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研究生(外文):Da-Cheng Sung
論文名稱(外文):Color Filter Array Demosaicing by Using Wavelet Transform Scheme
指導教授(外文):Hen-Wai Tsao
口試委員(外文):Chiou-shann FuhYeong-kang LaiShao-Yi ChienYu-Cheng FanChao-Tsung HuangHung-Shing Chen
外文關鍵詞:CFA interpolation
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Digital still cameras use image sensors to capture images. To reduce the size of digital still cameras, a single image sensor instead of three image sensors should be used. A single image sensor overlaid with a color filter array (CFA) that only captures one color channel at each pixel; thus, the other two missing color channels at each pixel must be reproduced from neighboring pixels. This procedure is known as CFA interpolation or demosaicking.
The main goal of this thesis is to design and analyze algorithms of CFA interpolation. Our research focuses on two CFA interpolation systems: classifiers for edge detection and demosaicking by using subband synthesis.
At the first part of this thesis, we introduce the background of CFA interpolation and the research motivation. Then, the traditional techniques of CFA interpolation are reviewed. They can be categorized into three groups which are non-edge-sensing algorithms, edge-sensing algorithms and frequency correlation algorithms.
Classifiers for edge detection are important in CFA interpolation, since interpolating a missing pixel along an edge or across an edge can result in apparently different interpolation. In the second part of this thesis, classifiers for edge detection are introduced and a novel wavelet-based interpolation algorithm is presented to predict the direction of edges.
In CFA interpolation process, there are two artefacts, i.e. zipper effect and false color artefacts may affect the CFA interpolation performance. In the third part of this thesis, a wavelet based CFA interpolation method is presented to reduce zipper effect and false color artefacts. First, an edge detection method is used to interpolate the initial missing color channels. Second, the high correlations between wavelet subbands of the different color channels are explored to obtain accurate green color values of the estimated green channel. Finally, the high-frequency subbands of red and blue channels are iteratively updated to reduce false color artefacts.
In this dissertation, effective classifiers for edge detection and a wavelet based CFA interpolation algorithm are presented. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method can indeed preserve edges and restore images with high quality.

誌謝 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of Color Filter Array Demosaicing 1
1.2 Research Motivation 7
1.3 Scope of Research 8
1.3.1 Classifiers for Edge Detection 8
1.3.2 Demosaicing using Sub-band Synthesis 9
1.4 Organization of Dissertation 9
Chapter 2 Overview of Techniques used in Color Filter Array Demosaicing 11
2.1 Non-edge-sensing algorithms 11
2.1.1 Nearest neighbor rep1ication 12
2.1.2 Bilinear interpolation 13
2.1.3 Constant-hue-based interpolation 14
2.1.4 Color difference interpolation 16
2.2 Edge-sensing algorithms 18
2.2.1 Adaptive edge-sensing algorithms 19
2.2.2 Edge-sensing with second-order correction 21
2.3 Frequency correlation algorithms 24
2.4 Conventional sub-band synthesis methods 25
2.4.1 Alternating projections 25
2.4.2 Enhanced alternating projection method 29
2.4.3 High-frequency sub-band synthesis method 30
2.5 Conclusions 31
Chapter 3 Classifiers for Edge Detection 33
3.1 Spatial Edge Classifier 34
3.2 Spectral Edge Classifiers 37
3.2.1 Demosaicing using sub-band correlation method 38
3.2.2 DWT and proposed demosaicing using sub-band based classifiers 39
3.3 Conclusions 46
Chapter 4 Experiment Results: Spatial Edge and Spectral Edge Classifiers 47
4.1 Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio comparison 47
4.2 Visual Comparison 49
Chapter 5 Demosaicing by Using Subband Synthesis 53
5.1 Adaptive Edge Sensing Color interpolation 54
5.1.1 Initial Estimation of the Green Channel: 54
5.1.2 Red or Blue Channel Interpolation: 56
5.2 Subband Synthesis of the Interpolation Image 57
5.2.1 Downsampling the Green and Red Channels 58
5.2.2 Decomposing the Green Channel into Four Subbands 58
5.2.3 Decomposing the Red Channel into Three Subbands 59
5.2.4 Replace LH and HL Subbands of the Green Channel by Compensated LH and HL Subbands 59
5.3 Iterative Subbands Synthesis of the Red and Blue Channels 61
5.3.1 Updating the Red and Blue Channels 61
5.3.2 Iterative updating of the Red and Blue Channels 61
5.4 Conclusion 62
Chapter 6 Experimental Result of Demosaicking by Using Subband Synthesis 63
6.1 Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio comparison 65
6.2 Visual Comparison 68
6.3 Conclusion 75
Chapter 7 Conclusions 97
7.1 Principal Contributions 98
7.2 Future Directions for research 99
7.2.1 Joint CFA interpolation and image resizing function 99
7.2.2 Using image classification and multiple CFA demosaicing algorithms 100
7.2.3 Adaptive demosaicing according to CFA pattern 101
Bibliography 102
Publication List 105
Resume 106

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