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研究生(外文):I-Lun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Separation and Purification of Biodiesel by a Millifluidic System
指導教授(外文):Jing-Tang Yang
外文關鍵詞:millifluidicbiodieselseparation and purification
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本研究應用微流體系統之高表面積體積比特性,進行生質柴油之分離與純化,並與前段之轉酯化反應整合於同一晶片中,成為一完整的高通量生質柴油產製晶片。轉酯化反應生成之生質柴油通常含有過量甲醇,無法直接進行使用,需進行額外之分離與純化反應改善生質柴油品質。本研究設計水洗流道晶片及分離流道晶片以減少生質柴油中的甲醇含量,並利用重力靜置 (gravity settling) 之方式,使晶片出口處為高純度之生質柴油,即可直接進行使用。
實驗分析首先以轉酯化反應產物之上層生質柴油與純水分別注入水洗晶片中以進行水洗。尚未經過水洗之生質柴油甲醇含量經核磁共振儀測得平均值約為6 %,通入長度為500 mm之單注水口流道晶片,且純水流率設定為0.6 ml/min時可達到0.153 %之甲醇含量,達生質柴油之國家使用標準。若於流道中加入鯡魚骨狀結構,於純水流率0.6 ml/min時,甚至可達到0.091 %之甲醇含量。
本研究後續設計之整合晶片中,皆因轉酯化反應之中間產物產生水解現象迫使逆反應發生,使得轉化率大幅下降,因此本研究測試兩種方式減少中間產物含量分別為延長反應時間及提高環境溫度。在反應溫度55度且靜置時間1小時,則轉化率可達93 %,幾乎與未進行純化作業前之轉化率相差無異,證實加熱與靜置在連續式生質柴油產製晶片中為連結轉酯化反應和分離與純化系統的關鍵要素。

In this research, we applied the characteristic of high surface area to volume ratio in microfluidics, conducting separation and purification procedures in biodiesel production, and attempt to integrate transesterification onto one chip to realize a high-throughput completed biodiesel production chip. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) is not available immediately after transesterification as a result of containing excessive methanol. Methanol can be washed out from FAME by water-washing process, which is needed to be carried out to reduce the methanol content. In this research, we designed washing chip to decrease methanol content in biodiesel and separation chip to collect high purity biodiesel from upper outlet by gravity settling.
Methanol content was reduced from 6% before washing to less than 0.2% after washing by injecting biodiesel and water into 500 mm washing chip at 0.6 ml/min water flow rate, meeting FAME standard. Washing chips with staggered-herringbone structure can obtain even better results. We use passive structure of flow channels to separate the biodiesel and its by-product. Due to the effect of gravity, flow pattern in the channel changed from slug flow to somewhat like laminar flow gradually. Therefore, fluids from upper outlet of the chip are pure FAME, confirmed by no glycerol peaks in the NMR chart of upper-outlet fluids.
Hydrolysis of intermediates in transesterification caused reverse reaction during washing procedures, decaying conversion largely. In this research, we tried two different methods to reduce intermediates: longer residence time and higher environment temperature. Decent conversion of 93 % can be attainable at 55 ℃ and 1 h residence time. We proved heating and settlements are essential factor to connect transesterification with separation and purification in continuous biodiesel production.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖表目錄 vii
符號說明 xiv
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與願景 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 微流體系統 (Microfluidics System) 4
2.2 微混合器 (Micromixer) 5
2.2.1 T/Y型微混合器 (T/Y mixers) 6
2.2.2 稀釋及梯度產生器 (Dilution and Gradient Generators) 7
2.2.3 混合器 (Homogenizers) 7
2.2.4 微混合器應用於轉酯化反應 11 微管反應器 (Microtube Reactors) 12 微結構反應器 (Microstructured Reactors) 12 薄膜反應器 (Membrane Microreactors) 14 液珠式微反應器 (Droplet-Based Microreactors) 14 微反應器內之轉酯化影響因素探討 16
2.3 生質柴油之分離與純化 18
2.3.1 分離 (Separation) 18 催化劑的影響 (Effects of Catalyst) 19 醇油比的影響 (Effects of Oil to Alcohol Ratio) 20 水及游離脂肪酸的影響 (Effects of Water and FFA) 20
2.3.2 純化 (Purification) 20 水洗 (Water Washing) 20 酸洗 (Acid Washing) 23 其他物質 (Other Substances) 23
2.3.3 微流體系統應用於分離與純化 24
2.4 生質柴油分離與純化之量化分析 25
2.5 文獻回顧分析 26
第三章 研究方法 27
3.1 設計理念 27
3.2 理論分析 29
3.2.1 流場統御方程式 29
3.2.2 分子擴散 (Diffusion) 33
3.3 微流體晶片之製作與實驗材料 34
3.3.1 母模刻製 35
3.3.2 晶片成形 42
3.3.3 化學藥品製備 45
3.4 實驗流程 47
3.4.1 實驗流程與儀器架設 47
3.4.2 實驗取樣 52
3.4.3 超導磁體核磁共振儀 53
3.4.4 量化分析 55
第四章 實驗結果與討論 57
4.1 水洗效能探討 (Water Washing) 57
4.1.1 雙注水口流道晶片 58 純水流率 59 流道長度 62 鯡魚骨狀溝槽 63
4.1.2 單注水口流道晶片 71 純水流率 71 流道長度 72 鯡魚骨狀溝槽 73
4.2 兩相分離 80
4.2.1 驗證與分析 81
4.3 整合晶片 (Integrated Chip) 84
4.3.1 轉酯化反應 (Transesterification) 84
4.3.2 酸洗效能探討 (Acid Washing) 86
4.3.3 雙純化注口整合晶片 86
4.3.4 單純化注口整合晶片 88
4.3.5 靜置效能探討 (Effects of Settlement) 90
4.3.6 溫度因素 (Effects of Temperature) 92
4.3.7 轉酯化產物水洗 93
第五章 結論與未來展望 95
5.1 結論 95
5.2 未來展望 97
5.3 甘梯圖 98
第六章 參考文獻 99

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