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研究生(外文):Pang-Ching Liu
論文名稱(外文):Crosslinked Electrospun Fibers Change Scaffold Mechanics and Mechanobiology
指導教授(外文):Pen-Hsiu Chao
口試委員(外文):Po-Ling KuoJia-Shing Yu
外文關鍵詞:electrospun fibercrosslinkingbondingtissue engineeringmechanobiology
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天然韌帶是由許多具有平行排列結構的膠原蛋白纖維所組成的,而我們先前的研究指出,將細胞種在此種結構的纖維支架可以讓細胞表現出較好的細胞外間質分泌,但是天然韌帶不單單是只有許多平行的膠原蛋白纖維所組成的,纖維在組織中並且互相交聯補強其結構,我們的實驗主要是做出具有交聯性質的纖維支架和探討其機械性質與細胞生理性質的影響。結果顯示出交聯的電紡纖維在垂直方向的機械性質有提升同時有保留原本電紡纖維的排列性,共軛焦顯微鏡顯示出細胞種在交聯的材料並不會改變原本的細胞型態,但在受到機械刺激後,tenascin-C 的基因表現有所改變,代表交聯後的纖維結構在受到拉伸時的反應不同,這說明了交聯的結構會降低在微環境中的形變。未來希望藉由調整電紡纖維的孔隙度和降低交聯的溫度來達到更理想的機械性質來研究細胞的表現。

Native ligament is formed by aligned wavy collagen fiber. Previous study has shown that cells have better ECM production on biomimetic wavy electrospun fiber scaffold. But only having architecture similarity is insufficient. Collagen fibers are cross-linked in native tissue which contribute to material’s properties. The aim of this study is to generate bonding fiber and investigate the influence of biomimetic bonded electropsun fibers on material’s mechanical properties and cell physiology. Our results show that bonded fiber has better mechanical properties in transverse stretch without changes in fiber scaffold morphology. Confocal image and mRNA expression also shows that cell has no significant change in morphology and phenotype in bonding fiber. And gene expression response of tenascin-C to mechanical stimulation is different in bond group, which means the bonded fiber has different strain transfer in loading. Future studies will change porosity of PLLA fiber and reduce bonded temperature to optimized mechanical properties of the scaffold and investigate cell’s phenotype.

List of Figure i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research objective 1
1.2 Ligament Tissue Engineering 1
1.3 Electrospinning 2
1.4 Bonding for Electrospun Fibers 2
1.5 Mechanical Stimulation 3
Chapter 2 Material and Method 4
2.1 Scaffold Preparation 4
2.2 Bonding Scaffold Preparation 5
2.3 Characterization of Electrospun fiber 5
2.4 Polymer characterization 6
2.6 Cell culture 7
2.7 RNA Extraction 7
2.8 Quantification of mRNA Levels 7
2.9 Cell Morphology 8
2.10 Statistical analysis 8
Chapter 3 Result 9
3.1 Mechanical Properties 9
3.2 Fiber Waviness Analysis 9
3.3 Cell morphology 10
3.4 Substrate and dynamic loading effects cell phenotype 10
3.5 Thermal analysis 11
Chapter 4 Disscussion 12

List of Figure

Figure 1. Definition of straightness parameter of fibers……………….................14
Figure 2. Stress-strain curve of straight and wavy fiber with and without bonding, toe region decrease in wavy-bonding group. 16
Figure 3. Mechanical properties of the fiber after treatment. 18
Figure 4. Waviness of each group. 19
Figure 5. Confocal image of cell morphology. 20
Figure 6. Cell morphology at original control group and PVA washout group within mRNA gene expression. 21
Figure 7. Tenascin-C and Collagen Type III mRNA expression of control and cyclic loading. 22
Figure 8. DSC heating scans in bonding group and non-bonding group at 10°C/ min. 23
Figure 9. PLLA electrospun fiber being stretched in non-bonding and bonding group. 24

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