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研究生(外文):Jung-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Sensory Safety Control of Robotic Flexible Laparoscope for Minimally Invasive Surgery
外文關鍵詞:minimally invasive surgerysafety controlfine tunetracking
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Laparoscopic surgery remains a challenging procedure. Laparoscopic surgery is a kind of minimally invasive surgery. In addition to the physician performing the surgery, another assistant is required to manipulate the laparoscope. This requires well trained and collaborative actions between the surgeon and the assistant. Therefore, robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery has been introduced due to their stable, easy to operate, and noise removal characteristics.
However, safety issues of robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery have to be studied and discussed. We use a Robotic Flexible Laparoscopic System (RFLS) to explore for three aspects: Contact, Fine Tune, and Safety Operation. First of all, the surgeon cannot see outside the field of view of the laparoscope. When the distal of the laparoscope contacts with surgical instruments or tissue, the system we propose can automatically adjust the weighting and displays a red warning line on the monitor. An-other aspect is that the surgeon has difficulty to perform the fine tune due to the time delay of the remote control. We propose the Motion Split function to record the trajectory of the head motion and split it into small segments so that the surgeon can operate the system delicately. Lastly, the user cannot focus on the monitor because the system is controlled by the surgeon’s head movement. Therefore, we propose an Autonomous Tracking System that identifies surgical instruments and moves the laparoscope to the preferred circle. Experimental results show that the laparoscope automatically avoids unnecessary contact above 17g/cm^2. The surgeon can fine tune the laparoscope and the error is less than 0.1 degrees. Besides, the tracking system can accurately and stably move to the target within 1.5 settling time.

誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to Minimally Invasive Surgery 1
1.1.1 Minimally Invasive Surgery 1
1.1.2 Laparoscopic surgery 2
1.2 Motivation 5
1.3 Objective 6
1.4 Previous Study 7
1.5 Thesis Organization 9
Chapter 2 Research Materials 11
2.1 Hardware 11
2.1.1 Flexible Laparoscope 11
2.1.2 Wireless Gyroscope 12
2.1.3 Maxon® Motor and EPOS 24/1 Controller 13
2.1.4 Zoom mechanism 14
2.1.5 Force Sensing Resistors 15
2.2 Software 17
2.3 Mathematical Models of the Flexible Laparoscope 18
2.3.1 Kinematics Model 18
2.3.2 Inverse Kinematics model 19
Chapter 3 System Architecture 21
3.1 Comparison with Techniques 21
3.2 System Structure: 22
3.3 Information Flow and Overall System Block 25
Chapter 4 Sensory Safety Control 29
4.1 Overall System with Safety Control 29
4.2 Active Safety Control Algorithm 32
4.3 The Weighting Function 33
4.4 Passive Safety Control Algorithm 35
4.5 Mathematical Models of the Flexible Laparoscope 37
4.5.1 Forward Kinematics 37
4.5.2 Inverse Kinematics 39
4.6 Monitor Alarm Notification 40
Chapter 5 Motion Split Function 42
5.1 Control Problem of Fine Tune 42
5.2 Implementation of Motion Split Function 43
Chapter 6 Autonomous Tracking System 46
6.1 Drawbacks of the previous Robotic Flexible Laparoscopic System 46
6.2 System Structure of the Autonomous Tracking System 48
6.3 Digital Image Processing 50
6.4 Autonomous Tracking Control 55
6.5 System Integration 58
Chapter 7 Experiment and Experimental results 61
7.1 Active Safety Control 61
7.2 Passive Safety Control 65
7.3 Discussion 66
7.4 Motion Split Control 66
7.5 Autonomous Tracking System 69
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Contributions 75
Chapter 9 Future Work 76

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