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研究生(外文):You-An Lee
論文名稱(外文):Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement on Surfaces with Interlaced Wettability
外文關鍵詞:condensation heat transfersurface modificationinterlaced wettability
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This study investigated the effect of surfaces with superhydrophobicity-based interlaced wettability on steam–air mixture condensation. Experiments were conducted on various types of surface with different modified strip widths under downward-facing horizontal and vertical surface orientations. The experimental results revealed that the condensation heat-transfer on surfaces with interlaced wettability could be highly influenced by the surface pattern, surface orientation, wall subcooling, and the existence of NCGs. Opposite trends of heat transfer were observed under different
surface orientation. The experimental data of horizontal surfaces showed that the heat transfer can be enhanced when the width of the modified surperhydrophobic strips
getting wider, while the narrower modified strips would increase the heat transfer more efficiently for vertical surfaces. In addition, a two-dimensional disturbance of the boundary layer imposed by NCGs is proposed, holding the potential to further heat transfer enhancement for steam-air condensation, especially in the situation without the sweeping of condensates under the gravity force. Such the facts imply that the potential of the interlaced surface could be further improved and applied if considering both the surface pattern and the operating conditions carefully.


Chapter 1. Introduction......................................................................................1

1.1 Motivation..............................................................................................1

1.2 Literature Review on condensation heat transfer enhancement ............2

1.3 Purpose...................................................................................................5

Chapter 2. Theory .............................................................................................15

2.1 Surface Wettability and Surface Modification.....................................15

2.1.1 Wettability....................................................................................15 Young’s Equation..................................................................16 Wenzel Model .......................................................................16 Cassie-Baxter Model.............................................................17 Recent Progress on Wetting ..................................................17

2.1.2 Sol-gel Method.............................................................................22

2.2 Condensation Heat Transfer.................................................................24

2.2.1 Stages of Condensation................................................................24 Heterogeneous Nucleation....................................................24 Growth and Coalescence.......................................................25 Removal ................................................................................26

2.2.2 Heat Transfer Model ....................................................................28 Condensation on Hybrid Surface ..........................................28 Estimation of Heat Transfer Performance on the Interlaced

Surface .............................................................................................30 Effect of Non-condensable gas.............................................31

Chapter 3. Experiments....................................................................................35

3.1 Surface Modification ...........................................................................35

3.1.1 Chemicals and Material ...............................................................35

3.1.2 Equipment....................................................................................35

3.1.3 Procedures....................................................................................36

3.2 Thermal System ...................................................................................42

3.2.1 Equipment....................................................................................42

3.2.2 Setup and Procedures...................................................................42

3.3 Uncertainty Estimation ........................................................................51

Chapter 4. Results and Discussion...................................................................55

4.1 Effect of Surface Orientation on Homogeneous Condensing Surfaces...55

4.2 Heat Transfer Enhancement on Surfaces with Interlaced Wettability .58

4.2.1 Droplets morphology ...................................................................58

4.2.2 Effect of the surface pattern and surface orientation ...................62

4.2.3 Effect of Wall-subcooling ............................................................72

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Prospects ...............................................75

5.1 Conclusions..........................................................................................75

5.2 Future Prospects...................................................................................76

Bibliography ...........................................................................................................79


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