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研究生(外文):Po-Wei Lee
論文名稱(外文):Understanding Users Behavior of Unreachable Interface on Large Mobile Screens and Assisted Targeting by Customization
指導教授(外文):Yen-Yang Chen
口試委員(外文):Neng-Hao YuHao-Ling Chen
外文關鍵詞:CustomizationAdaptable InterfaceMobile interfaceMobile devices
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隨著大型螢幕智慧型行動手機的廣泛流行,越來越多使用者在單 手操作時,沒有辦法點擊到需要的介面,而造成了難以觸擊(hard-to- access)的問題。為了解決這個問題,我們首先去了解使用者在操作這 些難以觸擊介面時的使用行為。從 32 位不同背景大螢幕手機使用者 的日常操作習慣中,我們發現,日常使用 APP 中,許多難以觸擊的介 面都發生在特定的介面類型(interface pattern),例如 87.5% 受訪者表 示導航列上的介面平均每天有 3 次以上發生難以觸擊的問題。我們利 用了使用者使用 APP 時會有日常固定操作習慣的現象,設計了行動介 面客製化互動,讓使用者透過一次性的客製設定,移動難以觸擊的介 面至自己方便點擊的區域,方便使用者點擊每日大量使用的難以觸擊 介面。除此之外,我們更進一步將我們設計實作在 iOS 導航列上,提 供給開發者易於使用、方便導入的客製化工具:Adaptable Navigation Bar,透過使用者測試證實在重複發生的難以觸擊問題上,我們的客製 化工具能幫助在可接受的互動成本下幫助使用者點擊難以觸擊的介面。 進一步與兩位設計師和一位工程師的使用回饋表示,我們的客製化工 具能有效解決難以觸擊(hard-to-access)的問題,並且易於立即使用 於現有的 APP 專案之中。

As large-screen smartphones are current trend, there are more interfaces elements on the screen are unreachable with single-handed usage. To under- stand users’ behaviors of targeting hard-to-access interfaces, we conducted the user study with 32 participants and found that most hard-to-access occurred on specific interface patterns, which were accessed frequently in daily usage. For example, 87.5% participants reported the navigation bar is hard- to-access and average occurring rate is over 3 times per day. Exploiting this habitual usage, we designed one-time UI customization to repositioned the heavy-usage interfaces to their comfortable region on large screen. Further, we implemented the UI customization on iOS navigation bar, Adaptable Navigation Bar , which decrease developer’s effort and ease-to-adapt to existing projects. From the feedback of 12 end-users, two designers and one developer, our UI customization is an well-potential solution to apply on current apps.

誌謝 i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 3
2.1 Assisting targeting mechanisms 3
2.2 Triggering assisting mode mechanisms 3
2.3 Performance enhancement by customization 4
3 Understanding users’ behaviour 5
4 design 8
4.1 Interaction for customization 8
4.2 Process of customization 9
5 Implementation 11
6 Evaluation 16
6.1 Result 17
7 Discussion with app creator 21
8 conclusion and future work 23
Bibliography 25

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