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研究生(外文):Po-Han Chen
論文名稱(外文):A WSN-Based Monitoring and Voltage Synchronizing Technique for Solar Systems
外文關鍵詞:Internet of Thingswireless sensor networkmaximum power point trackingvoltage synchronizing technique
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在監測技術的相關研究中,無線感測器網路(Wireless Sensor Network, WSN)擁有體積小、方便佈建及成本低廉等優點,故本研究利用電氣係數和環境參數感測器搭配無線通訊節點,建構無線感測器網路,進行太陽光電系統的監測。透過長期監測結果,發現太陽能發電系統在實務上受到環境多變的影響,經由同樣最大功率點追蹤(Maximum Power Point Tracking, MPPT)之演算法,在同樣環境,同樣材質的太陽能陣列,其輸出電壓和輸出電流並不相近,甚至具有差異性,故本研究希望建立一套具有電壓同步技術的無線感測器網路應用於太陽光電系統,降低環境多變的因素所導致之最大功率點追蹤上的失誤,降低發電量的損失。

To reduce the negative impact caused by global warming on the environment, the governments of many countries in the world have already initiated many renewable energy projects. In most cases the use of renewable energy such as power generated by photovoltaic (PV) panels is able to considerably reduce certain carbon dioxide emissions. This merit makes PV panels a reliable energy source and an efficient mitigation lever against global warming. Since 2012, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan has also developed a renewable energy program, which aims to build and promote a series of solar systems in real industrial implementation. The location of a solar system and the surrounding environmental factors directly affect the efficiency of energy conversion. With the limitations on resources and budgets, to monitor the energy generation of solar photovoltaic systems in real time, it is necessary to ensure the status and stability of the systems.
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the technologies often used in the studies on monitoring systems, and it has the advantages of small sizes, convenience of setting up, and low cost. Sensor nodes can provide information of electrical and environmental parameters. In an ideal situation, the maximum power points (MPPs) must be quite close for PV panels manufactured by the same material and located in similar environments, if the same algorithms of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) are used. But in a practical situation, the MPPs might be different due to rapidly changing environmental conditions. This study therefore purposed a voltage synchronizing technique for solar systems, through which the errors of MPPT algorithms caused by a rapidly changing environment could be avoided, and the technique could increase the power generation efficiency of solar systems.
Moreover, the concept of IoT was applied to the development of the voltage synchronizing technique. The technique allowed the systems to communicate with each other to achieve the goal of monitoring and optimizing the systems based on the IoT technology. The voltage synchronizing technique this study was applicable to all MPPT techniques. The technique could increase the total power generating capacity of solar systems.

Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iv
List of Illustrations vii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation and purpose 6
1.2.1 The Difference between Inverters 6
1.2.2 Analysis with one-way ANOVA 10
1.2.3 Expected Effects after the Voltage Synchronizing 13
1.2.4 Motivation and Purpose 14
1.3 Thesis Organization 15
Chapter 2 Literature Review 17
2.1 Solar Systems 17
2.2 Maximum Power Point Tracking 21
2.2.1 Hill Climbing/P&O (perturb & observe) Method 22
2.2.2 Incremental Conductance Method 24
2.2.3 Fractional Open-circuit Voltage Method/Fractional Short-circuit Current Method 26
2.2.4 Hybrid MPPT 27
2.2.5 Comparison of MPPT Techniques 28
2.3 Internet of Things 29
2.4 Wireless Sensor Network 32
2.4.1 Introduction to WSN 32
2.4.2 Considerations of WSNs 35
2.5 IoT Applications for Solar Systems 38
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods 40
3.1 The Architecture of the Proposed Voltage Synchronizing Technique 40
3.2 The Hardware for implementing the Voltage Synchronizing Technique 42
3.2.1 MPPT controller 42
3.2.2 Wireless Communication Module 47
3.2.3 Sensing Devices That Measures Environmental Parameters 49
3.3 The Software for implementing the Voltage Synchronizing Technique 52
3.3.1 The Integrated Development Environment 52
3.3.2 The process performed by the MPPT Controller 53
3.3.3 The Structure of Nodes 55
3.3.4 The Process of the Voltage Synchronizing 58
3.4 The Algorithm of the MPPT 60
3.5 Experiment Design 65
3.5.1 The Stability and Robustness of the Proposed WSN 66
3.5.2 The Efficiency of the MPPT Method 67
3.5.3 The Efficiency of the Voltage Synchronizing Technique 68
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 69
4.1 The Stability and Robustness of the proposed WSN 69
4.2 The Efficiency of MPPT 69
4.3 The Efficiency of Voltage Synchronizing Technique 74
4.4 The Cost and Benefit of Voltage Synchronizing Technique 74
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 77
Reference 79

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