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研究生(外文):Peng-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Optimization and Design Approach to the Two-Speed Helical Gear Train with Three-Axis
指導教授(外文):Tyng Liu
口試委員(外文):Jung-Ho ChengTseng-Ti Fu
外文關鍵詞:Two-speed gear trainThree-axis layoutDesign methodLightweight designGenetic algorithmBranch and bound method
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The purpose of this study was to develop a design approach of two-speed helical gear train system and to find out the suitable selection method of bearings which could fit the available bearing catalog. In this study, first, the total weight of gear train was optimized by genetic algorithm. According to the design requirement and structural features constraints, the mathematical model of optimization which took the basic design variables and total weight loss as the objective function was established. The branch and bound method was also applied to set up for the design processes of choosing integer number of teeth, satisfying the hunting ratio and fitting the bearing selection properly. Second, with altering the different gear train configuration settings, the better design could be determined as a conclusion. Further, each variable would be examined in sensitivity. Accordingly, the conclusion could provide the designer to make trade-offs based on the design process. By developing a complete design of lightweight optimization, the study findings may serve as development and further research of the vehicle transmission system.

口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
符號表 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 齒輪系架構與文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 二速齒輪系架構 2
1-2-2 齒輪系設計與最佳化文獻回顧 4
1-3 研究動機與目的 5
1-4 論文架構 6
第二章 理論基礎 7
2-1 傳動系統座標系之定義 7
2-2 齒輪箱變速原理 8
2-2-1 齒輪箱動力傳遞 8
2-2-2 減速比規劃 9
2-3 螺旋齒輪 10
2-3-1 齒形術語 10
2-3-2 螺旋齒輪嚙合力學模型 12
2-3-3 齒輪過切限制 14
2-3-4 嚙合齒數規範 (Hunting tooth ratio) 15
2-3-5 齒輪彎矩強度設計 16
2-3-6 齒輪面壓強度設計 17
2-4 旋轉軸 19
2-4-1 軸負載 19
2-4-2 軸之剪力彎矩圖 21
2-4-3 齒環厚度 (Rim thickness) 23
2-4-4 軸直徑 24
2-5 軸承 25
2-5-1 軸承受力模型 25
2-5-2 軸承負荷壽命 28
2-5-3 額定可靠度 29
2-5-4 軸承負荷承載設計 30
第三章 二速三軸齒輪系設計 32
3-1 設計方法與步驟 32
3-2 設計目標與規格 33
3-3 齒輪系模型 34
3-3-1 基本假設 34
3-3-2 齒輪系設計暨軸承選用流程 35
3-3-3 傳動系統模型與佈局 36
3-4 螺旋齒輪對設計 38
3-4-1 設計要點 38
3-4-2 減速齒輪對設計 39
3-5 三軸佈局位置設計 47
3-6 三軸尺寸設計 51
3-6-1 設計要點 51
3-6-2 軸負載分析 51
3-6-3 剪力彎矩分析 56
3-6-4 旋轉軸設計 65
3-7 軸承選配 66
3-7-1 設計要點 66
3-7-2 軸承使用需求 67
3-7-3 軸承選用方法 68
3-8 小結 71
第四章 齒輪系最佳化設計 72
4-1 最佳化理論 72
4-1-1 方法架構 72
4-1-2 基因遺傳演算法 73
4-1-3 混和整數規劃 78
4-2 最佳化設計方法 83
4-2-1 最佳化設計目標 83
4-2-2 設計變數 84
4-2-3 目標函數 87
4-2-4 限制條件 89
4-2-5 設計流程 95
4-2-6 可行性設計 96
4-3 實例分析 99
4-3-1 最佳化結果 99
4-3-2 結果比較 102
4-4 小結 102
第五章 齒輪系配置設定與參數分析 103
5-1 齒輪系配置設定 103
5-1-1 佈局型式設定 103
5-1-2 換檔齒輪對配置設定 108
5-2 參數靈敏度分析 112
5-3 小結 119
第六章 結論 120
6-1 結論 120
6-2 未來展望 122
參考文獻 123

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