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研究生(外文):Yu-Wen Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Development of synchronization for multi-microchannel and high-throughput “Air-Bubble Coating” system
指導教授(外文):An-Bang Wang
口試委員(外文):Wen-Yen ChiuChao-Kuang ChenJang-Lin ChenAn-Shik YangTa-Jo LiuKuo-Huang Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Air-Bubble Coatinggas-liquid micro-two-phase flowreal-time size controlon-line detectionsynchronization mechanism
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I. 液氣微雙相流即時尺寸控制系統之開發:
II. 液氣微雙相流即時偵測系統之開發:
本研究共開發出電阻感測器與微光纖感測器兩種液氣微雙相流即時偵測系統。電阻式感測系統透過液體與氣體導電程度的差異來辨別彼此,於液氣微雙相流流速和尺寸的量測誤差分別在±1%和±6%範圍內,但工作流體限定為導體。微光纖偵測系統則透過工作流體的折射率變化之感測獲得氣液介面資訊,僅需極微量(100 nL)的檢體便可同時進行微雙相流折射率、流速與尺寸的即時量測,對折射率、流速和尺寸的量測解析度分別為2 × 10-4、50 μm/s和5 μm,足以應用於太極塗佈法之精密定位。
III. 多管道液氣微雙相流同步產生與塗佈機制開發:

With the growing demand for the rapid changes of consumer electronics, a variety of coating methods have been applied in high-tech industries. Among these coating techniques, pattern coating technology has gradually become the mainstream due to its eco-friendly features. Air-Bubble Coating is a novel mask-less pattern coating method, and it generates discontinuous patterns by continuously coating the segmented gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow onto the substrate. It has superior characteristics such as simple operation, wide viscosity applicable range, and good compatibility to roll-to-roll process. This research aims to grow Air-Bubble Coating into an industrial mass production technique. According to the required key technologies, the structure of this dissertation work is divided into three major parts:
I. The development of real-time size control system for gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow:
First of all, the effect of fluid driven sources on the size uniformity of gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow has been investigated. The commonly used syringe pump would produce about ±20% bubble/droplet size variation while the constant pressure source could generate uniform size of bubbles/droplets with the coefficient of variation less than 0.73%. Second, the operational range of slug flow, which is essential for Air-Bubble Coating, can be well-predicted based on the equivalent single-phase flow model, and the channel geometric factor G* has been identified as the key parameter that affects the scope of slug flow region. Finally, a closed-loop system for controlling the size of gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow in real-time has been developed. The bubble/droplet size variable range of this system reaches one order of magnitude, and the overall size control error is less than ±3%.
II. The development of on-line detection system for gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow:
An electrical resistance sensing system and an optical microfiber sensing system have been developed to on-line detect the gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow. For electrical resistance detection system, the conductivity difference of liquid and gas was applied to identify the gas-liquid interface, and the velocity and size measurement errors were within ±1% and ±6%, respectively. However, in order to operate properly, the continuous phase fluid must be conductive. In contrast, the microfiber detection system obtains the information of gas-liquid interface based on the refractive index change of the working fluid. With only tiny sample volume (100 nL), the on-line detection of refractive index, velocity, and size can be performed simultaneously. The measurement resolution for refractive index, velocity, and size are 2 × 10-4, 50 μm/s and 5 μm, respectively. This optical sensing system is robust enough for the precision positioning of Air-Bubble Coating.
III. The development of synchronization for the generation and coating of multi-channel gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow:
Three microfluidic structures for passively maintaining the synchronicity of gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow generation with common fluid sources have been developed. The first microfluidic structure combines the design of T-junction and ladder channels, and it utilizes fluid coupling to generate out-of-phase gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow in two parallel channels. The phase lag between these two channels gradually approaches zero as the bubbles/droplets flow downstream. However, it is difficult to apply this design to more than two parallel channels. The second microfluidic structure is two capillary valves with dual diffusor. It can produce in-phase gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow in two parallel channels, but the working frequency is much lower than the first design. The third one is a three parallel flow-focusing device with downstream ladder channels. It can generate in-phase gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow between all channels with high frequency, and it is suitable to scale up to multi-channel applications. For the multi-channel coating of gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow, a simple technique has been developed to control the uniformity of flow distribution within parallel channels based on Hagen-Poiseuille''s law, and the diversion error is less than ±1%. Furthermore, the operational range for three channel synchronization coating has been investigated. The phase difference between each channel can be controlled within ±4.6º. As for ten parallel channels coating, the phase difference of gas-liquid micro-two-phase flow among all channels was less than ±7.5º.

謝誌 i
口試委員審定書 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xxvi
符號表 xxvii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 塗佈技術簡介 6
2.1.1 面式塗佈 13
2.1.2 圖案化塗佈 22
2.2 微雙相流技術簡介 31
2.2.1 微雙相流產生方法 39
2.2.2 微雙相流檢測技術 57
2.2.3 微雙相流平行產生技術 65
第三章 實驗設備與研究方法 75
3.1 實驗設備 75
3.1.1 微流體晶片加工設備 75
3.1.2 工作流體調配裝置 77
3.1.3 流體傳輸裝置 79
3.1.4 顯影裝置 82
3.1.5 訊號產生與擷取裝置 86
3.1.6 雷射光源系統 88
3.1.7 塗佈系統 91
3.2 研究方法 96
3.2.1 微流體晶片製作 96
3.2.2 微光纖製作 108
3.2.3 微雙相流產生與塗佈實驗操作 109
3.2.4 影像分析程式 116
第四章 結果與討論 126
4.1 液氣微雙相流產生與尺寸控制系統開發 126
4.1.1 流體源對液氣微雙相流產生穩定性之影響探討 126
4.1.2 壓力驅動液氣微雙相流產生預測模型 141
4.1.3 微液滴與微氣泡即時尺寸操控系統 148
4.2 液氣微雙相流偵測系統開發 159
4.2.1 電極偵測系統 159
4.2.2 微光纖偵測系統 169
4.3 高通量液氣微雙相流產生與塗佈之同步機制開發 184
4.3.1 T型與梯狀混合式雙管道微雙相流同步機制開發 185
4.3.2 毛細閥門式雙管道微雙相流同步機制開發 188
4.3.3 獨立流體源於三管道微雙相流產生之同步性測試 201
4.3.4 微雙相流三管道分流模型分析 208
4.3.5 共流體源於三管道微雙相流產生之同步機制開發 212
4.3.6 三管道太極塗佈法之同步性測試 222
4.3.7 微雙相流十管道分流模型分析 232
4.3.8 十管道太極塗佈法之同步性測試 235
第五章 結論與未來展望 238
5.1 結論 238
5.2 未來展望 241
附錄 243
附錄一 精密四軸塗佈系統接線配置 243
附錄二 微銑刀與微鑽針對壓克力之加工參數 246
附錄三 MATLAB微雙相流尺寸分析程式碼 247
附錄四 MATLAB微雙相流產生時機分析程式碼 254
附錄五 LabVIEW微雙相流尺寸即時分析程式碼 258
附錄六 微光纖偵測系統於nc ≥ nf條件之量測結果 269
附錄七 重力驅動式微光纖偵測系統 271
附錄八 毛細-重力閥門理論分析 272
參考文獻 274
作者簡介 294

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