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研究生(外文):Chi-Yun Wu
論文名稱(外文):Intelligent Techniques for Automated Testing of Web and Mobile Applications
指導教授(外文):Farn Wang
口試委員(外文):Ming-Syan ChenShen-Chuan TaiKeh-Yih SuDe-Nian Yang
外文關鍵詞:Software testingWeb testingAutomated testingTest oracle
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In the recent days, the Intertnet is becoming more popular. A wide range of web applications have been developed. People spent lots of time on Internet.
Thus, it becomes an important problem to verify the web applications to developers. In this paper, we propose a tool for automated web testing. The developers do not need to write the test scripts. The tool can explore the dynamic webpages by clicking buttons and insert values and record the test traces. We propose a system to construct test oracle of web applications and mobile applications using the support vector machines. The system extracts features from the traces and builds a redictive model to classify the passed traces and failed traces. With the automated testing tool and system,
we can effectively reduce human cost to achieve the purpose of automated testing.

Abstract iv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Purpose 2
1.4 Organization 3
2 Related Works 4
2.1 Web testing 4
2.2 Test evaluation 5
3 Preliminaries 6
3.1 SpecElicitor 6
3.2 Normalized keywords 8
3.3 Support Vector Machine 9
4 WebTraceCollector 10
4.1 Framework 11
4.2 Webpage identification 13
4.3 Event 14
4.4 Suggested value 16
4.5 Normalization 17
4.6 Automata and traces 18
4.7 Trace collection 20
4.7.1 Monkey 20
4.7.2 Depth First Search 20
5 Trace Evaluation 22
5.1 Procedure 23
5.2 Feature vector 24
5.3 Sampling traces 26
6 Experiments 27
6.1 Trace collection 28
6.2 Dynamic webpages 31
6.3 Prediction 33
7 Conclusion 36
7.1 Summary 36
7.2 Limination 36
7.3 Future work 37
Bibliography 38

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