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研究生(外文):Wei-Dong Mao
論文名稱(外文):Research on the innovation and development strategy of private education in the Internet Age
外文關鍵詞:InternetMicro E-commercePrivate EducationBusiness ModeCollege Culture
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Education of Internet + is the important opportunity for the innovation and development of private education, which should be seized. The challenge should be faced and responded. In the context of internet economy, the research of strategy problems of the innovation and development of private education, is transferred from scale expansion to pursuit of connotation of the quality characteristics: the aspects of innovative differentiation school-running mode, strengthening connotation construction, improving service level, enhancing education quality, standardizing school-running activities, paying attention to the social effectiveness are especially important.
The research question of the paper is about innovation of private education and formulation of development strategy in Internet Era, specifying to the formulation of strategy of Shanghai Business and Economic Further Education College: including innovative differentiation school-running mode, strengthening connotation construction, enhancing education quality, etc. In the precondition of education culture correlation, the college would use the education resources both inside and outside, steadily transferring from single education industry to multiple education industries.
The paper analyzed the outside environment of the college: macro-environment analysis, industrial chain analysis, industrial environment analysis, market state analysis, industrial trend analysis; and analyzed the inside environment of the college: college profile introduction, college resource analysis, college ability analysis, college competitiveness analysis; and designed the college strategy: strategy objectives, visions and goals, overall strategy, industry orientation, market orientation, business mode; the strategy implementation methods of the college: organizational structure adjustment, human resource enhancement, incentive system support, system and process optimization, financial fund guarantee, college culture cultivation.
The strategy formulation of Shanghai Business and Economic Further Education College is from inside and outside environment analysis, strategy formulation to strategy implementation. From off-line education to on-line education, Internet + education applies all kinds of Internet approaches, such as WeChat, Weibo, Community, to innovatively run the college, recruit students and teaching. The education and operation mode of micro e-commerce is as following: mobile internet + social platform + community training; the education and training medium of micro e-commerce is mainly characterized by the following several aspects: community, social media, WeChat circle of friends, self-media, WeChat public platform (service account, public account); the trend and future of micro e-commerce education and training is as following: branding, platformization, cross-border, teaming-up, creativity, systematization.
In the context of global competition, for China industry upgrade, Internet + education, especially academic education and non-academic education of private education, in the innovation and development of application of advanced internet technology in improving business mode, profit mode and implementing strategy, the paper has a positive significance and promotion value for the college strategy innovation and development.

致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 問題提出 2
第三節 研究的思路與方法 3
第四節 研究的內容框架 4
第五節 研究貢獻 5
第二章 學院外部環境分析 6
第一節 學院宏觀環境分析 6
第二節 價值鏈分析 6
第三節 競爭環境分析 7
第四節 市場情況分析 9
第五節 產業趨勢分析 10
第三章 學院內部環境分析 14
第一節 學院概況介紹 14
第二節 學院資源分析 15
第三節 學院能力分析 16
第四節 競爭態勢分析 18
第四章 學院戰略設計 19
第一節 學院戰略選擇 19
第二節 願景目標 20
第三節 總體戰略 21
第四節 產業定位 22
第五節 市場定位 23
第六節 商業模式 26
第五章 學院戰略實施措施 29
第一節 學院組織架構調整 29
第二節 學院人力資源提升 30
第三節 學院激勵機制支援 31
第四節 學院制度流程優化 32
第五節 學院財務資金保障 33
第六節 學院文化培育 34
第六章 結論與啟示 37
參考文獻 39

圖1-1 學院環境分析圖3
圖2-1 教育價值鏈7
圖2-2 波特的五種競爭力量模型8
圖2-3 教育培訓產業生命週期演化10
圖2-4 學院每個生命階段碰到的問題13
圖3-1 價值鏈的學院內部活動分析16
圖3-2 學院相關實力分析17
圖3-3 學院核心競爭力和市場矩陣18
圖4-1 SWOT分析19
圖4-2 學院SPACE矩陣圖20
圖4-4 可持續成長的學院戰略規劃23
圖4-5 戰略轉型與市場定位24
圖4-6 學院核心成長戰略25
圖4-7 商業運營模式框架26
圖4-8 學院戰略五要素鑽石模型27
圖5-1 學院人力資源管理組成部分31
圖5-2 學院激勵機制系統32
圖5-3 學院財務資金控制34
圖5-4 學院創新文化系統的層次35
圖5-5 四個層次的動態競爭36
圖5-6 學院文化—戰略—執行三鏈環36

表2-1 學院PEST分析6

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