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研究生(外文):Di-Yao Yu
論文名稱(外文):Finite Element Model of a Piezoelectric Energy HarvesterExperimental Validation and Numerical Evaluation of Equivalent Parameters
外文關鍵詞:Piezoelectric energy harvesting systemFinite elementStandard rectified interfaceParallel synchronized switch harvesting on inductor
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第二部分:利用壓電振動子試樣,將壓電振動材料參數輸入於有限元素法後建立出具有整流電路之有限元素模型並實際操作壓電振動懸臂樑之實驗結果相互驗證。而實驗當中的壓電振動懸臂樑試樣的後端介面電路包含了交流電路、標準整流電路、並聯式之同步切換開關電感整流電路(Parallel Synchronized Switch Harvesting on Inductor,P-SSHI)三種。最後得到其實驗結果與有限元素軟體之數值模擬解結果吻合且趨勢一致。

This thesis discusses some problems in piezoelectric energy harvesting based on certain finite element (FE) models. It consists of two parts. The first part uses the FE simulation for performance evaluation of different methods used for deriving the equivalent parameters of a piezoelectric energy harvesting system. The second part is to perform the experiment for validating the FE model of a rectified piezoelectric energy harvesting system.

Specifically, there are three methods for finding the equivalent system parameters. The first one is based on the Hamiltonian energy principle and the Rayleigh-Ritz approximation. While all the parameters can be derived analytically, they can only be evaluated if the material properties of a device are known in advanced. In addition, the modal function used in Rayleigh-Ritz approximation may not be available for the case of irregular geometry of piezoelectric elements. The second one is based on the finite element simulation of a piezoelectric system together with the prescribed equivalent mass and force parameters derived from the energy formulation. This approach shows good accuracy, but it needs some parameters from the energy approach. Finally, the third approach is based on the equivalent circuit model. It shows very good accuracy in various magnitudes of electromechanical couplings. However, only the electric parameters can be revealed from this approach.

The second part is to develop an experiment setting for validating the FE model of a rectified piezoelectric energy harvesting system proposed by Prof. Shu’s research group. A piezoelectric cantilevered bimorph is used and the interface circuits include the AC circuit, the standard rectified interface and the parallel synchronized switch harvesting on inductor (P-SSHI) circuit. The experimental results agree quite well with the proposed finite element simulations.

2.2 線性壓電材料之本構方程式..................................................8
2.3 壓電懸臂樑之數學模型與幾何關係...........................................11
2.4 壓電懸臂樑之等效電路模型.................................................14
第三章 壓電振動系統之等效參數與有限元素模型建立與數值分析........................19
3.1 壓電振動懸臂樑之共振頻率分析.............................................20
3.2 COMSOL數值模擬解法.......................................................22
3.3 純能量法之法.............................................................23
3.5 COMSOL 數值模擬搭配能量法之解法..........................................26
3.6 等效電路之解法...........................................................27
第四章 應用於整流壓電振動系統之有限元素模型建立與數值分析........................29
4.1節 單根壓電振動子在有限元素法中的整流電路等效化..........................29
第五章 不同系統等效參數求法在強中弱力電耦合之數值評估............................33
5.2 強力電耦合壓電振動子在交流電路下之不同解法之分析........................34
5.3 中力電耦合壓電振動子在交流電路下之不同解法之分析........................39
5.4 弱力電耦合壓電振動子在交流電路下之不同解法之分析........................44
第六章 整流壓電振動實驗與有限元素法之結果驗證...................................54
第七章 結論與展望................................................................69
附錄B.1 COMSOL 材料參數設定......................................................78
附錄B.2壓電懸臂樑之共振頻率分析COMSOL 邊界設定..................................81
附錄D 數值模擬軟體COMSOL 3.5a 補充說明..........................................97
附錄E 強力電耦合與中力電耦合增加細長比之誤差結果................................103

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