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研究生(外文):You-Jhang Wu
論文名稱(外文):Application of Acoustic Emission on Monitoring of Chip Loading and Surface Roughness for Grinding
指導教授(外文):Yao-Yang Tsai
口試委員(外文):Ming-Chyuan LuKuan-Ming LiShenq-Yih Luo
外文關鍵詞:acoustic emissiondressingsurface grindingsurface roughnesschip loading
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Grinding processing is an important part of precision machining. Grinding technology provided fine precision and surface roughness. Grinding is used abrasive grain to removal material; however, chip loading clogged the pores of grinding wheel and edge of abrasive to affect ability of grinding, so immediate dress is necessary to maintain fine surface roughness of workpiece.
The purpose of this study was to monitor the state of grinding wheel by acoustic energy of changed structure from grinding materials, detecting the state of chip loading of wheel surface and pore to control the surface roughness of workpiece.
The method used in this paper was to detect trend of chip loading fill and drop by magnitude of spectrum, to reflect state of chip loading and predict surface roughness, this method provided to avoid the burns and monitor the quality for workpiece.
This study investigated the state of chip loading with grinding parameter to predict surface roughness of workpiece. The results of the experiment indicated that the chip loading status divided into three parts; the first part was magnitude rise area that was chip loading filled pores in the wheel until close to the plane, workpiece maintain good surface roughness; the second part was magnitude fall area that was chip loading dropping first, this phenomenon made surface of grinding wheel rugged; the third part was low magnitude area that was chip loading continually dropping deteriorate surface of wheel and affecting the roughness of workpiece surface. The experiment verified grinding parameters change chip loading region and affect the workpiece surface roughness.
The findings of the research have led to the conclusion that acoustic emission signal was transformed by Fast Fourier Transform, this method can be determined area of chip loading and situation of grinding wheel loading in order to achieve to monitor grinding. When the magnitude of spectrum reach the low range, grinding wheel is going to dress. This method has been successfully controlling the quality of the surface roughness.

致謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 5
1.4 論文大綱 7
第二章 相關理論 8
2.1 磨削理論 8
2.2 磨削磨損 9
2.2.1 磨損磨耗 9
2.2.2 破碎磨耗 9
2.2.3 膠合破裂 10
2.3 磨削切屑幾何理論 10
2.3.1 接觸弧長[15] 10
2.3.2 磨削切屑厚度 11
2.4 聲射訊號 13
2.4.1 聲射理論 13
2.4.2 訊號處理分析 14
2.5 砂輪 15
2.5.1 磨粒種類 16
2.5.2 粒度 18
2.5.3 結合度 18
2.5.4 組織 19
2.5.5 結合劑 19
2.6 表面粗糙度理論 20
2.6.1 表面組織定義 20
2.6.2 表面量測相關術語 21
2.6.3 表面粗糙度表示方式 22
2.7 二值化理論 25
第三章 實驗設備與方法 27
3.1 實驗規劃與流程 27
3.2 實驗系統架構與程序 28
3.2.1 實驗架構 28
3.2.2 實驗程序 30
3.3 實驗設備與儀器 34
3.3.1 超精密平面磨床GS-45PFNC 34
3.3.2 砂輪選用 36
3.3.3 工件材料 37
3.3.4 加工音檢出裝置 37
3.3.5 聲射感測器 39
3.3.6 聲射感測放大器 40
3.3.7 資料擷取卡 41
3.3.8 CompactRIO 控制與機電組合 42
3.3.9 Mitutoyo SJ400表面粗度儀 43
3.3.10 keyence數位顯微鏡 43
第四章 實驗結果與討論 45
4.1 磨削參數對頻率響應的影響 45
4.1.1 磨削深度對頻率響應之影響 47
4.1.2 工件速度對頻率響應的影響 54
4.1.3 砂輪號數對頻率響應的影響 60
4.2 磨削參數對黏屑比的影響 91
4.2.1 磨削深度對黏屑比的影響 94
4.2.2 工件速度對黏屑比的影響 102
4.2.3 砂輪號數對黏屑比的影響 107
4.3 磨削參數對表面粗糙度的影響 112
4.3.1 磨削深度對表面粗糙度的影響 121
4.3.2 工件速度對表面粗糙度的影響 125
4.3.3 砂輪號數對表面粗糙度的影響 129
第五章 結論與未來展望 133
5.1 結論 133
5.2 未來展望 134
參考文獻 135
附錄A 磨削深度對應磨削總長度之時域與頻域圖 138
附錄B 工件速度對應磨削總長度之時域與頻域圖 155
附錄C 磨削深度對應磨削總長度之堵塞圖與二值化圖 171
附錄D 工件速度對應磨削總長度之堵塞圖與二值化圖 202
附錄E 砂輪號數對應磨削總長度之堵塞圖與二值化圖 236
附錄F 砂輪號數對應磨削總長度之時域與頻域圖 256

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