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研究生(外文):Hsing-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):V-band Subharmonic IQ Mixer Using Transformer Coupling and Buffer Amplifier
外文關鍵詞:sub-harmonic mixerIQ mixertransformer coupledcross-couplertransimpedance amplifiersingle balanced mixerGilbert cell mixer
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本論文緩衝放大器利用TSMC 40nm CMOS製程,晶片尺寸為 ,量測結果增益壓縮2 dB頻寬為51.9 GHz至62 GHz,小訊號增益為9.92 dB,雜訊指數最低於頻率59 GHz時為4.8 dB,輸入P1dB為-13 dBm,IIP3為-0.5 dBm,直流功耗為11.23 mW,與模擬結果相比增益及中心頻率點不如預期,其原因為電晶體模型於高頻時需做修正,於本論文第6章會詳細介紹。
使用倍頻器之次諧波正交混頻器利用TSMC 90 nm CMOS製程,晶片尺寸為 ,量測結果轉換增益為-20.5 dB,輸入P1dB為1 dBm,本地震盪功耗為11 dBm,直流功耗為13.92 mW,與模擬結果相比轉換增益差異較大,其原因於本論文第6章會詳細介紹。使用變壓器耦合之正交混頻器利用TSMC 40nm CMOS製程,晶片尺寸為 ,其晶片還未製作完畢,模擬結果轉換增益為-13 dB,輸入P1dB為-5 dBm,IIP3為4 dBm,本地震盪功耗為7 dBm,中頻增益降1 dB頻寬為0.01 GHz至1 GHz,直流功耗為26.62 mW。

In this thesis, a buffer amplifier and two subharmonic down-conversion mixers for V-band communication receiver system are designed and fabricated. This thesis starts from introducing buffer amplifier design principles. Then, this thesis introduces different mixer topologies and features, including active, passive, single balanced and double balanced mixers. Finally, this thesis introduces different sub-harmonic mixer topologies and features. Among all the sub-harmonic mixer topology, the sub-harmonic Gilbert cell mixer is the most widely used.
This thesis proposes a two stage cascade amplifier using cascode amplifier with common-source amplifier, and successfully implement a low-power, high linearity and low noise buffer amplifier. Then, we propose an improved single balanced harmonic mixer. This mixer uses frequency multiplier to double local oscillation frequency, active load of cross-coupled to enhance conversion gain, and transformer to improve linearity. Finally, this thesis proposes an improved sub-harmonic Gilbert cell mixer, also using transformer to improve linearity, and adding transimpedance amplifier at output stage to reduce sensitivity to next stage’s impedance, and avoid circuit oscillation.
In this thesis, buffer amplifier is developed in TSMC 40 nm CMOS technology. The measured 2dB bandwidth is 51.9GHz to 52GHz, and small signal gain is 9.9dB. The minimum noise figure is 4.8dB at 59GHz, input P1dB is -13dBm, IIP3 is -0.5 dBm, and DC power consumption is 11.23mW. The measured results comparing with simulated results have some deviation, due to in-accurate transistor model at high frequency.
The sub-harmonic IQ mixer is developed in TSMC 90 nm CMOS technology. The measured conversion gain is -20.5dB, the input P1dB is 1dBm, and the DC power consumption is 13.92mW. The measured results comparing with simulated results have some deviation, and the reason is explained in Chapter 6. Finally, the sub-harmonic IQ mixer using transformer is developed in TSMC 40 nm CMOS technology. This chip is still under fabrication. The simulated conversion gain is -13 dB, input P1dB is -13dB, IIP3 is 4dBm, and DC power consumption is 26.62mW.

口試委員會審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 簡介 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 各章節介紹重點 4
Chapter 2 緩衝放大器、混頻器及次諧波混頻器架構概論 5
2.1 簡介 5
2.2 緩衝放大器電路架構 5
2.2.1 共源極放大器和疊接放大器小訊號模型 5
2.2.2 緩衝放大器雜訊指數 6
2.2.3 緩衝放大器非線性考量 8
2.2.4 緩衝放大器特性比較 10
2.3 混頻器電路架構 11
2.3.1 被動式混頻器 11
2.3.2 主動式混頻器 12
2.4 次諧波混頻器電路架構 13
2.4.1 被動次諧波混頻器 14
2.4.2 主動式次諧波混頻器 15
2.5 正交混頻器系統架構 18
2.6 正交振幅調變 19
Chapter 3 緩衝放大器 21
3.1 電路架構 21
3.2 電路運作原理 21
3.3 緩衝放大器電路設計 22
3.3.1 電晶體尺寸 22
3.3.2 電磁模擬 24
3.3.3 模擬結果 25
3.3.4 電路特性比較 29
3.3.5 電路佈局與晶片照片 30
Chapter 4 使用倍頻器之次諧波正交混頻器 32
4.1 電路架構 32
4.2 電路運作原理 33
4.2.1 倍頻器運作原理 34
4.2.2 交叉耦合對負載運作原理 34
4.2.3 單平衡混頻器運作原理 35
4.2.4 次諧波混頻器運作原理 38
4.3 使用倍頻器之次諧波正交混頻器電路設計 39
4.3.1 電晶體尺寸 39
4.3.2 電磁模擬 42
4.3.3 模擬結果 44
4.3.4 電路特性比較 49
4.3.5 電路佈局圖與晶片照片 50
Chapter 5 使用變壓器耦合之次諧波正交混頻器 51
5.1 電路架構 51
5.2 電路運作原理 52
5.2.1 次諧波混頻器運作原理 52
5.2.2 轉阻放大器運作原理 53
5.2.3 變壓器耦合運作原理 55
5.3 使用變壓器耦合之次諧波正交混頻器電路設計 58
5.3.1 電晶體尺寸 59
5.3.2 電磁模擬 60
5.3.3 模擬結果 61
5.3.4 電路特性比較 66
5.3.5 電路佈局與晶片照片 67
Chapter 6 量測 68
6.1 簡介 68
6.1.1 緩衝器量測簡介 68
6.1.2 混頻器量測簡介 69
6.2 緩衝放大器之電晶體模型修正 70
6.3 緩衝放大器之量測數據 72
6.3.1 小訊號增益 72
6.3.2 反射係數 72
6.3.3 雜訊指數 73
6.3.4 輸入P1dB 74
6.3.5 三階輸入截點 74
6.4 使用倍頻器之次諧波正交混頻器量測結果 75
6.4.1 反射係數 75
6.4.2 轉換增益 77
6.4.3 輸入P1dB 78
6.5 使用倍頻器之次諧波正交混頻器量測結果偏差原因 79
Chapter 7 結論 82

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