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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):The development of the Enclosure Method in an Anisotropic Background and the Strong Unique Continuation for the Elasticity with Residual Stress
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Nan Wang
外文關鍵詞:Enclosure methodanisotorpicresidual stressstrong unique continuation property
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The goal of this dissertation is to develop reconstruction schemes to determine penetrable and impenetrable obstacles in a region in 3-dimensional in an anisotropic background. We demonstrate the enclosure-type method for two different mathematical models: The anisotropic elliptic equation and the anisotropic Maxwell system. So far, in the anisotropic case, there are no complex geometrical optics solutions which we can use to reconstruct the unknown obstacles in a given medium. Therefore, we use another special type solution: the oscillating decaying solutions, which are useful in our inverse problems.
In particular, for the anisotropic Maxwell system model, we also introduce a new reduction method to transform the Maxwell system into a second order strongly elliptic system. This reduction method is the main tool to construct the oscillating decaying solutions for the anisotropic Maxwell system. In addition, we prove the strong unique continuation for a residual stress system with Gevrey coefficients.

目 錄
1 Preliminaries 1
2 The enclosure method for the second order elliptic equations 4
2.1 Calderón''s problem 4
2.2 Ideas of the enclosure method 6
2.3 Complex geometric optics solutions and related topics 8
2.4 The enclosure-type method: Second order anisotropic elliptic equations 12
3 The enclosure method for the Maxwell system . 38
3.1 Basic properties for the Maxwell system 38
3.2 Enclosing unknown obstacles in the isotropic media 41
3.3 Constructing CGO solutions 42
3.4 Proof of Theorem 3.3 45
3.5 Enclosing unknown obstacles in the anisotropic media 51
3.6 A new reduction method: From anisotropic Maxwell system to the second order strongly elliptic system 55
3.7 Constructing of oscillating-decaying solutions for the anisotropic Maxwell system 67
3.8 Proof of Theorem 3.13 76
4 Strong unique continuation for a residual stress system with Gevrey Coefficients 100
4.1 SUCP for the elliptic equation 100
4.2 Basic properties for the Gevrey class 102
4.3 SUCP for the residual stress system with Gevrey coefficients 103
4.4 Reduction to a fourth order elliptic system 106
4.5 The asymptotic behavior of u near 0 112
4.6 Proof of the main theorem 113
5 Future work 117
5.1 Fundamental solutions for the anisotropic Maxwell system 117
5.2 More Lp estimates for the anisotropic Maxwell system 118
5.3 Strong unique continuation for the general second order elliptic system 118
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