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研究生(外文):Ming-Jyun Hong
論文名稱(外文):Robotics Artistic Colorful Picture Drawing and Painting Using Visual Feedback Control System
外文關鍵詞:service roboticsentertainment roboticsart roboticsrobot vision systemartificial intelligence
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In the decades, with the improvement of the living standards, people start pursuing high-level mental enjoyment. The applications of robots are not just limited in industrial purpose which aims to enhance the performance of production in factories. More and more research teams are devoted to the developments of modern and high-intelligence service robots. These robots not only provide different kinds of services, but also bring lots of recreational values to people. Moreover, some researches further break the image that science is stiff. They try to combine science and art together and sparkle new imaginations and amazement.
The objective of this research is to integrate the idea of art into robotics applications and make a robot that can create artworks with artistic value just like human artists. In this research, we present two different styles of art. First, the Robot Artist uses mixed media to draw portraits which have hand-painted style. We emphasize on three main features of human portraits: color, silhouette and structure. The input image goes through different image processing steps to extract these features and combine together to form a NPR style image. The Robot Artist will draw the portraits based on this image using color crayons, oil painting brushes, turpentine, makers and technical pens. For the other style, the robot is further endowed with the capability of painting colorful pictures with a visual feedback control system. It can use only five basic colors to mix a variety of colors and repeatedly refine its artworks by comparing the current picture with the original image. We analyze the performance of our system and prove that the errors between two images would decrease effectively using our approach. The mixed colors is also limited in the range about 10% compared to the target color, which is acceptable with respect to our visual perception.
In this research, the Robot Artist has successfully achieved the very first step of imitating the human artists and blur the line between human and machine creativity. We incorporate the artistic techniques and concept into robotic field and make the robot create artworks that are truly admired by people. More importantly, we not only present the competence of robots in artistic creation, but also provide a scientific perspective on the creation of art, which can help people learn the techniques of painting.

口試委員會審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Service Robotics 1
1.2 Entertainment Robotics 3
1.3 Art Robotics 6
1.4 Non-Photorealistic Rendering 11
1.5 Thesis Structure 12
Chapter 2 Manipulator 13
2.1 Mechanism 13
2.1.1 D-H parameters 14
2.1.2 Transmission and actuator 16
2.1.3 Gripper 18
2.2 Control Architecture 20
2.3 Online Trajectory Generation 22
Chapter 3 Colorful Human Portrait Drawing 25
3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 Experimental Setup 26
3.2.1 Scene 26
3.2.2 Media 27
3.3 System Procedure 28
3.4 Image Processing 28
3.4.1 Face Detection 30
3.4.2 Contour Extraction 30 Canny Edge 31 Flow-based Difference-of-Gaussians 32 Morphological Operation 35
3.4.3 Color Segmentation 36 Color Segment Clustering (Mean Shift) 36 Color Segment Registration 39
3.4.4 Shade Generation 41 Image Binarization 42 Shade Refinement 43
3.4.5 Fusion 43
3.5 Trajectory Planning 44
3.5.1 Coordination Transformation 44
3.5.2 Drawing procedure Planning 45
3.6 Experimental Results and Discussion 47
Chapter 4 Colorful Picture Painting with Visual Feedback Control System 49
4.1 Introduction 49
4.1.1 Human painting behavior 49
4.1.2 Robot vision system 50
4.1.3 Underpainting 51
4.2 Experimental Setup 53
4.2.1 Scene and Media 53
4.2.2 Calibration 54
4.3 System Structure 55
4.4 Preprocessing 57
4.5 Underpainting Planning 58
4.6 Color Mixing and Painting 59
4.7 Stroke Generation 61
4.7.1 Difference Computation 62
4.7.2 Stroke Generation 63
4.7.3 Clustering, Classifying and Ordering 65
4.8 Termination 66
4.9 Experimental Results and Discussion 67
4.9.1 Color mixing analysis 67
4.9.2 Painting process analysis 68
4.9.3 Artists Comments 70
4.9.4 Other Artworks 73
Chapter 5 Conclusions, Contributions and Future Works 77

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