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研究生(外文):Ting-Dhieh Wang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation on the Burning Behavior of Alkane / Alcohol / Diesel Multicomponent Fuel Droplets
外文關鍵詞:DropletsMicro explosionFlame shrinkageIgnition delayWABE
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本實驗是利用噴墨壓電式液滴產生器(Ink-Jet printing method)產生自由液滴,將各種油料打入高溫石英玻璃管內燃燒,並觀察液滴的燃燒現象:火焰顏色、火焰縮口、點火延遲、燃燒時間、燃燒速率、微爆現象。



This experiment applies Ink-Jet Printing method by using droplet generator to generate free falling droplets into a high temperature glass tube. In this experiment, we focus on analyzing the flame colors, flame shrinkage, ignition delay, burning time, burning rate, and micro-explosion.
This experiment is separated into three parts. The first part is about the combustion behaviour of the single fuel droplets. The fuels include: alcohols e.g. methanol, ethanol, propanol, 1-butanol, octanol, dodecanol, alkanes e.g. hexane, heptane, decane, dodecane, dodecane, and diesel. We measure the ignition delay, burning time of each fuels. And summarize the ignition delay, burning time influenced by different chemical and physical properties. The second part is about the combustion behaviour of the mixture fuel droplets. We mix high carbon number fuel and low carbon number fuel. In order to observe the combustion behaviour of the mixture fuel influenced by different carbon number. The third part is about the combustion behaviour of diesel adding acetone-butanol-ethanol(ABE) and water-containing acetone-butanol-ethanol(WABE).
According to the experiment results, the burning time of alcohol is related carbon number and the ignition delay is related latent heat of evaporation. The timing of flame shrinkage occurring depends upon the variety of boiling point. When the proportion of high carbon number is increased in the composition, the flame shrinkage will occur early. We observe the micro-explosion of diesel whether mixing anything fuels or not. And diesel adding WABE can make the burning time decreased because of the micro-explosion.

誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
第1章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2實驗動機和目的 2
第2章 文獻回顧 3
2-1文獻回顧 3
2-2理論基礎 9
2-2-1火焰縮口 9
2-2-2點火延遲 10
2-2-3 D2 Law 10
2-2-4液滴微爆及多組份液滴成核理論 12
第3章 實驗方法與設備 14
3-1液滴實驗方法 14
3-1-1自由液滴法 (freely droplet method) 14
3-1-2孔性球體法 (porous sphere method) 15
3-1-3懸掛液滴法 (suspended droplet method) 15
3-2實驗設備說明 16
3-2-1實驗設備圖 16
3-2-2液滴產生器 17
3-2-3玻璃噴嘴 19
3-2-4儲油瓶 21
3-2-5壓克力箱 21
3-2-6高溫環境設備 22
3-2-7攝影設備及觀測軟體 24
3-2-8電子控制箱 26
3-2-9閃頻儀 28
3-2-10燃氣控制面板&流量計 29
3-3實驗儀器校正 30
3-3-1電子控制箱校正 30
3-3-2 燃氣流量校正 34
3-3-3 CCD光學尺/校正片 36
3-4 實驗環境分析 39
3-5 實驗步驟 43
3-5-1 前置作業 43
3-5-2產生液滴火焰 43
3-5-3 燃燒行為觀測 44
3-5-4實驗需注意細節與安全 45
3.6 數據及誤差分析 46
3-6-1 數據分析 46
3-6-2誤差分析 47
第4章 結果與討論 48
4-1單一純油料之燃燒行為 48
4-1-1醇類液滴之燃燒行為 48
4-1-2烷類液滴之燃燒行為 56
4-2混合油料之燃燒行為 63
4-2-1正己烷混合十六烷之燃燒現象 63
4-2-2正庚烷混合柴油之燃燒現象 69
4-3柴油混合ABE與WABE之燃燒現象 75
4-3-1柴油混合ABE20 75
4-3-2柴油混合WABE20 83
第5章 結論 90
參考文獻 92

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