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研究生(外文):Cheng-Hsien Wu
論文名稱(外文):Analytic sex prediction in Taiwanese by using panoramic radiography of the mandible
指導教授(外文):Chun-Pin ChiangHsiao-Lin Hwa
外文關鍵詞:Forensic anthropologySexPanoramic radiographyTaiwanese
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本研究屬於一種 hospital-based study,使用立意抽樣法(purposing sampling)選取樣本,資料來源為 2012 年 1 月至 2014 年 12 月於國立國立臺灣大學附設醫院牙科部門診進行全口顎攝影的個案。研究收集 16 歲至 76 歲男性及女性全口顎影像資料,以 DICOM 軟體(RadiAnt DICOM Viewer)進行下顎骨影像上八個參數的測量。
本研究收集男女各 120 位影像資料的測量結果,並利用測量真實下顎骨上金屬貼片進行全口顎影像放大率的校正。受測者男性年齡範圍 16 至 75 歲,平均年齡 45.22 歲,平均總牙數為 27.84 顆,下顎骨上則為 13.94 顆,受測者女性年齡範圍為 16 至 76 歲,平均年齡為 45.4 歲,平均總牙數 27.82 顆,下顎骨為 13.91 顆,所有測量結果依照不同性別、年齡分層進行比較統計。研究結果顯示,全部下顎骨參數,不管校正前或校正後都和性別具有顯著相關,男性除了下顎角(gonial angle)平均值小於女性之外,其餘參數如下顎枝高(ramus height)、下顎投影枝高(projected ramus height)、下顎兩髁頭寬(bicondylar width)、下顎角寬(bigonial width)數值都較女性大,且具有顯著意義。校正前下顎骨參數以枝高最具有兩性雙形性,利用枝高單一參數建立迴歸公式的性別預測正確率為80.56%,而利用枝高、投影枝高組合的迴歸公式可得到較高的預測性別正確率83.33%。校正後下顎骨參數以兩髁頭寬較具有性別雙形性,利用單一參數兩髁頭寬預測性別正確率為 94.44%,男女性別分界值為 98.88mm,而利用兩髁頭寬和投影枝高組合來預測性別,正確率可達 91.67%。另研究指出年齡和下顎骨各參數皆不具有相關性,不管校正前後皆是如此,除了下顎角隨著年齡增長有稍微變小的趨勢外,其他參數則呈現波動之變化,並無一致的方向。

The sex and age are the major problems to be solved in identification of human remains by forensic physician. Skull is the most dimorphic skeleton, except bones of pelvis. Mandible is the most encountered human skeletal remains due to its robusticity in forensic practice. In the literature, the discrepancies were observed between different ethnic mandibular morphology. It needs to use individual ethnic database of mandible to identify sex or age of victims. To our knowledge, forensic anthropology of Taiwan lacks study about this as far. Therefore, this study expects to collect the mandibular morphologic datas of Taiwanese and establishes regression formulas to predict sex and age.
A hospital-based study with purposive sampling was conducted. The material included those who had undergone orthopantomography (OPT) in OPD of dental department of National Taiwan University Hospital from January, 2012 to December, 2014. The study included panoramic images of Taiwanese aged from 16 to 76 years old. Measurements were taken at eight parameters of mandibular images using DICOM software (RadiAnt DICOM Viewer).
In this study, the results of image data were collected including 120 male and 120 female. To adjust the magnification rate of panoramic radiography, the metal markers on mandibular bone was used. Male age ranged 16-75 years; mean 45.22 years; total average teeth number 27.84; residual mandibular teeth number 13.94 and female age ranged 16-76 years; mean 45.4 year; total average teeth number 27.82; residual mandibular teeth number 13.91. The measurement results were categorized according to sex and age classification to analyze. The results showed all parameters of mandible were sexual dimorphic significantly whatever adjustment or not. The mean values of ramus height, projected ramus height, bicondylar width and bigonial width of male is bigger than female significant statistically, besides mean gonial angle of female is bigger than male. The ramus height is the most sexual dimorphic among pre-adjusting mandibular parameters. The predictive accuracy of gender is 80.56% with the regressive formula created by using unique ramus height. And the predictive accuracy of gender is higher , 83.33%, with combination of ramus height and projected ramus height. Bicondylar width is more sexual dimorphic among post-adjusting mandibular parameters. The predictive accuracy of gender is 94.44% with unique bicondylar width. And the demarking point of gender is 98.88mm. Using the bicondylar width and projected ramus height together to predict gender, the accuracy is up to 91.67%. But the research indicated the mandibular parameters were not significant related to age, no matter what adjusting or not. Although gonial angle decreased slightly as aged, other parameters had no consistent trends with age.
In our study, we established the relation between mandibular morphology of Taiwanese and gender or age, and developed a logistic regression formula of mandibular parameters with gender. The regression formula is valuable to apply in identifying human gender and could be used as an accessorial tool to elevate the predictive accuracy of gender without using the foreign database.

國立台灣大學碩士學位論文.................................. I
誌謝.................................................. II
中文摘要.............................................. III
ENGLISH ABSTRACT............................................... V
第一章 緒論.......................................... 1
第一節 前言.......................................... 1
人類殘骸的人身鑑定 ...................................... 1
第二節 研究背景與文獻回顧.............................. 2
醫學影像使用............................................ 2
下顎骨特徵點............................................ 5
下顎枝高 (ramus height)................................ 5
下顎角 (gonial angle)................................. 7
下顎兩髁寬 (bicondylar width).......................... 9
下顎角寬(bigonial width)............................... 10
影響下顎骨形態的原因.................................... 11
過去台灣相關文獻........................................ 13
第三節 研究目的.................................... 14
第二章 研究材料與方法................................ 17
第一節 研究材料.................................... 17
第二節 研究方法.................................... 18
全口顎攝影影像界標點及測量參數........................... 18
測量方式............................................... 18
校正影像扭曲放大的頭顱骨使用............................. 19
方法確效............................................... 20
統計分析............................................... 20
第三章 實驗結果..................................... 21
第一節 影像參數測量方法重測信度試驗.................... 21
第二節 受測者分析................................... 21
第三節 測量結果分析.................................. 22
影像放大率............................................. 22
下顎骨各參數資料........................................ 22
資料預檢............................................... 22
年齡層和下顎骨參數關係.................................. 23
實際年齡與下顎骨參數線性迴歸............................. 23
性別和下顎骨參數關係.................................... 23
性別與下顎骨參數邏輯迴歸................................. 24
第四章 討論......................................... 27
第一節 研究結果討論.................................. 27
方法確效............................................... 27
影像放大率............................................. 27
年齡和下顎骨參數........................................ 28
性別與下顎骨參數........................................ 30
第二節 研究限制討論.................................. 32
第五章 結論與展望.................................... 35
參考文獻............................................... 37
附件一 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院研究倫理委員會審查同意核備函 ..................................................... 107
附件二 一東大體實習室大體老師之研究運用申請計畫.......... 109

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[83] 丁细藩, & 莫世泰. (1993). 华南地区现代人下颌角的相关因素分析. 人类学学报, 12(3), 287-293.
[84] 于蜀良, & 李惠仙. (1999). 不同民族正常成人容貌正面形态的比较分析. 东牙病防治, 7(2), 146-146.
[85] 大国勉. (1990). 歯骨個人識別. Tokyo:  pp. 234
[86] 小川好則, 宮[1]Abu Taleb, N. S., & El Beshlawy, D. M. (2015). Mandibular Ramus and Gonial Angle Measurements as Predictors of Sex and Age in an Egyptian Population Sample: A Digital Panoramic Study. Journal of Forensic Research, 06(05). doi:10.4172/2157-7145.1000308
[2]Akhlaghi, M., Khalighi, Z., Vasigh, S., & Yousefinejad, V. (2014). Sex determination using mandibular anthropometric parameters in subadult Iranian samples. J Forensic Leg Med, 22, 150-153.
[3]Al Shamout, R., Ammoush, M., Alrbata, R., & Al Habahbah, A. (2012). Age and gender differences in gonial angle, ramus height and bigonial width in dentate subjects. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 32(1).
[4]Amir, Ć., Asja, C. e., Melita, V. P., Adnan, Ć., Vjekoslav, J., & Muretić, I. (1998). Evaluation of the precision of dimensional measurements of the mandible on panoramic radiographs. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 86(2), 242-248.
[5]Arora, H., Jain, V., Pai, K. M., & Kamboj, R. (2013). Precision of dimensional measurements of mandible in different positions on orthopantomogram. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(1), 48.
[6]Ayoub, F., Rizk, A., Yehya, M., Cassia, A., Chartouni, S., Atiyeh, F., & Majzoub, Z. (2009). Sexual dimorphism of mandibular angle in a Lebanese sample. J Forensic Leg Med, 16(3), 121-124. doi:10.1016/j.jflm.2008.07.014
[7]Ayoub, F., Yehia, M., Rizk, A., Al Tannir, M., Abi Farah, A., & Hamadeh, G. (2008). Forensic norms of female and male Lebanese adults. J Forensic Odontostomatol, 26(1), 18-23.
[8]Balci, Y., Yavuz, M., & Cağdir, S. (2005). Predictive accuracy of sexing the mandible by ramus flexure. HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 55(3), 229-237.
[9]Bhardwaj, D. (2014). Radiographic Evaluation of Mandible to Predict the Gender and Age. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. doi:10.7860/jcdr/2014/9497.5045
[10]Bhullar, M. K., Uppal, A. S., Kochhar, G. K., Chachra, S., & Kochhar, A. S. (2014). Comparison of gonial angle determination from cephalograms and orthopantomogram. Indian Journal of Dentistry, 5(3), 123.
[11]Chang, H. P. (1985). A study of the facial configuration of Chinese. Gaoxiong Yi Xue Ke Xue Za Zhi, 1(6), 365-376.
[12]CHANG, H. P., LIU, P. H., Yang, Y. H., Lin, H. C., & CHANG, C. H. (2006). Craniofacial morphometric analysis of mandibular prognathism. J Oral Rehabil, 33(3), 183-193.
[13]Chole, R. H., Patil, R. N., Balsaraf Chole, S., Gondivkar, S., Gadbail, A. R., & Yuwanati, M. B. (2013). Association of mandible anatomy with age, gender, and dental status: a radiographic study. ISRN Radiol, 2013, 453763. doi:10.5402/2013/453763
[14]de Oliveira, F. T., Soares, M. Q., Sarmento, V. A., Rubira, C. M., Lauris, J. R., & Rubira Bullen, I. R. (2015). Mandibular ramus length as an indicator of chronological age and sex. Int J Legal Med, 129(1), 195-201. doi:10.1007/s00414-014-1077-y
[15]de Oliveira Gamba, T., Alves, M. C., & Haiter Neto, F. (2016). Mandibular sexual dimorphism analysis in CBCT scans. J Forensic Leg Med, 38, 106-110.
[16]Dolinak, D., Matshes, E., & Lew, E. O. (2005). Forensic pathology: principles and practice: Academic Press pp. 555-583
[17]Dong, H., Deng, M., Wang, W., Zhang, J., Mu, J., & Zhu, G. (2015). Sexual dimorphism of the mandible in a contemporary Chinese Han population. Forensic Sci Int, 255, 9-15.
[18]Dutra, V., Yang, J., Devlin, H., & Susin, C. (2004). Mandibular bone remodelling in adults: evaluation of panoramic radiographs. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 33(5), 323-328. doi:10.1259/dmfr/17685970
[19]Enlow, D. H., Hans, M. G., 曹, 甜., & 林, 久. (2012). 颅面生长发育学. 北京市: 北京大學醫學出版社 pp. 8
[20]Fabian, F., & Mpembeni, R. (2004). Sexual dimorphism in the mandibles of a homogenius black population of Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science, 28(2), 47-54.
[21]Franklin, D., O''Higgins, P., Oxnard, C. E., & Dadour, I. (2006). Determination of sex in South African blacks by discriminant function analysis of mandibular linear dimensions. Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 2(4), 263-268.
[22]Franklin, D., O’Higgins, P., Oxnard, C. E., & Dadour, I. (2008). Discriminant function sexing of the mandible of indigenous South Africans. Forensic Sci Int, 179(1), 84. e81-84. e85.
[23]Frommer, H. H., & Stabulas Savage, J. J. (2014). Radiology for the dental professional: Elsevier Health Sciences pp.
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[26]Hichijo, N., Kawai, N., Mori, H., Sano, R., Ohnuki, Y., Okumura, S., . . . Tanaka, E. (2014). Effects of the masticatory demand on the rat mandibular development. J Oral Rehabil, 41(8), 581-587.
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[29]Hu, K. S., Koh, K. S., Han, S. H., Shin, K. J., & Kim, H. J. (2006). Sex determination using nonmetric characteristics of the mandible in Koreans. J Forensic Sci, 51(6), 1376-1382.
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[33]İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Ersan, N., Dölekoğlu, S., & Fişekçioğlu, E. (2014). Measurements of the foramen magnum and mandible in relation to sex using CBCT. J Forensic Sci, 59(3), 601-605.
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[82]丁家明. (1988). 国人下颌骨测量. 川北医学院学报, 1, 003.
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[84]于蜀良, & 李惠仙. (1999). 不同民族正常成人容貌正面形态的比较分析. 东牙病防治, 7(2), 146-146.
[85]大国勉. (1990). 歯骨個人識別. Tokyo:  pp. 234
[86]小川好則, 宮[1]Abu Taleb, N. S., & El Beshlawy, D. M. (2015). Mandibular Ramus and Gonial Angle Measurements as Predictors of Sex and Age in an Egyptian Population Sample: A Digital Panoramic Study. Journal of Forensic Research, 06(05). doi:10.4172/2157-7145.1000308
[2]Akhlaghi, M., Khalighi, Z., Vasigh, S., & Yousefinejad, V. (2014). Sex determination using mandibular anthropometric parameters in subadult Iranian samples. J Forensic Leg Med, 22, 150-153.
[3]Al Shamout, R., Ammoush, M., Alrbata, R., & Al Habahbah, A. (2012). Age and gender differences in gonial angle, ramus height and bigonial width in dentate subjects. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 32(1).
[4]Amir, Ć., Asja, C. e., Melita, V. P., Adnan, Ć., Vjekoslav, J., & Muretić, I. (1998). Evaluation of the precision of dimensional measurements of the mandible on panoramic radiographs. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 86(2), 242-248.
[5]Arora, H., Jain, V., Pai, K. M., & Kamboj, R. (2013). Precision of dimensional measurements of mandible in different positions on orthopantomogram. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(1), 48.
[6]Ayoub, F., Rizk, A., Yehya, M., Cassia, A., Chartouni, S., Atiyeh, F., & Majzoub, Z. (2009). Sexual dimorphism of mandibular angle in a Lebanese sample. J Forensic Leg Med, 16(3), 121-124. doi:10.1016/j.jflm.2008.07.014
[7]Ayoub, F., Yehia, M., Rizk, A., Al Tannir, M., Abi Farah, A., & Hamadeh, G. (2008). Forensic norms of female and male Lebanese adults. J Forensic Odontostomatol, 26(1), 18-23.
[8]Balci, Y., Yavuz, M., & Cağdir, S. (2005). Predictive accuracy of sexing the mandible by ramus flexure. HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 55(3), 229-237.
[9]Bhardwaj, D. (2014). Radiographic Evaluation of Mandible to Predict the Gender and Age. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. doi:10.7860/jcdr/2014/9497.5045
[10]Bhullar, M. K., Uppal, A. S., Kochhar, G. K., Chachra, S., & Kochhar, A. S. (2014). Comparison of gonial angle determination from cephalograms and orthopantomogram. Indian Journal of Dentistry, 5(3), 123.
[11]Chang, H. P. (1985). A study of the facial configuration of Chinese. Gaoxiong Yi Xue Ke Xue Za Zhi, 1(6), 365-376.
[12]CHANG, H. P., LIU, P. H., Yang, Y. H., Lin, H. C., & CHANG, C. H. (2006). Craniofacial morphometric analysis of mandibular prognathism. J Oral Rehabil, 33(3), 183-193.
[13]Chole, R. H., Patil, R. N., Balsaraf Chole, S., Gondivkar, S., Gadbail, A. R., & Yuwanati, M. B. (2013). Association of mandible anatomy with age, gender, and dental status: a radiographic study. ISRN Radiol, 2013, 453763. doi:10.5402/2013/453763
[14]de Oliveira, F. T., Soares, M. Q., Sarmento, V. A., Rubira, C. M., Lauris, J. R., & Rubira Bullen, I. R. (2015). Mandibular ramus length as an indicator of chronological age and sex. Int J Legal Med, 129(1), 195-201. doi:10.1007/s00414-014-1077-y
[15]de Oliveira Gamba, T., Alves, M. C., & Haiter Neto, F. (2016). Mandibular sexual dimorphism analysis in CBCT scans. J Forensic Leg Med, 38, 106-110.
[16]Dolinak, D., Matshes, E., & Lew, E. O. (2005). Forensic pathology: principles and practice: Academic Press pp. 555-583
[17]Dong, H., Deng, M., Wang, W., Zhang, J., Mu, J., & Zhu, G. (2015). Sexual dimorphism of the mandible in a contemporary Chinese Han population. Forensic Sci Int, 255, 9-15.
[18]Dutra, V., Yang, J., Devlin, H., & Susin, C. (2004). Mandibular bone remodelling in adults: evaluation of panoramic radiographs. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 33(5), 323-328. doi:10.1259/dmfr/17685970
[19]Enlow, D. H., Hans, M. G., 曹, 甜., & 林, 久. (2012). 颅面生长发育学. 北京市: 北京大學醫學出版社 pp. 8
[20]Fabian, F., & Mpembeni, R. (2004). Sexual dimorphism in the mandibles of a homogenius black population of Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science, 28(2), 47-54.
[21]Franklin, D., O''Higgins, P., Oxnard, C. E., & Dadour, I. (2006). Determination of sex in South African blacks by discriminant function analysis of mandibular linear dimensions. Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 2(4), 263-268.
[22]Franklin, D., O’Higgins, P., Oxnard, C. E., & Dadour, I. (2008). Discriminant function sexing of the mandible of indigenous South Africans. Forensic Sci Int, 179(1), 84. e81-84. e85.
[23]Frommer, H. H., & Stabulas Savage, J. J. (2014). Radiology for the dental professional: Elsevier Health Sciences pp.
[24]Giles, E. (1964). Sex determination by discriminant function analysis of the mandible. Am J Phys Anthropol, 22(2), 129-135.
[25]Hans, M. G. (2014, May-June) An interview with Mark G. Hans/Interviewer: J. M. P. Ana Maria Bolognese, Kunihiko Miyashita, Lincoln Issamu Nojima, Matilde da Cunha Gonçalves Nojima. (Vol 19(3)), Dental Press J Orthod.
[26]Hichijo, N., Kawai, N., Mori, H., Sano, R., Ohnuki, Y., Okumura, S., . . . Tanaka, E. (2014). Effects of the masticatory demand on the rat mandibular development. J Oral Rehabil, 41(8), 581-587.
[27]Hsiao, T. H., Chang, H. P., & Liu, K. M. (1996). Sex determination by discriminant function analysis of lateral radiographic cephalometry. J Forensic Sci, 41(5), 792-795.
[28]Hsiao, T. H., Tsai, S. M., Chou, S. T., Pan, J. Y., Tseng, Y. C., Chang, H. P., & Chen, H. S. (2010). Sex determination using discriminant function analysis in children and adolescents: a lateral cephalometric study. Int J Legal Med, 124(2), 155-160.
[29]Hu, K. S., Koh, K. S., Han, S. H., Shin, K. J., & Kim, H. J. (2006). Sex determination using nonmetric characteristics of the mandible in Koreans. J Forensic Sci, 51(6), 1376-1382.
[30]Hunter, W. S., & Garn, S. M. (1972). Disproportionate sexual dimorphism in the human face. Am J Phys Anthropol, 36(1), 133-138.
[31]Hutchinson, E. F., Farella, M., & Kramer, B. (2015). Importance of teeth in maintaining the morphology of the adult mandible in humans. European journal of oral sciences, 123(5), 341-349.
[32]Huumonen, S., Sipila, K., Haikola, B., Tapio, M., Soderholm, A. L., Remes Lyly, T., . . . Raustia, A. M. (2010). Influence of edentulousness on gonial angle, ramus and condylar height. J Oral Rehabil, 37(1), 34-38. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2842.2009.02022.x
[33]İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Ersan, N., Dölekoğlu, S., & Fişekçioğlu, E. (2014). Measurements of the foramen magnum and mandible in relation to sex using CBCT. J Forensic Sci, 59(3), 601-605.
[34]İşcan, M. Y. (2005). Forensic anthropology of sex and body size. Forensic Sci Int, 147(2), 107-112.
[35]İşcan, M. Y., & Steyn, M. (1999). Craniometric determination of population affinity in South Africans. Int J Legal Med, 112(2), 91-97.
[36]İşcan, M. Y., Yoshino, M., & Kato, S. (1995). Sexual dimorphism in modern Japanese crania. American journal of human biology, 7(4), 459-464.
[37]Jensen, E., & Palling, M. (1954). The gonial angle: A survey. American Journal of Orthodontics, 40(2), 120-133.
[38]Joo, J. K., Lim, Y. J., Kwon, H. B., & Ahn, S. J. (2013). Panoramic radiographic evaluation of the mandibular morphological changes in elderly dentate and edentulous subjects. Acta Odontol Scand, 71(2), 357-362. doi:10.3109/00016357.2012.690446
[39]Juodzbalys, G., & Wang, H. L. (2010). Identification of the mandibular vital structures: practical clinical applications of anatomy and radiological examination methods. Journal of oral & maxillofacial research, 1(2), e1.
[40]Kano, T., Oritani, S., Michiue, T., Ishikawa, T., Hishmat, A. M., Sogawa, N., . . . Maeda, H. (2015). Postmortem CT morphometry with a proposal of novel parameters for sex discrimination of the mandible using Japanese adult data. Legal Medicine, 17(3), 167-171.
[41]Kawashima, W. (2013). A New Quantitative Multi-parameter Method Improves the Accuracy of Age Estimation from Oral Findings. (Ph.D.), 奈良県立医科大学
[42]Keerthi, G., David, C. M., Ramnarayan, B., Sanjay, C., Ramya, T., & Dhir, P. (2015). Evaluation of Precision of Dimensional Measurements of the Mandible on Panoramic Radiographs: A Digital Radiographic Study.
[43]Kharoshah, M. A. A., Almadani, O., Ghaleb, S. S., Zaki, M. K., & Fattah, Y. A. A. (2010). Sexual dimorphism of the mandible in a modern Egyptian population. J Forensic Leg Med, 17(4), 213-215.
[44]Kieser, J. (1999). Biomechanics of masticatory force production. Journal of Human Evolution, 36(5), 575-579. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jhev.1999.0297
[45]Krishan, K. (2007). Anthropometry in forensic medicine and forensic science-''Forensic Anthropometry''. The Internet Journal of Forensic Science, 2(1), 95-97.
[46]Leversha, J., McKeough, G., Myrteza, A., Skjellrup-Wakefiled, H., Welsh, J., & Sholapurkar, A. (2016). Age and gender correlation of gonial angle, ramus height and bigonial width in dentate subjects in a dental school in Far North Queensland. J Clin Exp Dent, 0-0. doi:10.4317/jced.52683
[47]Lin, C., Jiao, B., Liu, S., Guan, F., Chung, N.-E., Han, S.-H., & Lee, U.-Y. (2014). Sex determination from the mandibular ramus flexure of Koreans by discrimination function analysis using three-dimensional mandible models. Forensic Sci Int, 236, 191. e191-191. e196.
[48]Lin, C., Jiao, B., Liu, S., Guan, F., Chung, N. E., Han, S. H., & Lee, U. Y. (2014). Sex determination from the mandibular ramus flexure of Koreans by discrimination function analysis using three-dimensional mandible models. Forensic Sci Int, 236, 191. e191-191. e196.
[49]Lin, S. J., & Hung, C. H. (1997). The relationship between gonial angle and age in adult Taiwanese. CHINESE DENTAL JOURNAL, 16, 1-6.
[50]Marinescu, M., Panaitescu, V., & Rosu, M. (2013). Sex determination in Romanian mandible using discriminant function analysis: Comparative results of a time-efficient method. Rom J Leg Med, 21(4), 305-308.
[51]Martin, R., & Saller, K. (1957). Lehrbuch der Anthropologie : in systematischer Darstellung. Stuttgart: Fischer pp.
[52]MATTILA, K., ALTONEN, M., & HAAVIKKO, K. (1977). Determination of the gonial angle from the orthopantomogram. The Angle orthodontist, 47(2), 107-110.
[53]Michael, C. G., Javid, N. S., Colaizzi, F. A., & Gibbs, C. H. (1990). Biting strength and chewing forces in complete denture wearers. J Prosthet Dent, 63(5), 549-553.
[54]Naikmasur, V. G., Shrivastava, R., & Mutalik, S. (2010). Determination of sex in South Indians and immigrant Tibetans from cephalometric analysis and discriminant functions. Forensic Sci Int, 197(1-3), 122.e121-126. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2009.12.052
[55]Nikneshan, S., Sharafi, M., & Emadi, N. (2013). Evaluation of the accuracy of linear and angular measurements on panoramic radiographs taken at different positions. Imaging Sci Dent, 43(3), 191-196. doi:10.5624/isd.2013.43.3.191
[56]Ogawa, Y., Imaizumi, K., Miyasaka, S., & Yoshino, M. (2013). Discriminant functions for sex estimation of modern Japanese skulls. J Forensic Leg Med, 20(4), 234-238.
[57]Oksayan, R., Asarkaya, B., Palta, N., Simsek, I., Sokucu, O., & Isman, E. (2014). Effects of edentulism on mandibular morphology: evaluation of panoramic radiographs. ScientificWorldJournal, 2014, 254932. doi:10.1155/2014/254932
[58]Ongkosuwito, E., Dieleman, M., Kuijpers-Jagtman, A.-M., Mulder, P., & van Neck, J. (2009). Linear mandibular measurements: comparison between orthopantomograms and lateral cephalograms. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 46(2), 147-153.
[59]Osato, S., & Hiratsuka, K. (1994). Changes in condylar and mandibular angles with growth and aging. 歯科基礎医学会雑誌, 36(3), 230-238.
[60]Pan, J. Y., Chou, S. T., Chang, H. P., & Liu, P. H. (2006). Morphometric analysis of the mandible in subjects with Class III malocclusion. The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences, 22(7), 331-338.
[61]Payne James, J., & Simpson, K. (2011). Simpson''s forensic medicine: CRC Press pp. 36
[62]Rösing, F. W., Graw, M., Marré, B., Ritz-Timme, S., Rothschild, M., Rötzscher, K., . . . Geserick, G. (2007). Recommendations for the forensic diagnosis of sex and age from skeletons. HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 58(1), 75-89.
[63]Rai, B., Krishan, K., Kaur, J., & Anand, S. C. (2008). Technical note: Age estimation from mandible by lateral cephalogram: a preliminary study. J Forensic Odontostomatol, 26(1), 24-28.
[64]Saini, V., Srivastava, R., Rai, R. K., Shamal, S. N., Singh, T. B., & Tripathi, S. K. (2011). Mandibular ramus: an indicator for sex in fragmentary mandible. J Forensic Sci, 56(s1).
[65]Saini, V., Srivastava, R., Shamal, S. N., Singh, T., Pandey, A. K., & Tripathi, S. K. (2011). Sex determination using mandibular ramus flexure: a preliminary study on Indian population. J Forensic Leg Med, 18(5), 208-212.
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[68]Shilpa, B., Srivastava, S., Sharma, R., & Sudha, C. (2014). Combined Effect of Age and Sex on the Gonial Angle of Mandible in North-Indian Population. Journal of Surgical Academia, 4(2), 14-20.
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[38]Joo, J. K., Lim, Y. J., Kwon, H. B., & Ahn, S. J. (2013). Panoramic radiographic evaluation of the mandibular morphological changes in elderly dentate and edentulous subjects. Acta Odontol Scand, 71(2), 357-362. doi:10.3109/00016357.2012.690446
[39]Juodzbalys, G., & Wang, H. L. (2010). Identification of the mandibular vital structures: practical clinical applications of anatomy and radiological examination methods. Journal of oral & maxillofacial research, 1(2), e1.
[40]Kano, T., Oritani, S., Michiue, T., Ishikawa, T., Hishmat, A. M., Sogawa, N., . . . Maeda, H. (2015). Postmortem CT morphometry with a proposal of novel parameters for sex discrimination of the mandible using Japanese adult data. Legal Medicine, 17(3), 167-171.
[41]Kawashima, W. (2013). A New Quantitative Multi-parameter Method Improves the Accuracy of Age Estimation from Oral Findings. (Ph.D.), 奈良県立医科大学
[42]Keerthi, G., David, C. M., Ramnarayan, B., Sanjay, C., Ramya, T., & Dhir, P. (2015). Evaluation of Precision of Dimensional Measurements of the Mandible on Panoramic Radiographs: A Digital Radiographic Study.
[43]Kharoshah, M. A. A., Almadani, O., Ghaleb, S. S., Zaki, M. K., & Fattah, Y. A. A. (2010). Sexual dimorphism of the mandible in a modern Egyptian population. J Forensic Leg Med, 17(4), 213-215.
[44]Kieser, J. (1999). Biomechanics of masticatory force production. Journal of Human Evolution, 36(5), 575-579. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jhev.1999.0297
[45]Krishan, K. (2007). Anthropometry in forensic medicine and forensic science-''Forensic Anthropometry''. The Internet Journal of Forensic Science, 2(1), 95-97.
[46]Leversha, J., McKeough, G., Myrteza, A., Skjellrup-Wakefiled, H., Welsh, J., & Sholapurkar, A. (2016). Age and gender correlation of gonial angle, ramus height and bigonial width in dentate subjects in a dental school in Far North Queensland. J Clin Exp Dent, 0-0. doi:10.4317/jced.52683
[47]Lin, C., Jiao, B., Liu, S., Guan, F., Chung, N.-E., Han, S.-H., & Lee, U.-Y. (2014). Sex determination from the mandibular ramus flexure of Koreans by discrimination function analysis using three-dimensional mandible models. Forensic Sci Int, 236, 191. e191-191. e196.
[48]Lin, C., Jiao, B., Liu, S., Guan, F., Chung, N. E., Han, S. H., & Lee, U. Y. (2014). Sex determination from the mandibular ramus flexure of Koreans by discrimination function analysis using three-dimensional mandible models. Forensic Sci Int, 236, 191. e191-191. e196.
[49]Lin, S. J., & Hung, C. H. (1997). The relationship between gonial angle and age in adult Taiwanese. CHINESE DENTAL JOURNAL, 16, 1-6.
[50]Marinescu, M., Panaitescu, V., & Rosu, M. (2013). Sex determination in Romanian mandible using discriminant function analysis: Comparative results of a time-efficient method. Rom J Leg Med, 21(4), 305-308.
[51]Martin, R., & Saller, K. (1957). Lehrbuch der Anthropologie : in systematischer Darstellung. Stuttgart: Fischer pp.
[52]MATTILA, K., ALTONEN, M., & HAAVIKKO, K. (1977). Determination of the gonial angle from the orthopantomogram. The Angle orthodontist, 47(2), 107-110.
[53]Michael, C. G., Javid, N. S., Colaizzi, F. A., & Gibbs, C. H. (1990). Biting strength and chewing forces in complete denture wearers. J Prosthet Dent, 63(5), 549-553.
[54]Naikmasur, V. G., Shrivastava, R., & Mutalik, S. (2010). Determination of sex in South Indians and immigrant Tibetans from cephalometric analysis and discriminant functions. Forensic Sci Int, 197(1-3), 122.e121-126. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2009.12.052
[55]Nikneshan, S., Sharafi, M., & Emadi, N. (2013). Evaluation of the accuracy of linear and angular measurements on panoramic radiographs taken at different positions. Imaging Sci Dent, 43(3), 191-196. doi:10.5624/isd.2013.43.3.191
[56]Ogawa, Y., Imaizumi, K., Miyasaka, S., & Yoshino, M. (2013). Discriminant functions for sex estimation of modern Japanese skulls. J Forensic Leg Med, 20(4), 234-238.
[57]Oksayan, R., Asarkaya, B., Palta, N., Simsek, I., Sokucu, O., & Isman, E. (2014). Effects of edentulism on mandibular morphology: evaluation of panoramic radiographs. ScientificWorldJournal, 2014, 254932. doi:10.1155/2014/254932
[58]Ongkosuwito, E., Dieleman, M., Kuijpers-Jagtman, A.-M., Mulder, P., & van Neck, J. (2009). Linear mandibular measurements: comparison between orthopantomograms and lateral cephalograms. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 46(2), 147-153.
[59]Osato, S., & Hiratsuka, K. (1994). Changes in condylar and mandibular angles with growth and aging. 歯科基礎医学会雑誌, 36(3), 230-238.
[60]Pan, J. Y., Chou, S. T., Chang, H. P., & Liu, P. H. (2006). Morphometric analysis of the mandible in subjects with Class III malocclusion. The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences, 22(7), 331-338.
[61]Payne James, J., & Simpson, K. (2011). Simpson''s forensic medicine: CRC Press pp. 36
[62]Rösing, F. W., Graw, M., Marré, B., Ritz-Timme, S., Rothschild, M., Rötzscher, K., . . . Geserick, G. (2007). Recommendations for the forensic diagnosis of sex and age from skeletons. HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 58(1), 75-89.
[63]Rai, B., Krishan, K., Kaur, J., & Anand, S. C. (2008). Technical note: Age estimation from mandible by lateral cephalogram: a preliminary study. J Forensic Odontostomatol, 26(1), 24-28.
[64]Saini, V., Srivastava, R., Rai, R. K., Shamal, S. N., Singh, T. B., & Tripathi, S. K. (2011). Mandibular ramus: an indicator for sex in fragmentary mandible. J Forensic Sci, 56(s1).
[65]Saini, V., Srivastava, R., Shamal, S. N., Singh, T., Pandey, A. K., & Tripathi, S. K. (2011). Sex determination using mandibular ramus flexure: a preliminary study on Indian population. J Forensic Leg Med, 18(5), 208-212.
[66]Saukko, P., & Knight, B. (2004). Knight''s Forensic Pathology: CRC Press pp. 98-111
[67]Shahabi, M., Ramazanzadeh, B.-A., & Mokhber, N. (2009). Comparison between the external gonial angle in panoramic radiographs and lateral cephalograms of adult patients with Class I malocclusion. J Oral Sci, 51(3), 425-429.
[68]Shilpa, B., Srivastava, S., Sharma, R., & Sudha, C. (2014). Combined Effect of Age and Sex on the Gonial Angle of Mandible in North-Indian Population. Journal of Surgical Academia, 4(2), 14-20.
[69]Silver, W. E., & Souviron, R. R. (2009). Dental autopsy: CRC Press pp.
[70]Singh, R., Mishra, S. R., Passey, J., Kumar, P., Singh, S., Sinha, P., & Gupta, S. (2015). Sexual Dimorphism in Adult Human Mandible of North Indian Origin. Forensic Medicine and Anatomy Research, 3(03), 82.
[71]Spitz, W. U., & Spitz, D. J. (2006). Spitz and Fisher''s medicolegal investigation of death: guidelines for the application of pathology to crime investigation: Charles C Thomas Publisher pp. 192-214
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