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研究生(外文):Jie-Ming Wang
論文名稱(外文):Interference-Aware Receiver Design in Ultra Dense Network
指導教授(外文):Tzi-Dar Chiueh
口試委員(外文):Pei-Yun TsaiI-Wei LaiChia-Hsiang Yang
外文關鍵詞:Ultra Dense NetworkInterference-Aware ReceiverBit-Level Cancellation Sphere DecoderUnder-determined MIMO DetectionMIMO Detection error rate upper bound
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Data traffic demand in cellular networks grows up very fast. To increase network capacity, Ultra Dense Network is a candidate technique in next generation mobile communication. However, traditional linear receiver is no longer applicable due to the severe interference problem in Ultra Dense Network scenario. We probably use interference-aware receiver which complexity is much higher than linear receiver to get acceptable performance. This thesis proposes low-complexity interference-aware receiver while maintaining acceptable performance.
Due to the difference of transmit power of different types of base station, we will encounter different interference streams. For strong interference stream, we propose Tree Search with Bit-level Cancellation Receiver which can cancel strong interference effectively both in flat fading and fast fading channel. For the residual weak interference, we propose Reduced Constellation search to reduce visit node during tree search and we analyze the error rate of Reduced Constellation search. Besides, we propose Just Acceptable Error Rate Reduced Constellation Bit-Level Cancellation Sphere Decoder which can dynamically switch Reduced Constellation search configuration by Reduced Constellation search error rate analysis.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 超高密度網路 5
2.1 基地台種類 5
2.2 基地台之間的干擾情境 7
2.2.1 覆蓋空洞(Coverage hole) 7
2.2.2 細胞範圍擴展(Cell Range Expansion) 7
2.2.3 接收端訊號模型 8
2.3 傳送端干擾管理技術 9
2.3.1 聯合傳輸與動態細胞選擇 9
2.3.2 細胞間干擾協調(Inter-cell interference coordination) 9
2.4 接收端干擾管理技術 11
2.4.1 干擾抑制接收機(Interference Suppression Receiver) 11
2.4.2 干擾感知接收機(Interference-Aware Receiver) 11
第三章 多輸入多輸出系統干擾感知接收機 13
3.1 多輸入多輸出系統模型 13
3.1.1 多輸入多輸出系統簡介 13
3.1.2 通道容量(Cannel Capacity) 15
3.2 多輸入多輸出偵測(MIMO Detection) 16
3.2.1 軟/硬性輸出解碼 16
3.2.2 強制歸零(Zero Forcing) 17
3.2.3 最小均方錯誤(Minimum Mean Square Error) 18
3.2.4 排序連續干擾消除(Order Successive Interference Cancellation) 20
3.2.5 最大概似(Maximum Likelihood) 21
3.2.6 球面解碼(Sphere Decoder) 22
3.3 多輸入多輸出位元交錯編碼調變系統(MIMO BICM Systems) 31
3.4 欠秩多輸入多輸出偵測(Under-Determined MIMO Detection) 32
3.4.1 通用球面解碼(Generalized Sphere Decoder) 32
3.4.2 快速通用球面解碼(Fast Generalized Sphere Decoder) 34
3.4.3 正規化通用球面解碼(Regularized Generalized Sphere Decoder) 36
第四章 多輸入多輸出系統干擾感知接收機錯誤率分析 39
4.1 全星座點搜尋接收機錯誤率分析 39
4.2 強制歸零接收機錯誤率分析 44
4.3 縮小星座點搜尋接收機錯誤率分析 46
4.3.1 縮小星座點搜尋(Reduced Constellation Search) 46
4.3.2 縮小星座點搜尋錯誤率公式 47
4.3.3 單層縮小星座點外機率 49
4.4 模擬結果 51
4.4.1 全星座點搜尋干擾感知接收機錯誤率分析模擬 52
4.4.2 縮小星座點搜尋干擾感知接收機錯誤率分析模擬 56
第五章 恰可接受錯誤率之 縮小星座點搜尋位元干擾消除接收機 64
5.1 訊雜比估測器(SNR estimator) 64
5.2 位元干擾消除(Bit-Level Cancellation) 67
5.2.1 符元干擾消除 67
5.2.2 最小均方錯誤與降維球面解碼位元干擾消除接收機 68
5.2.3 樹狀搜尋位元干擾消除接收機 69
5.3 縮小星座點搜尋切換策略 71
5.3.1 縮小星座點搜尋錯誤率內插器 73
5.3.2 縮小星座點搜尋錯誤率預測器 75
5.4 系統方塊圖 76
5.5 模擬結果 77
第六章 結論與展望 83
參考資料 85

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