞:clown fishquarantine fish farmartificial sea saltmarine aquaculturefilter system
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而根據King (1975) 陳述了建置海洋生物繁養殖時,可利用封閉式再循環過濾系統,其好處是:可以隔絕大自然的不利影響如颱風、洪荒等及不受人為的汙染;可以應用在遠離海邊的繁養殖場;充分掌控不同的環境變異因子如溫度、鹽度、光週期等;整個系統易於操作;在取樣上極為簡易便利;提供持續穩定性的觀察;可建置不同的系統,卻可統一中央操控;最後則是可以在未經浮游形式污染前優先選擇生物群。以安全魚場的方式規範去建立一個具有可出口及繁養殖的魚場,本研究因此規劃小丑魚繁養殖場規模之建議圖,並參考符合歐盟規格標準規範,以使未來對各國出口小丑魚時能符合各國的檢驗檢疫健康標準。

Considering the clownfish repopulation, harvest, sales and marketing, the focus of this study is to set up quarantine fish farm and standard working process which are including: the brook stocks selecting and rearing; the establishing a strict standard for bio-feeds cultivation which is the most import part of breeding; the intensive recirculation filter system with artificial marine salt used, considering not interfered by natural variables, bacteria and virus, and saving the land cost. The purpose of discourse the quarantine fish farm is try to set up standard mold of rearing clownfish in Taiwan for those who are interested in such as private hobbyist, breeders, dealers, entrepreneurs, scholars, and researching institutes, etc., By upgrading the skills of breeding; enlarging the variety via researching and innovation; the participation of academic institutions; the support of air transportation by the officials government, we could compete with the challenges both from the breeders in South East Asia with the cheaper prices and the breeders in USA with new innovation, then, the clownfish aquaculture will be the star industry in the future for Taiwan.
In general, all the countries manage the ornamental fish variety according to the relative Washington Convention such as the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora stating the list that aren’t allowed to import and export, and the risks of invasion and harmful colonization to the environment. In health aspect, FAO developed the OIE norm and regulation as valuable information sources. The EU established a Health Certificate as importing standard in 2008, some of the countries use the guidelines to reach the health standard by setting up the quarantine fish farm or registered healthy farm. The operating of quarantine fish farm can be used effectively to increase biosecurity and protect virus infection since hatching, rearing, not only at the exporting period. Recently there are some success cases in developing and producing artificial sea salts in Taiwan, for cost consideration, it will be better to utilize re-circulation filter system. The advantages of re-circulation filter system with the artificial sea salts are the health, the biosecurity, and the successful culture.
As King (1975), the benefits of utilizing an intensive recirculation filter system in marine biology breeding are to avoid nature disaster such as typhoon, flood and human beings’ pollution; to set up the farm without geographical limitation; to fully control all the environment variables; to operate the system easier; to do the sampling work easier; to provide observation in stable; to set up central operation for different systems; to choose the biology group before being contaminated.
Based on the norms and operating guidelines of the quarantine fish farm that can be the capacity to be a exporting and nursery farm, this study programs a clownfish farms in chart with the suggested scale, and makes references from the FAO Technical Guidelines and EU Health Certificate standards. The prospect is our clownfish could meet all the health inspection and quarantine of various countries’ in exporting with the best quality.

口試委員審定書 i
謝辭 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第貳章 安全魚場操作實務與新加坡規範 8
第一節 安全魚場檢驗檢疫操作實務 8
第二節 新加坡的檢疫及安全魚場要求規範 11
第參章 天然海水與使用於繁殖養殖之人工海水 18
第一節 天然海水成分 18
第二節 海水汙染與天然海水養殖問題 21
第三節 建置人工海水的條件 23
第四節 人工海水的過濾系統............................................................................................27
第肆章 符合安全魚場規範之人工海水小丑魚繁養殖場 30
第一節 人工海水小丑魚繁養殖場的建置.................................……...................30
第二節 安全魚場管理規範....................................................................................35
第三節 成本與獲利能力分析................................................................................43
第伍章 結論 ..55
參考文獻 57

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