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研究生(外文):Wei-Cheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Design and Development of Magnetorheological Brake Device for Power Measurement of Dental Handpieces
指導教授(外文):Kuang-Yuh Huang
外文關鍵詞:Dental handpieceBrakeDynamic measurementMagnetorheological fluid
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高速牙醫手持鑽機(Dental handpieces,簡稱高速牙醫手機)擁有極佳的散熱性能,以及可控制的切削速度與切削力量等優勢,在口腔醫療產業中被廣泛的應用。在開發高性能、低噪音與低震動等性能優異的牙醫手機時,如何針對牙醫手機進行性能檢測亦是牙醫手機發展過程的一大關鍵。
本論文開發之牙醫手機動力量測平台,可實際完成筒匣之動力性能量測。煞車力矩量測單元使用像散式讀取頭,實現量測微小扭力矩之目標。本平台之量測範圍為0.1~1.5 Nmm,敏感度為4.4 Nmm/V,線性誤差為2.4%。

Dental handpieces are widely used in dental industry because of their operational advantages such as controllable cutting speed and cutting force. To achieve more stable operation and higher performance of dental handpieces, the development of performance measuring technology of high-speed dental handpieces is essential.
In this thesis, the design and development of a dental handpiece measuring system of which can acquire its dynamic torque and its rotational speed, has been accomplished. With the principle of adaptable contact viscosity of magnetorheological fluid, the viscous force can be acted on the tested dental handpiece spindle as the breaking torque, and easily controlled by varying different magnet field intensity applied on the magnetorheological fluid. Due to the characteristic of magnetorheological fluid, the stick-slip phenomenon and vibration can be avoided compared to the traditional friction-brake type measurement system.
To measure the performance of the dental handpieces, the research starts from deriving the viscous background theory of magnetorheological fluid. FEA (finite element analysis) and CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation have been approached to figure out the relationship between the design parameter and measuring system performances. Appropriated working range of applied magnet field intensity has also been studied by magnetic-electric field simulation software ANSYS Maxwell.
Several experiments were implemented to verify the system performance. With the integrated DVD pickup head, the micro braking-torque measuring can be realized. The newly developed measuring platform of dental handpieces has its operational measurement range from 0.1 to 1.5 Nmm, the sensitivity of 4.4 Nmm/V, and linear error of 2.4%.

致謝 III
摘要 IV
Abstract V
目錄 VII
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
符號表 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3研究目標 8
1.4章節內容摘要 8
第二章 牙醫手機性能指標與磁流變液 9
2.1牙醫手機簡介 9
2.2扭力矩特性與其量測方法 10
2.3轉速特性與其量測方法 12
2.4磁流變液簡介 14
2.5磁流變液煞車量測原理 15
2.5.1黏滯式煞車原理 16
2.5.2像散式扭力矩量測原理 17
2.6選用磁流變液 18
第三章 磁黏滯煞車裝置概念設計與理論分析 20
3.1磁黏滯煞車裝置概念設計 20
3.2磁黏滯式煞車理論 21
3.3磁黏滯式煞車單元 22
3.3.1煞車單元概念設計 22
3.3.2煞車圓柱之概念設計 23
3.3.3產生煞車磁場之概念設計 24
3.4煞車單元之模擬分析 26
3.5磁黏滯煞車之力矩傳遞效率 30
第四章 磁黏滯式煞車動力量測平台之設計開發 33
4.1待測物夾持及驅動單元 35
4.2磁黏滯式煞車單元 35
4.3煞車力矩量測單元 37
4.4轉速量測單元 43
4.5量測人機介面 44
第五章 磁黏滯式煞車動力量測平台之性能測試實驗 45
5.1動力量測平台校正實驗 45
5.1.1煞車扭力矩校正實驗 45
5.1.2作用區磁通量密度量測實驗 47
5.2煞車力矩傳遞效率 48
5.3高速牙醫手機筒匣動態量測實驗 51
第六章 結論與未來展望 56
參考文獻 57
附錄 59

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