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研究生(外文):I-Yun Chang
論文名稱(外文):The push-pull control strategies of light and indigenous plant essential oils against the important blood-sucking insects (Diptera) in Taiwan: study of mosquito (Culicidae) and Forcipomyia taiwana (Ceratopogonidae)
指導教授(外文):Kun-Hsien Tsai
口試委員(外文):Sen-Sung ChengCheng-Hsung WangWei-Liang Shih
外文關鍵詞:vector controlpush-pull control strategymosquitoForcipomyia taiwanalight trapessential oillarvicidal activityrepellent activity
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蚊子 (蚊科) 是重要的病毒媒介者,會傳播嚴重的蟲媒傳染病如瘧疾、黃熱病及登革熱等。臺灣位處高溫多濕的環境,不僅適合病媒蚊生長更是登革熱盛行的地區。另外,臺灣本土的吸血性蠓科昆蟲,臺灣鋏蠓 (Forcipomyia taiwana),亦分布於全臺,是嚴重的騷擾性害蟲,受叮咬的人不僅會出現紅腫、搔癢等過敏反應,更因其體型微小不易察覺,嚴重影響人們的生活品質及出外旅遊時的興致。本研究致力於開發出對病媒蚊及臺灣鋏蠓有效且對環境友善的整合型防治方法,利用推-拉防治策略 (Push-Pull Control Strategy),結合物理性誘集因子的燈光,及化學性忌避因子的植物精油,來誘集臺灣鋏蠓的成蟲、忌避臺灣鋏蠓和病媒蚊的成蟲,並探討植物精油抗臺灣鋏蠓幼蟲的活性。首先實驗結果顯示,在實驗室內,可見光藍光 (400~450 nm) 的光源對臺灣鋏蠓之誘引率為70.7%,達紫光UVA (352 nm) 光源誘引率 (18.3%) 及紫外光UVB (306 nm) 光源誘引率 (16.0%) 的三倍以上。野外試驗中,紅光 (630 nm) 的平均誘引率為最高,達7.4%。藍光 (波長450 nm) 平均誘引率為1.8%,綠光 (510 nm) 平均誘引率為2.2%,全波長 (380-780 nm) 螺旋燈泡平均誘引率為2.8%,UV燈泡平均誘引率則為0%。第二,六種植物精油毒殺臺灣鋏蠓幼蟲的能力依序是:土肉桂葉子精油=過山香葉子精油>澳洲茶樹葉子精油>白珠樹葉子精油>黑心柳杉葉子精油>小葉樟葉子精油。當土肉桂精油濃度大於7.9 μg/cm2時,幼蟲存活率為0%。過山香、澳洲茶樹、白株樹及小葉樟精油濃度為15.8 μg/cm2時,幼蟲存活率分別是0%、20%、50%及86.7%,第三,探討黑心柳杉及土肉桂精油在濃度分別為20%、10%、5%、2.5%、及1.75%對臺灣鋏蠓的忌避率,陽性對照組為15% DEET。結果顯示黑心柳杉120鐘內的平均忌避率在精油濃度為20%、10%、5%、2.5%及1.75%時依序為40.9±15%、59.1±13.2%、55.1±5.9%、47±4.9% 和37.9±6.5%,皆大於15% DEET的忌避率 (24.2±24.8%)。土肉桂精油在120鐘內的平均忌避率在精油濃度為20%、10%、5%、2.5%、及1.75%時依序為 66.1±6.7%、68.9±5.3%、51.5±5.5%、26.7±29.9%和41.8±11.1%,皆大於15% DEET的忌避率 (20.5±11.8%)。第四,探討黑心柳杉、土肉桂及過山香精油在濃度分別為20%、10%、5%、2.5%、及1.75%對埃及斑蚊、白線斑蚊、三斑家蚊及白腹叢蚊的忌避率,陽性對照組為15% DEET。ANOVA統計顯示植物物種的忌避力對不同蚊種具有專一性,例如黑心柳杉精油對埃及斑蚊、三斑家蚊及白腹叢蚊忌避效果在120分鐘內皆具良好的忌避能力;然而,白線斑蚊在精油濃度為2.5%及1.75%時,忌避率分別為-2.7±22.4%及-7.4±23.7%,表示黑心柳杉精油對白線斑蚊來說反而具有吸引的效果。再經由LSD事後檢定發現,黑心柳杉及土肉桂在精油濃度為20%及10%時,忌避蚊蟲的效果比過山香來的顯著;而當精油濃度為低濃度5%、2.5%及1.75%時,土肉桂忌避蚊蟲的效果則優於黑心柳杉及土肉桂。本研究以推-發防治策略的整合性概念,分別探討了燈光對臺灣鋏蠓成蟲之吸引率、植物精油對臺灣鋏蠓幼蟲之毒殺率、植物精油對臺灣鋏蠓成蟲及病媒蚊:埃及斑蚊、白線斑蚊、三斑家蚊及白腹叢蚊之忌避率,提供一具環境保護、生態友善且永續的整體防治策略。期待未來將此結果應用在個人保護及戶外環境之防治,以達降低蚊媒傳染病傳播之效。

Mosquito (Culicidae) are the dominant vectors of pathogens that cause infectious disease such as malaria, yellow fever, and especially dengue in the world. Also, Forcipomyia taiwana is a diurnal, tiny, blood-sucking indigenous midge that solely feeds on human and distributes island-wide in Taiwan, either. Individuals expose to midge bites will develop intense pruritus and swelling immediately or delayed allergic responses, causing declination of quality of people’s daily life. Therefore, preventing biting of mosquitoes and nuisance of biting midges by trapping/repelling adults and eliminating larvae is important. This study aims to utilize push-pull strategies to develop an eco-friendly integrative control method, using light-based attraction tool for baiting adults of F. taiwana and to investigate the larvicidal activity of essential oils (EO) against F. taiwana larva, repellent activity of EO against F. taiwana adult and mosquitoes. The first results suggested that visible blue light (wavelength 400~450nm) attracted three times more F. taiwana than UVA light (wavelength 352 nm) and UVB light (wavelength 306 nm) in a small scale experiment, the attraction rate are 70.7%, 18.3% and 16.0% separately. However, as in a field study, visible red light (wavelength 630nm) has the highest attraction rate (7.4%) than visible blue light (1.8%), visible green light (2.2%), full spectra light (2.8%) and UV light (0%). Second, six kinds of EOs from leaves of plants (Cryptomeria japonica, Cinnamomun osmophloeum, Clausena excavate, Gaultheria cumingiana, Cinnamomun brevipedunculatum and Melaleuca alternifolia) were applied with regard to larvicidal activity of F. taiwana larva. The results showed that larvicidal activity of EO is ranged as below: C. osmophloeum = C. excavate > M. alternifolia > G. cumingiana > C. japonica > C. brevipedunculatum. To be more specific, C. osmophloeum completely suppressed larvae activities with a concentration of 7.9 μg/cm2. EO from C. excavate, M.  
alternifolia, G. cumingiana and C. brevipedunculatum showed larvicidal activity with 0%, 20%, 50% and 86.7% of larvae survived with concentration of 15.8 μg/cm2. Third, the repellency of C. japonica, C. osmophloeum and C. excavate against F. taiwana were evaluated at EO concentration 20%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 1.75%. 15% DEET is positive control. The results reveal that the average repellency of C. japonica ranged as 40.9±15%, 59.1±13.2%, 55.1±5.9%, 47±4.9% and 37.9±6.5% in 120 mins, which are all higher than 15% DEET’s repellency: 24.2±24.8%. Also, C. osmophloeum exhibited the best repellent activity ranged as 66.1±6.7%, 68.9±5.3%, 51.5±5.5%, 26.7±29.9% and 41.8±11.1% in 120 min, which are all higher than 15% DEET’s repellency: 20.5±11.8%, either. Forth, the repellency of C. japonica, C. osmophloeum and C. excavate against Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Armigeres subalbatus were evaluated at EO concentration 20%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 1.75%. 15% DEET is positive control. The ANOVA statistics results showed that each kind of EO had repellency specificity toward different species of mosquitoes. For example, C. japonica had well repellency against Ae. aegypti, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus and Ar. subalbatus, yet it had repellency -2.7±22.4% and -7.4±23.7% toward Ae. albopictus at lower concentration 2.5% and 1.75% respectively, showed that it possessed attraction activity. Moreover, with Fisher least significant difference (LSD) Test, it showed that C. osmophloeum and C. japonica had higher repellency than C. excavate at high concentration 20% and 10%; besides, C. osmophloeum still exhibited highest repellency at low concentration 5%, 2.5% and 1.75%. Based on the above results, the EO of C. osmophloeum showed the greatest repellency. This study utilize the integrative concept of Push-Pull Control Strategy to determine the attraction rate of light trap toward F. taiwana adult in small scale and field study, the larvicidal activity of essential oils against F. taiwana larva, and the repellency of essential oils against F. taiwana adult and mosquito, providing an sustainable, feasible, and eco-friendly integrated methods for pest control. In the future, we expect that our promising findings can be widely applied into personal protection and outdoor environment control, in order to decrease the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases.

論文口試審定書 I
致謝 II
中文摘要 III
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1臺灣重要病媒蚊及其危害 1
1.2臺灣鋏蠓及其危害 2
1.3現行病媒蚊及臺灣鋏蠓防治方法與限制 3
1.3.1病媒蚊防治方法與限制 3
1.3.2臺灣鋏蠓防治方法與限制 6
第二章、 前人研究 9
2.1推拉防治策略及其應用 9
2.2物理性光源誘引蚊蟲之研究 13
2.3植物精油之蚊蟲忌避劑 14
2.3.1蚊蟲忌避劑之應用及歷史 14
2.3.2精油忌避蚊蟲原理 15
2.3.3植物精油忌避蚊蟲之研究 16
2.3.4臺灣植物精油忌避蚊蟲之研究 17
2.4植物精油之幼蟲毒殺劑 18
2.4.1植物精油毒殺幼蟲之研究 18
2.4.2臺灣植物精油毒殺幼蟲之研究 19
第三章、 材料與方法 21
3.1蚊蟲飼養 21
3.1.1病媒蚊 21
3.1.2臺灣鋏蠓 22
3.2物理性光源誘引試驗 23
3.2.1臺灣鋏蠓對不同波長燈光偏好性之比較 23
3.2.2田野試驗初探 24
3.3植物精油毒殺幼蟲活性 25
3.3.1臺灣植物精油 25
3.3.2精油萃取方法 26
3.3.3不同精油濃度之抗幼蟲活性 26
3.4植物精油忌避成蟲活性 27
3.4.1忌避裝置 27
3.4.2實驗方法 28
3.4.3不同精油濃度之忌避成蟲活性 30
3.5統計分析 31
第四章、 結果 32
4.1臺灣鋏蠓對物理性光源誘引偏好性分析 32
4.1.1臺灣鋏蠓對不同波長光源偏好性 32
4.1.2田野試驗初探 32
4.2植物精油對臺灣鋏蠓毒殺及忌避率之分析 33
4.2.1植物精油毒殺臺灣鋏蠓幼蟲活性 33
4.2.2植物精油忌避臺灣鋏蠓成蟲活性 34
4.2.3 植物精油種類對臺灣鋏蠓之半數忌避劑量ED50(%) 35
4.3植物精油對病媒蚊之忌避率分析 36
4.3.1 植物精油種類在不同濃度下之忌避率分析 37
4.3.2 植物精油種類對不同蚊種之半數忌避劑量ED50(%) 40
第五章、 討論 41
5.1臺灣鋏蠓物理性光源誘引偏好性分析 41
5.2植物精油對臺灣鋏蠓毒殺及忌避率分析 42
5.2.1植物精油毒殺臺灣鋏蠓幼蟲活性 42
5.2.2植物精油忌避臺灣鋏蠓成蟲活性 44
5.3植物精油對病媒蚊之忌避率分析 44
5.3.1 植物精油種類在不同濃度下之忌避率分析 44
5.3.2植物精油種類對不同蚊種之半數忌避劑量ED50(%) 45
參考文獻 47
圖目錄 55
表目錄 58
附錄 59

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